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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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If I had bought shares in that debacle as an investment and watched them tumble ... I certainly would not be be too chuffed with the arrogant little p***k.

As a shareholder I'd be asking why these jollies have not been stopped, why their CEO and finance director need a financial consultant to produce a 120 review/report to tell them it not's financially prudent ...

Why do the media not ask Wallace and his board why their manager has not been told to curtail this extravagance; they are supposed to be looking after the shareholder's investment .. not Fat Sally's pride !!!

Can you imagine the meeting between Sally & Wallace.

"Look, this is how it is Wally, je mind if a call ye Wally, it sounds like Watty, thats ma big pal, taught me everything he knows in how to pull the wool over the berz eyes. listen, we are the people pal, do you know what that means? we do things above everyone else. we might not be able to afford it, but it's about creating an image, creating an illusion that everythings great here. that means the lads in the stand, they feed off that, and think they are better than everyone else... we need to prepare this team for when they are playing in the top league and hotel stays are part n parcel... i dont want to be taking this team back to the top division and none of them have had an afternoon nap in a hotel room before."


"Look, i hear what youre saying, Wally, we cant afford this... but let me ask you.... can we afford not to do it? eh? you like that Wally? the old switcheroo! now think about it, eh? you see where i'm going wi this? now, what i'm going to do is leave you here to think over what i've just told you, i'm going to go out to those oxygen thieves in the press room, and i'm going to tell them straight, Wally, i've not been told to stop, and until then, this club is going to keep on spending the way it always has. because if we don't spend, the fans won't buy season tickets, they won't turn up.... and we can't have Ibrox with only 10000 season tickets, cause it's all about image, we're creating an illusion here Wally. i need your buy in, have i got it?"


"Right, i'm going to go through this for you one more time Wally... if we don't buy these big time players, and pay them inflated wages, then people won't buy season tickets.... and if they don't buy season tickets, we can't afford these players, the penny dropping yet, Wally? Now, i need you to sit in the background a wee while longer, just mull it all over, come up wi som sums, because it's only a few months til renewal time. so you just sit yersel here Wally, don't struggle, you'll just make it more painful for yourself..."


"good morning gentlemen, first question please..... "

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In all of this lunacy, one thing strikes me as particularly odd.

That is, should they find their way into this country's top league, they're going to find that the landscape there has changed so considerably that they are going to be incapable of challenging in the way their utterly reckless profligate over spending allowed them to in their previous incarnation.

Given that the "brand" is now so damaged and would, in all sensible probability, be considered quite toxic by any investor with no close ties to the club, the "goal" can only really be to get to and then survive in the Premiership.....pretty much like every other side other than Celtic.

Europe?! Forget it, if (a HUGE if) they get there at all, it will be as cannon fodder to the other sides none of us have heard of and over by late August.

How many of their glory hunting mouth breathers will stick around for that I wonder? Not as many as there are presently because supremacy is their oxygen....current spending and signing policy proves it.

Can they cut their cloth? Can they build steadily for some sort of sustainable future?

Can they f**k B)

Sadly I fear that if the counterfeit Gers make it into the Premiership there'll be a shingle hung up that reads "Old Firm - back to business as usual".

It's a force in Scottish football that needs to stay broken forever.

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A 24 hour swanky hotel stay before a match against Forfar?

Its very nice in there though, I've been a few times for a swim and a sauna, you don't even have to take your own towel, they supply you with a nice fluffy white one.

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Its very nice in there though, I've been a few times for a swim and a sauna, you don't even have to take your own towel, they supply you with a nice fluffy white one.

Sounds nice. If The gers are going to blow all their money they may as well do it in pleasant surrounds in a high level of comfort.

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TE: Since you lifted the bonnet and examined the finances has anything shocked you?

GW: I’m not sure if shock is the right word.

TE: When you say short-term focus is that a euphemism for panic?

GW: Panic? I’m not sure I would call it panic.

WMM: Would you say that grossly overspending to win the lower leagues then asking for players to take a wage cut, players who were attracted by these highers wages at the expense of other clubs, is just cheating?

GW: I'm not sure if cheating is the right word. Deliberate and prolonged rule-breaking?

WMM: When you say previous regimes, do you mean those of the previous club? You know the one that died?

GW: Died? I'm not sure I would call it died. Stopped living? Suffered a minor but fatal administrative error?

Aye, he's got the patter sorted out.

Edited by williemillersmoustache
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Sadly I fear that if the counterfeit Gers make it into the Premiership there'll be a shingle hung up that reads "Old Firm - back to business as usual".

