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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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It's alright, I'm glad Bendarroach has shown himself up to be a complete hypocrite.

The man who was all het up about the merest hint of homophobia thinks it's fine to toss about unfounded allegations of racism. :(

The only thing that matters to him is which side the 'rangers' fan is on.

Narrow minded doesn't quite cut it.

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I will.

You may be a lot of things but Celtic supporting and anti Semitic is not things I would associate with your posts, your post about Celtic`s finances was clearly celebratory, though to be fair I put that down to your blind hatred of all things Rangers when you were trying to prove a point, a lot of genuine Ds make that error on the BRALT but would never repeat it elsewhere on P & B, when it comes to this thread the Plastics have the Ds right where they want them, I find it all a bit comical.

Divide and conquer!

Holy Roman empire thread for that shit. Loser!

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Remember he's the man who defeated the clubs Tupe case :lol: Show some respect

Oh dear, another extrapolation to add to Bennett's fantasy of me - creepy weirdo. Still, if your life consists of B&B/ex-boyfriend/internet, why would you assume anyone has a real life, career, contacts, etc., in the real world?

I mean when your best mates appear to be Tedi and Bendarroch, is it any wonder you had to invent a wee Scandinavian lassie to widen your social circle? :lol:

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The well respected Roy G seems to be going to bat for Charlotte;

  1. @GreensladeR @CharlotteFakes Abs no idea. Vaguely recall @Brendanjmcginty ringing me about a story I wrote 15 yrs ago. Wasn't able to help

  2. @Atomicpe Can't remember - sorry. Wasn't a big event. I take/make dozens of calls every day. Nobody south of the border cares...

  3. @IsabelOakeshott @Atomicpe Try again Isabel or give Brendan a call to jog your memory. Your attempts to dodge are pretty excruciating #Vicky

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To be honest I am past caring about CF, CW or jack Irvine, quite happy to call it fatigue after a year of repetitive stuff which all starts to feel the same after a while.

Went to a fitbaw match today and saw a decent performance with lots of plus points, this is the future and this is what I would prefer to dwell on.

Haw you ! you just deleted a post from the domestic cups thread on the vers v gers time stamped 15:19 pm and was post number 37 that I was about to reply to and it just disappeared that would make you a liar about attending the game you weasely little creitn and hopefully some other P&Ber will remember Tedi claiming in his post at 15:19 that he was just going out the door to travel over 40 miles in less than 30 minutes to be in his seat for the kick off.

I knew there was something off with you after last season claiming to be at games but like a parrot word for word posted what that fanny on Rangers TV had said.

Maybe if Keithy is looking in he can out him out as a lying swine.

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w**k behaviour. WKR hints at it periodically - some others grass silently I imagine.

I'd rather the plastics and diddies were free to bump their gums than behave like a c**t and silence them to prove a point.

You are a complete and utter arse, A-Fud. Worst c**t.

Why does anyone even bother talking to these morons???

You would get more sense out of something with no sense.

Oh, by the way: pretty spectacular meltdown Bendy. You sure know a lot of profanities for a wee lassie!

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You mean this one at 12:34?

Oh look here is a picture I took 25 mins before kick off, taken from the corner.

and look here is my ticket over your idiotic post, anyone who knows almondvale will be able to testify that the ticket matches the photo location.

Then why did you delete a post in the cups forum then eh ?,and don't fucking lie because I was doing a multi quote with the 12:34 and the 15:19 post to ask how you got there so quickly and when I went to page two that 15:19 quote had gone because you deleted it.

And also 20 minutes to reply ? did you get your friend to send you pictures via you mobile who has a season ticket and went to today's game you cretin because that's what it looks like after you deleted that post moron.

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You mean this one at 12:34?

Oh look here is a picture I took 25 mins before kick off, taken from the corner.


and look here is my ticket over your idiotic post, anyone who knows almondvale will be able to testify that the ticket matches the photo location.


