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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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You sound like your a fan of this clown.

Course I am, he's squeezing every penny he can out of Rangers. Should be left alone to get on with his job.

And in all seriousness, the self importance of twats like Sons of Struth, RST etc is incredible. They all have their heads up their backsides.

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Sons of Struth respond.... (Australian supporters I take it?)


Many have asked why I approached Sandy Easdale after the match on Wednesday and due to even further threats of court action, I believe its time to share with the Rangers family exactly what drove me to do this.
Weeks ago when we first received correspondence from layers on the instruction or Mr Easdale, it was via email and arrived one Monday afternoon. The letter was in regard to posts by third parties on this page and we done as requested by the lawyers. Two days later my mother phoned to say a letter had arrived at her home for me.
Like lots of other season ticket holders with multiple family season tickets, all our tickets go to one address and in our case it’s my parents home as its easier to manage the renewals and continuous card requests etc.
The letter that had been sent to my parents address was surprisingly a copy of the letter I had received via email two days earlier. Mr Easdales (not Rangers) lawyer had somehow sent a letter to an address that to the best of my knowledge only Rangers have for me. How bizarre.
I asked the lawyers on several occasions to explain how they came by my address and was instructed that due to “client confidentiality” they could not disclose how they came by it. If they unable to give me this information as to protect their client, then it’s fair to assume this information must have been passed to them by their client. If their client gave them my parents address, where did he obtain it from? There is only one possible source I can think of.
Jack Irvine called me in the middle of all this and I advised him of my issue, he refused me the opportunity to speak directly to Mr Easdale regarding this and informed me Graham Wallace would be my best point of contact. I emailed Mr Wallace with my concerns and he set up a meeting. I met Mr Wallace two weeks ago and he advised me that an investigation had taken place and he found no evidence that the address was leaked from Ibrox. When I informed him that the address was in fact not mine but my parents and I was aware of no other organisation that had it as my address, his body language changed somewhat.
So Rangers have my contact address as my parents, Sandy Easdales lawyer receives my parents address from their client thinking its mine and no one can explain how this happened. The fact that they knew that I sat in a specific seat in a stadium of 30,000+ season ticket holder is not lost on me either.
Fast forward to Wednesday night. As I was getting set for the match I received another email on my phone from Mr Easdales lawyer asking for my current address. I replied saying they had no need for it as they can correspond via email and as far as I was concerned had no outstanding issues. During the half time break I checked my emails and found another claiming they would send sherriff officers to obtain my current address. Sheriffs officers could only obtain my current address by visiting my parents address as it the only one they have. You can maybe imagine how I felt at half time knowing a Rangers directors lawyers where sending sheriffs officers to my parents house who are both in their 70’s. Hence the reason I visited the directors box at full time.
When I confronted Mr Easdale with this newly found information and explained that this had crossed a line his response was that I to had also crossed a line and got personal. When I asked him to elaborate he stated that “I took the piss” and even slagged his hair on our facebook page. He confirmed that any libellous comments had indeed been made by others but his problem with me was that even my public apologies “took the piss out of him”. I will leave it to the reader to decide if further future court proceedings are based on him being upset about what others write or indeed the sarcastic manner of my writings.
I asked him to consider getting his lawyer to confirm in writing that no such visit to my parent’s house would take place and he said he would see what he could do. What he did do was to instruct his lawyers to issue further proceedings which I received yesterday and these are the basis of today’s Daily Record article.
To the fellow fans who asked me yesterday to comment on why I approached the directors box, I hope you understand why I didn’t make it public knowledge then, I was giving Mr Easdale the opportunity to do the right thing. The right thing in his eyes was to instruct his lawyers to send even more threatening letters which included arrangements for court proceedings at the court of session.
I have no desire to take Rangers to court or indeed involve innocent employees who may have been forced in to giving out protected data. If I did wish this I could have made this information public weeks ago. I feel I need to state my point now to defend my actions on and since Wednesday’s game.
Aye ready,

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Sons of Struth respond.... (Australian supporters I take it?)


Many have asked why I approached Sandy Easdale after the match on Wednesday and due to even further threats of court action, I believe its time to share with the Rangers family exactly what drove me to do this.

Weeks ago when we first received correspondence from layers on the instruction or Mr Easdale, it was via email and arrived one Monday afternoon. The letter was in regard to posts by third parties on this page and we done as requested by the lawyers. Two days later my mother phoned to say a letter had arrived at her home for me.

Like lots of other season ticket holders with multiple family season tickets, all our tickets go to one address and in our case it’s my parents home as its easier to manage the renewals and continuous card requests etc.

