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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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You were terminated on the 14th of June 2012 as argued by Rangers FC at the commission and recorded in the decision that you proudly trumpet and have displayed in your signature ... ya moron !!!

p.s. Youngsy is way more capable at this than you ... you clown.

Is Tedi John Connor?

What a fanny you are :lol: Terminated indeed :lol:

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Yup one company/society/club dying a death and new one being formed ... very prevalent.

There's one plying it's trade in Division 3, only it's pretending it didn't happen. ;)

Are you now going to answer the question regarding the SFA breaking their own rule Youngsy or will you simply continue avoiding giving your opinion on it's meaning, relationship to the SPL participation and whether or not Rangers ceased participating in the SPL (as per Chuckie and Rangers claim to the Commision ) on the 14 June 2012.

Or will you simply continue deflecting and giving your honest opinion?

(ETA - If the club and company are separate why the rigmarole to rename the oldco and newco. Why do you think Chuckie went to so much trouble?)

I can see where your coming from as to whether the SFA circumvented their own rule but tbh i can't find any statement from the SFA that the membership was terminated on 14/06/2012. Only article i can find is attributed to Green on that date as regards SPL membership which according to the three man SPL Commission he is wrong as they state that in their words; "Oldco was one of the founder members of the SPL,and remained a member until 3rd August 2012,when the members approved the registration of a transfer of it's share in the SPL to The Dundee Football Club Limited".

To be a member of the SPL there would have to be full membership of the SFA as far as i'm aware. Also bear in mind transfer was accepted of the SFA membership from Oldco to Newco,which was ratified on 3rd August 2012 with the 5 way agreement of SFA,SPL,SFL,Oldco and Newco so the full membership must have been valid to transfer over.

If the SFA did terminate full membership from Oldco on 14/06/2012 then if that's the case they possibly have circumvented their rule. But as i say i can't say that i have read a full unabridged statement from the SFA on membership termination.

Edited by youngsy
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RAGING Rangers yesterday claimed they should be at the centre of league reconstruction talks – but they don't even have a vote on the way forward.

Dawn of a new era: Scottish football chiefs' joy as clubs agree new 12-12-18 league structure.

Charles Green's Rangers were only granted entry to the SFL last summer following their meltdown – on condition they start in Division Three as associate members. They are therefore rightfully excluded from voting for four seasons and will not be polled when SFL clubs go to the ballot on reconstruction at an egm, most likely next month.

The SFL needs 22 of its 29 members with full voting rights to go with the change and clubs will pore over details of yesterday's talks before the egm is called.

A Scottish League spokesman said:"As an associate member, Rangers will have no voting rights on the new structure."

One SFL insider said: "It's a bit cheeky of Rangers to ask to be involved in talks when they don't even have a vote.

"The league was well represented at the talks by the SFL board. Details will be digested but it's unlikely the proposals will be rejected once an egm is called."

Full Article. smile.gif

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The Rangers (newborn toddler) not allowed in to hear the adults discussions .... run along and play with your toys and leave the grown ups to talk business.


This is hilarious ... how long before Chuckie is bleating and throwing a tantrum?

Karma forever. laugh.gif

Tbh i'm quite bored with it all and just sometimes i'd like to come on for some banter,that's all. Nothing wrong with that is there.

Nothing wrong with that at all Mason Boyne. However, up until a few days ago most of The Cloned Rangers fans on here were telling everyone that they were enjoying supporting The Cloned Rangers that plays in the bottom tier of Scottish football and that it was much more exciting than supporting the old corrupt cheating Rangers that they supported before it was liquidated due to cheating both on and off the field of play. smile.gif

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I have never stated that the transfer did not take place and you are correct that it did - rightly or wrongly.

Tedi's triumphalist pish and brow beating of posters demanding proof that the SFA and SPL acted incorrectly is catalyst for my posts.

Whether the SFA broke their own rule hinges on whether or not they were still participants and members of the SPL at the time the SFA transferred the licence.

Make no mistake the SPL and the SFA simply acted of self preservation given the revenue television monies channel into the league and they worked behind the scenes to ensure the fate that would have happened to any other club (bar Celtic as I have no illusions or pretences that we would not have received the same preferential treatment) did not befall Rangers.

As to whether the SPL and SFA ignored the the date that the SPL should have terminated the participation of Rangers in the league in manifest in several news articles over the period not limited to but including being officially replaced by CLUB 12.

However let's not use these .. let's look at the Commission report yourself which you admit you have not trawled through ....

In is detailed in the decision that the two sides presented arguments as to the exact date Rangers participation in the SPL ceased.

The SPL argued it was August 3rd .. which since along with their SFA cohorts they would since they bent over backwards to accommodate you ,,, and to state otherwise would mean they are guilty of committing fraud and falsifying documents,

Yet Ranger's FC argue that the date of termination is the specific date the 14th of June the day that they officially went into liquidation for asset stripping by Chuckie and the Gang and ceased being a viable club.

(screen shot from Commission Report)

(For Tedi's benefit both sides placed submissions and arguments regarding the date the SPL cited the 3rd August 2012 and Ranger's insisted it was the 14th June 2012. So your own side provided proof that the SFA acted outside their own rules unless you openly stating that Green lied.)

Has the transfer taken place and the documents required been sanctioned by the two bodies. That was never in dispute.

Did the SFA and SPL act within their rules, apply them without favour or prejudice, apply them correctly and in a manner which was beyond reproach .. let's say we all have an opinion there.

Will the commission give a ruling on the exact date?

Will Green insist that they do make a determination since any signed 5 way agreement is after 14th June 2012?

Green still has the option of stating that you are not the old club Rangers to avoid any financial penalties the SPL commission may impose. To do that he will rely on the date the 14th June 2012.

Or he can simply go along with the charade being carried out in which case the new Rangers will be liable for any financial penalty imposed by the commission.

I wonder which way Chuckie will jump cometh the hour?

First of all i stated that i haven't went through the SFA Articles of Association,not the SPL Commission report,that is something i have read through on various occassions. As to Green stating the date 14th June 2012 i would say that he is mistaken about that date as the PLC still held SFA Membership on 3/08/2012 as well as SPL Membership. The 3rd August is the date both the SFA and SPL membership transfers took place. The SFA membership transfer was ratified on that date by the 5 way agreement of the SFA,SPL,SFL,Oldco and Newco.

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Offft ,, the currants will not like this either ... they can't even top a wee fun chart like this despite plying their trade in Div 3.


All that bluster about setting records for consecutive wins as well ... until they were humbled by 10 man Elgin of course ....

Currants? I hope that isn't an attempt to sneak anything sectarian on to the board young Dhensboy?

I'm sure that Norman and co will have plenty to say about this ;)

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I'm sure that the term has been declared as not being sectarian by a Scottish Court ... ??

A CELTIC fan was hit with a religious rap for wearing a T-shirt emblazoned with "dirty horrible ****" on the back.

Michael Devlin, 20, was spotted in the top which also had "Zenit St Petersburg, Champions UEFA Cup Final 2008" on the front minutes after the Russian side defeated Rangers in the showpiece game.

Devlin, 20, was yesterday convicted of a religiously-aggravated breach of the peace in Glasgow's southside in May.

SNA2429Z2-280_626753a.jpgRap . . . Young dhesnboy

Read more: http://www.thesun.co...l#ixzz2HUCwS1ac

Young Dhensboy in trying to defend his bigotry shame, the word is classed as sectarian yet you thought it was ok to sneak it on to the board.


Edited by bennett
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