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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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But hey ho if I have got it wrong I have offered him an apology but NO! he is frothing at the mouth like a rabid dog with resignation bets :blink: .A tad over the top wouldn't you say and I have definitely rattled his cage and now await the chump red dotting my reputation as he usually does when I push him over the edge :lol: .

You dropped a bollock here, chap and don't try the usual ***** way of squirming out of it. We've had enough of your fellow fans acting like worms this past week.

Now either give a proper apology or f**k right off.

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You dropped a bollock here, chap and don't try the usual ***** way of squirming out of it. We've had enough of your fellow fans acting like worms this past week.

Now either give a proper apology or f**k right off.

Nope I've not dropped a bollock I'm not squirming as I am certain a post was deleted but stranger things have happened and if Tedi is so sure he didn't then he can cry to a mod to sort it out as I'm enjoying his pain :lol: .

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Nope I've not dropped a bollock I'm not squirming as I am certain a post was deleted but stranger things have happened and if Tedi is so sure he didn't then he can cry to a mod to sort it out as I'm enjoying his pain :lol: .

FFS pal, not that he had to, but he showed us his ticket. He was at the game.

Don't reduce yourself to Becky type behaviour, you're better than that.

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You had your chance at an apology, right after I posted I picture of the ticket, but no you dug the hole deeper by claiming I had a mate send me a picture, like I have some guy waiting to send me a picture on a whim, only you could be so stupid.

So far no apology just bullshit scrabbling for away out, this "if I am wrong" is not an apology, you still think you are correct, so either make a proper apology or show some conviction behind your claim.

and yes I am pretty pissed off about it, 2nd time you have tried this stunt, 2nd time I busted you, apologising is not in your nature its seems.

Ditto Tedi and it's all your going to get after all the pish you haven't apologised for on here by just deflecting with bullshit.

And like I said I will offer an apology if in the circumstances I was wrong and I'm loving the way you are well wound up spewing and frothing at the mouth :lol: I'm enjoying your pain here I really am because you are ready to crack :lol: .

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and yes I am pretty pissed off about it, 2nd time you have tried this stunt, 2nd time I busted you, apologising is not in your nature its seems.

It's a common trait displayed by the fans of The Sporting Wing. They have not a single ounce of shame. For the second time this week they've been shown to be vituperative liars yet nary a one of them will call them to order.

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It's a common trait displayed by the fans of The Sporting Wing. They have not a single ounce of shame. For the second time this week they've been shown to be vituperative liars yet nary a one of them will call them to order.

Exactly the same as your mob today with a far worse allegation from Becky. Twa cheeks 'n aw that! :P

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FFS pal, not that he had to, but he showed us his ticket. He was at the game.

Don't reduce yourself to Becky type behaviour, you're better than that.

Bud I'm sorry but I'm enjoying the moment just now :lol: .

Why does it bother him so much that he will post pictures and then lose the plot because I am questioning him about it and also doing what Tedi does best :) find a point that pisses P&Bers off and pursue with unending endeavour to beat the person down with committed vigour to claim a moral victory :lol: .

And I can ask someone I know to go to P&B take a picture or two of someone's post with their ticket send it to my mobile and post it here like I was at the game :lol: but I'm not that sort of guy.

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Actually, its pretty plain that everyone here can see you are clearly digging yourself a hole, I do not think you will find anyone who would disagree when I say the pain is all yours.

Aw OK then Tedi ?,go and get a mod and sort it out ffs.It is clearly bothering you more than me and let's move on ! knob.

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To be fair, its not.

Its 1 person lying through his teeth who has been horribly exposed, it has nothing to do with the team he supports, anyone can get themselves into a hole but not everyone can get themselves out of it.

As much as my dislike is for the plastics, this is not really about what team he supports.

Teds, you're trying to be reasonable while I am trying to pull a case together!

My thesis is that The Bus Burners are heavy when it comes to making accusations but light when it comes to making amends.

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I didn't see that but I've not been around much this past day or so. Feel welcome to post a link.

Bennett claimed I was an anti-Semitic Celtic fan. I'm not sure what was worse! ;)

I asked him to provide evidence or apologise, he did neither.

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Bennett claimed I was an anti-Semitic Celtic fan. I'm not sure what was worse! ;)

I asked him to provide evidence or apologise, he did neither.

He was probably too wooed by the sexual excitement of your Viking helmet to give a sane reply.

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Aye ok HT, thanks for sending me that picture, got me out of a tight spot, did yer missus enjoy the goals?

Hear the queue for the pies was bit long tho, at least they didnae run out.

She loved the game. Hates the fucking curtains though :angry:


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It's alright, I'm glad Bendarroach has shown himself up to be a complete hypocrite.

The man who was all het up about the merest hint of homophobia thinks it's fine to toss about unfounded allegations of racism. :(

The only thing that matters to him is which side the 'rangers' fan is on.

Narrow minded doesn't quite cut it.

Show me where I've tried to encourage another poster to consider legalities and grassing and I'll hold my hand up to and apologise for hypocrisy.

Otherwise that's one more example of your fuckery - now a liar. And you've the neck to point fingers at others standards of posting?

Floors yours, fud.

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when it comes to this thread the Plastics have the Ds right where they want them, I find it all a bit comical.

Again Ted, this is where you go wrong.

You can only see how people view Rangers through the prism of your pantomime rivalry with Celtic.

No Plastics have me or the rest of us where they want us. We're not actually playing the whole Celtic-Rangers game. Your insitence on seeing it this way is again to profoundly misunderstand how your club is viewed, and the relationship the rest of us have with our football.

Onto other matters:

Last night was clearly a strange one on the BRALT.

The way I see it, Bennett offers little of value these days. I actually managed to get into a genuine discussion with him about the 'We Deserve Better' campaign the other day. He is occasionally still capable of not being pointlessly idiotic, but the evidence of this these days is scant.

I'm afraid it's nothing new for him to throw around unsubstantiated insults about people and refuse to apologise, even when confronted by evidence of why he's wrong. It betrays a complete lack of class, but at least everyone can see it. I don't see much point in requiring Tedi or anyone else to denounce him for it though. Perhaps he should, but we know he won't and badgering him about it will just entrench him further.

Finally, Hellbhoy's latest battle with Tedi provides some light relief. I think it's fairly easy to see that Tedi did attend the game and that Hellbhoy is mistaken. Again though, we get holes being dug, when a hands up backtrack is what's needed. It's all very silly.

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Again Ted, this is where you go wrong.

You can only see how people view Rangers through the prism of your pantomime rivalry with Celtic.

No Plastics have me or the rest of us where they want us. We're not actually playing the whole Celtic-Rangers game. Your insitence on seeing it this way is again to profoundly misunderstand how your club is viewed, and the relationship the rest of us have with our football.

Onto other matters:

Last night was clearly a strange one on the BRALT.

The way I see it, Bennett offers little of value these days. I actually managed to get into a genuine discussion with him about the 'We Deserve Better' campaign the other day. He is occasionally still capable of not being pointlessly idiotic, but the evidence of this these days is scant.

I'm afraid it's nothing new for him to throw around unsubstantiated insults about people and refuse to apologise, even when confronted by evidence of why he's wrong. It betrays a complete lack of class, but at least everyone can see it. I don't see much point in requiring Tedi or anyone else to denounce him for it though. Perhaps he should, but we know he won't and badgering him about it will just entrench him further.

Finally, Hellbhoy's latest battle with Tedi provides some light relief. I think it's fairly easy to see that Tedi did attend the game and that Hellbhoy is mistaken. Again though, we get holes being dug, when a hands up backtrack is what's needed. It's all very silly.

These days ?.....

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