You'd have thought Albion Rovers could at least have got the name right ffs, I'd write in and complain about that. I mean we like to keep these things as mementos. Fkg sloppy btw. :lol:

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I did not delete any post.

Tell you what lets make a bet.

Get an admin and point them to this thread, I can do it if you want.

If the admin agrees with you that I deleted a post in the match thread at any point then I will resign from P & B with immediate effect and never post here again, if the admin confirms you are indeed talking bollix then you do the same, resign and spare us all your making shit up over and over again.

I guarantee you will chicken out of this.

Go for it then but it was not on this thread but in the domestic cups thread in the vers v gers thread time stamped 15:19 and was post No37 before deleting.

I'm interested why you want to point them to this thread when it's the other thread in question ?.

And why don't you just resign anyway you tedious twat :) .

Now remember I've made no such agreement especially with you :P .

However I can eat some humble pie if said event did not happen :barf .

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did you get your friend to send you pictures via you mobile who has a season ticket and went to today's game you cretin because that's what it looks like after you deleted that post moron.

is your raison d'etre to persecute we hoi polloi?

Away back to language classes ya wee* unreconstructed** Troglodyte***


* Scottish word meaning: little or insignificant.

**English word meaning: hasn't a grasp on modernity.

***Word of indeterminate origin meaning: 'Cave Dweller'.

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What is this?

You called me a liar, even after I showed you the proof.

and now this chickenshit back tracking, just shows you have zero conviction in your claim.

I am calling you a lying idiot and offering you a resignation, you in return are offering me humble fucking pie.

Grow some balls.

Get a mod onto it then pussy.

edit for furious typoo :lol:

Edited by hellbhoy
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is your raison d'etre to persecute we hoi polloi?

Away back to language classes ya wee* unreconstructed** Troglodyte***


* Scottish word meaning: little or insignificant.

**English word meaning: hasn't a grasp on modernity.

***Word of indeterminate origin meaning: 'Cave Dweller'.

What's this you've posted Neanderthal ?.

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I want something better than your humble pie, that means SFA when it comes to you, cmon show some conviction.

Show some balls and try to vindicate yourself chump and get a mod onto it.

And what a fanny for pulling resignation stunts ffs,what age are you ?.

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It is possible to be mistaken, as opposed to being a liar. Tedi's position is simple, he either did delete a post or he didn't and only he alone knows for sure. HB's position is less clear, he could be mistaken, or some weird computer shit thing has taken place.

Now on my computer, even though the clock at bottom of screen is at correct time, the time on posts is an hour behind.

10 paces, turn and fire.

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I already have, I showed you up to be a liar and had the conviction to put something up for grabs to prove the point, you predictably refused to offer anything, you know you are lying.

Seriously you were a complete fanny for involving resignation speeches for who is right and who is wrong after all the blunders you've had on here ffs.

If that were the case you would have resigned after one day on here :1eye .

I'm man enough to admit if I'm wrong or got it wrong but you on the other hand are acting like a complete fud ! resignations ffs :1eye knob.

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It is possible to be mistaken, as opposed to being a liar. Tedi's position is simple, he either did delete a post or he didn't and only he alone knows for sure. HB's position is less clear, he could be mistaken, or some weird computer shit thing has taken place.

Now on my computer, even though the clock at bottom of screen is at correct time, the time on posts is an hour behind.

10 paces, turn and fire.

I was on the cups forum ready to do a multi quote on two of Tedi's posts and after the 12:34 one I went to attach the alleged post to ask him how he got there so quickly and alas it was gone it was definitely worded different to the 12:34 one and why I'm accusing him of deleting a post.

This was minutes if that to him posting earlier on this thread he had went to the game to which I went to the cups forum as I remembered him posting on it just before the kick off.

But hey ho if I have got it wrong I have offered him an apology but NO! he is frothing at the mouth like a rabid dog with resignation bets :blink: .A tad over the top wouldn't you say and I have definitely rattled his cage and now await the chump red dotting my reputation as he usually does when I push him over the edge :lol: .

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