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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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My friend at work in Dundee happens to have a Bar72 ST then? Ignore the fact that I am the only Rangers fan in the building.

And no they change the colour each year, the photo had this years colour, go check if you want.

What other proof do you want? name? phone number? go on name it.

What a fuckin w****r you are.

No at the exact same time when your team are playing Ross county, you were watching RTV as you just proved in yer original post, how the f**k else would you know what the commentators wer saying, football fan my arse.

^ ^ ^ rattled and on the verge of tears IMO :lol: maybe I should start calling you Tedi Millar from RTV to wind you up a lil more Tedi :)

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Pathetic deflection.

You accused me of not having a ST, I showed you a picture proving you are talking bullshit, you still do not believe it.

So you tell me, what proof do you want? How about a bet for charity, lets say £100?

Put yer money where your mouth is.

^ ^ ^ starting to lose the plot and heading into meltdown territory :) pleasing.

Tedi calm the fcuk down I'm only winding you up a lil.

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^^^ Get a grip with this whole "Losing the plot/ Breakdown/ Verge of tears" pish all you geeky fucks use on here.

^ ^ ^ Can't help but be a fanny helping out a fellow rager and venting some anger in defence of his corrupt club or anything associated with it IMO.

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^ ^ ^ Can't help but be a fanny helping out a fellow rager and venting some anger in defence of his corrupt club or anything associated with it IMO.

"^ ^ ^" Do you actually think you're are cool or something doing that? :lol: You're nothing but a weirdo, a complete oxygen thief and an embarrassment to the human race. I feel embarrassed sharing the same planet with you.

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"^ ^ ^" Do you actually think you're are cool or something doing that? :lol: You're nothing but a weirdo, a complete oxygen thief and an embarrassment to the human race. I feel embarrassed sharing the same planet with you.

^ ^ ^ completely rattled IMO and on the verge of tears & anger and smashing up the Glasgow district libraries PC with his empty bottle of Buckie :lol:

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WRK. .... has not been to one game this season

Hellbhoy... has not been to.one game this season

Stoned Sailor Not been to one game this season

MonkeyTennis By his own admission is now a part time supporter.


Funny but these are the most outspoken critics of Rangers but they sum up exactly what is wrong with our game...they won't their voices heard but don't back up their words with pounds shillings and pence.

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WRK. .... has not been to one game this season

Hellbhoy... has not been to.one game this season

Stoned Sailor Not been to one game this season

MonkeyTennis By his own admission is now a part time supporter.


Funny but these are the most outspoken critics of Rangers but they sum up exactly what is wrong with our game...they won't their voices heard but don't back up their words with pounds shillings and pence.

Do you really think the ills of the game are caused by the fans who now choose to do something else with their Saturday because their voices aren't being heard?

You must work for a Scottish footballing authority.

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Do you really think the ills of the game are caused by the fans who now choose to do something else with their Saturday because their voices aren't being heard?You must work for a Scottish footballing authority.

I ,like others, invest a lot of time and money in Scottish football and won't be lectured to by people who invest nothing.

I am sick of hearing people criticise Rangers supporters from all over the country when these people don't even go along to.follow the teams they claim to support .... if only half the 16,000 st mirren will take to hampden went along every second week

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Do you really think the ills of the game are caused by the fans who now choose to do something else with their Saturday because their voices aren't being heard?You must work for a Scottish footballing authority.

I ,like others, invest a lot of time and money in Scottish football and won't be lectured to by people who invest nothing.

I am sick of hearing people criticise Rangers supporters from all over the country when these people don't even go along to.follow the teams they claim to support .... if only half the 16,000 st mirren will take to hampden went along every second week

Do you ever think that if Scottish football was more focused on the good of all its members rather than only 2 of them that a higher percentage of that 16000 may go more often?

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