It's a force in Scottish football that needs to stay broken forever.

The last line of your post....

Absolutely. So, how did the smashing of the 11-1 vote go again? Shitehawks Aberdeen fancied taking the Rangers spot as No2 in the top flight, didn't they?

As soon as the Sevco Franchise make it back to the top division - no matter how wounded, or scarred we might think they'll be... The 'OF' two-club cartel will be re-united never to be broken, and we'll all be fcuked up the ass by our own club chairmen.

Bet your life on it. We might think the Sevco won't be any better than a St Johnstone, or a Killie, or a whoever. Does anyone seriously believe that it won't be like it all never happened? The Sevco don't do things that way. Even if it means massive over-spending and treading on exceedingly thin ice again, they'll assemble a squad capable of shafting the diddies and at worst finishing second. They already sign players of SPFL quality to play in the lower leagues and pay them crazy wages. Back at the top table they'll ramp it up to the max'.

They were down and nearly out. If they come back to pish on the rest of us for signings and start hoovering up guys like Dundee United's kids or my own club's Kenny McLean...

No-one to blame but our own chairmen. Celtic are rubbing their hands at their chums coming back to shaft diddies, but not be good enough to actually win the league for a while. It's a cartel, a boys club, they'll have it all stitched up between them again while we feed off the scraps and our chairmen spunk their Calvin Kleins at having Sevco gate money back.

Fcuking sickening, but it's going to happen.

Edited by pozbaird
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Why does Wallace need another 90 days, ffs? He seems to have looked at all the relevant areas. It looks like they are just stalling for time. Why?

mid april?

i think thats when watty gets appointed as "Director of Fan Involvement", the 12th Man, if you will.

What else is happenning around the end of April?

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Sadly I fear that if the counterfeit Gers make it into the Premiership there'll be a shingle hung up that reads "Old Firm - back to business as usual".

It's a force in Scottish football that needs to stay broken forever.


That day will come, no doubt. However the longer it is delayed the better for all.

"Back to business as usual" has so many different connotations in that respect and none of them good for our country. Everyone outside the disgusting cabal that was 'The Old Firm' knows EXACTLY what it's all about and only the media monkeys with their ex-player hangers on believe that their fairytale scripts are accurate.

That's going to be the day the rest of Scottish Football points at Cockwomble and Fagin and calls them out for the duplicitous little cash whores they are, whilst the ever lazy media get their napkins out once again to dine off the scraps thrown to them.

Only this time we'll ALL know what a pile of over spun shite it is.

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The last line of your post....

Absolutely. So, how did the smashing of the 11-1 vote go again? Shitehawks Aberdeen fancied taking the Rangers spot as No2 in the top flight, didn't they?

As soon as the Sevco Franchise make it back to the top division - no matter how wounded, or scarred we might think they'll be... The 'OF' two-club cartel will be re-united never to be broken, and we'll all be fcuked up the ass by our own club chairmen.

Bet your life on it. We might think the Sevco won't be any better than a St Johnstone, or a Killie, or a whoever. Does anyone seriously believe that it won't be like it all never happened? The Sevco don't do things that way. Even if it means massive over-spending and treading on exceedingly thin ice again, they'll assemble a squad capable of shafting the diddies and at worst finishing second. They already sign players of SPFL quality to play in the lower leagues and pay them crazy wages. Back at the top table they'll ramp it up to the max'.

They were down and nearly out. If they come back to pish on the rest of us for signings and start hoovering up guys like Dundee United's kids or my own club's Kenny McLean...

No-one to blame but our own chairmen. Celtic are rubbing their hands at their chums coming back to shaft diddies, but not be good enough to actually win the league for a while. It's a cartel, a boys club, they'll have it all stitched up between them again while we feed off the scraps and our chairmen spunk their Calvin Kleins at having Sevco gate money back.

Fcuking sickening, but it's going to happen.

Exactly. It is inevitable and all you guys can hope for is delay. Neither the authorities or you're own chairmen had the balls in 2012 and I haven't seen, read or heard anything that indicates any of them have since grown a pair. Like I said, as sure as night follows day Rangers will be back at the top of Scottish football and normal service will be resumed. Inevitable.

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Exactly. It is inevitable and all you guys can hope for is delay. Neither the authorities or you're own chairmen had the balls in 2012 and I haven't seen, read or heard anything that indicates any of them have since grown a pair. Like I said, as sure as night follows day Rangers will be back at the top of Scottish football and normal service will be resumed. Inevitable.

And Spivs will grow rich on these dreams. Inevitable.

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