The letter that had been sent to my parents address was surprisingly a copy of the letter I had received via email two days earlier. Mr Easdales (not Rangers) lawyer had somehow sent a letter to an address that to the best of my knowledge only Rangers have for me. How bizarre.

I asked the lawyers on several occasions to explain how they came by my address and was instructed that due to “client confidentiality” they could not disclose how they came by it. If they unable to give me this information as to protect their client, then it’s fair to assume this information must have been passed to them by their client. If their client gave them my parents address, where did he obtain it from? There is only one possible source I can think of.

Jack Irvine called me in the middle of all this and I advised him of my issue, he refused me the opportunity to speak directly to Mr Easdale regarding this and informed me Graham Wallace would be my best point of contact. I emailed Mr Wallace with my concerns and he set up a meeting. I met Mr Wallace two weeks ago and he advised me that an investigation had taken place and he found no evidence that the address was leaked from Ibrox. When I informed him that the address was in fact not mine but my parents and I was aware of no other organisation that had it as my address, his body language changed somewhat.

So Rangers have my contact address as my parents, Sandy Easdales lawyer receives my parents address from their client thinking its mine and no one can explain how this happened. The fact that they knew that I sat in a specific seat in a stadium of 30,000+ season ticket holder is not lost on me either.

Fast forward to Wednesday night. As I was getting set for the match I received another email on my phone from Mr Easdales lawyer asking for my current address. I replied saying they had no need for it as they can correspond via email and as far as I was concerned had no outstanding issues. During the half time break I checked my emails and found another claiming they would send sherriff officers to obtain my current address. Sheriffs officers could only obtain my current address by visiting my parents address as it the only one they have. You can maybe imagine how I felt at half time knowing a Rangers directors lawyers where sending sheriffs officers to my parents house who are both in their 70’s. Hence the reason I visited the directors box at full time.

When I confronted Mr Easdale with this newly found information and explained that this had crossed a line his response was that I to had also crossed a line and got personal. When I asked him to elaborate he stated that “I took the piss” and even slagged his hair on our facebook page. He confirmed that any libellous comments had indeed been made by others but his problem with me was that even my public apologies “took the piss out of him”. I will leave it to the reader to decide if further future court proceedings are based on him being upset about what others write or indeed the sarcastic manner of my writings.

I asked him to consider getting his lawyer to confirm in writing that no such visit to my parent’s house would take place and he said he would see what he could do. What he did do was to instruct his lawyers to issue further proceedings which I received yesterday and these are the basis of today’s Daily Record article.

To the fellow fans who asked me yesterday to comment on why I approached the directors box, I hope you understand why I didn’t make it public knowledge then, I was giving Mr Easdale the opportunity to do the right thing. The right thing in his eyes was to instruct his lawyers to send even more threatening letters which included arrangements for court proceedings at the court of session.

I have no desire to take Rangers to court or indeed involve innocent employees who may have been forced in to giving out protected data. If I did wish this I could have made this information public weeks ago. I feel I need to state my point now to defend my actions on and since Wednesday’s game.

Aye ready,


Step in line you bears........you don't want Mr E angry at you. ;) It starts with lawyers letters........but there are tried and proven ways....

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I heard Rangers ST money is on that Malaysian Plane?

Normally I'd ignore such tastelessness as the normal idiocy from the resident Ps&Ds but I noticed that some fuckwit gave it a Charles.

By what standard of agreement does this example of crassness deserve to be credited?

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OK, so it's Twitter and from a 'Thimmy' source but it seems the Easedale loan was not 'free'.


Many have asked why I approached Sandy Easdale after the match on Wednesday and due to even further threats of court action, I believe its time to share with the Rangers family exactly what drove me to do this.

Weeks ago when we first received correspondence from layers on the instruction or Mr Easdale, it was via email and arrived one Monday afternoon. The letter was in regard to posts by third parties on this page and we done as requested by the lawyers. Two days later my mother phoned to say a letter had arrived at her home for me.

Like lots of other season ticket holders with multiple family season tickets, all our tickets go to one address and in our case it’s my parents home as its easier to manage the renewals and continuous card requests etc.

The letter that had been sent to my parents address was surprisingly a copy of the letter I had received via email two days earlier. Mr Easdales (not Rangers) lawyer had somehow sent a letter to an address that to the best of my knowledge only Rangers have for me. How bizarre.

I asked the lawyers on several occasions to explain how they came by my address and was instructed that due to “client confidentiality” they could not disclose how they came by it. If they unable to give me this information as to protect their client, then it’s fair to assume this information must have been passed to them by their client. If their client gave them my parents address, where did he obtain it from? There is only one possible source I can think of.

Jack Irvine called me in the middle of all this and I advised him of my issue, he refused me the opportunity to speak directly to Mr Easdale regarding this and informed me Graham Wallace would be my best point of contact. I emailed Mr Wallace with my concerns and he set up a meeting. I met Mr Wallace two weeks ago and he advised me that an investigation had taken place and he found no evidence that the address was leaked from Ibrox. When I informed him that the address was in fact not mine but my parents and I was aware of no other organisation that had it as my address, his body language changed somewhat.

So Rangers have my contact address as my parents, Sandy Easdales lawyer receives my parents address from their client thinking its mine and no one can explain how this happened. The fact that they knew that I sat in a specific seat in a stadium of 30,000+ season ticket holder is not lost on me either.

Fast forward to Wednesday night. As I was getting set for the match I received another email on my phone from Mr Easdales lawyer asking for my current address. I replied saying they had no need for it as they can correspond via email and as far as I was concerned had no outstanding issues. During the half time break I checked my emails and found another claiming they would send sherriff officers to obtain my current address. Sheriffs officers could only obtain my current address by visiting my parents address as it the only one they have. You can maybe imagine how I felt at half time knowing a Rangers directors lawyers where sending sheriffs officers to my parents house who are both in their 70’s. Hence the reason I visited the directors box at full time.

When I confronted Mr Easdale with this newly found information and explained that this had crossed a line his response was that I to had also crossed a line and got personal. When I asked him to elaborate he stated that “I took the piss” and even slagged his hair on our facebook page. He confirmed that any libellous comments had indeed been made by others but his problem with me was that even my public apologies “took the piss out of him”. I will leave it to the reader to decide if further future court proceedings are based on him being upset about what others write or indeed the sarcastic manner of my writings.

I asked him to consider getting his lawyer to confirm in writing that no such visit to my parent’s house would take place and he said he would see what he could do. What he did do was to instruct his lawyers to issue further proceedings which I received yesterday and these are the basis of today’s Daily Record article.

To the fellow fans who asked me yesterday to comment on why I approached the directors box, I hope you understand why I didn’t make it public knowledge then, I was giving Mr Easdale the opportunity to do the right thing. The right thing in his eyes was to instruct his lawyers to send even more threatening letters which included arrangements for court proceedings at the court of session.

I have no desire to take Rangers to court or indeed involve innocent employees who may have been forced in to giving out protected data. If I did wish this I could have made this information public weeks ago. I feel I need to state my point now to defend my actions on and since Wednesday’s game.

Aye ready,


Step in line you bears........you don't want Mr E angry at you. ;) It starts with lawyers letters........but there are tried and proven ways....

And the carve up begins. Looks like King lucked out getting the fan's cash, the Easdale's and Laxley will have to find buyers for the property before cashing in.

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Did anyone else see the STV news there? I'm sure it finished with Super Ally calling the Rangers fans "outrageous".

Mark, I didn't but he is right.

We are:

  • outrageously handsome
  • outrageously fit
  • outrageously reasonable
  • outrageously loyal

Well done Sally.

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SOS spokesman on radio saying they need investment because when they return to the premiership they don't want to be challenging for european place, but they deserve to be competing for the league as soon as they return.

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Mark, I didn't but he is right.

We are:

  • outrageously handsome
  • outrageously fit
  • outrageously reasonable
  • outrageously loyal

Well done Sally.

I saw it on the kitchen telly so no ability to rewind (first world problems), but it seemed like he was trying to say the fourth of your suggestions, and failed miserably!

Will definitely try to get it on STV player to confirm.

He also said that it wasn't his place to get involved in the whole ownership/finance thing - has he sold his shares, or is he just a complete f*ckwit?

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I saw it on the kitchen telly so no ability to rewind (first world problems), but it seemed like he was trying to say the fourth of your suggestions, and failed miserably!

Will definitely try to get it on STV player to confirm.

He also said that it wasn't his place to get involved in the whole ownership/finance thing - has he sold his shares, or is he just a complete f*ckwit?

he's a sleekit f@kwit
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Mark, I didn't but he is right.

We are:

  • outrageously handsome
  • outrageously fit
  • outrageously reasonable
  • outrageously loyal

Well done Sally.

  • and you forgot to add:-
  • outrageously bigotted
  • outrageously ugly
  • outrageously stupid
  • outrageously gullible

etcetera, etcetera................................................ ^_^

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