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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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So.. .. The Phoenix Sun has set.... If it ever truly rose that is.

22p per share plus 6.5mllion "loan" doesn't have them pushing their chairs back from the table it seems.

This has all the hallmarks of a deliberately concocted admin pre-pack.

Expect the relevant players to move into position shortly.

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Poor Tedi ... for something that isn't bothering him ... he sure is mentioning it a lot ... it's almost as if ...... :lol: :lol: :lol:

It's worth mentioning a lot cause it is quite a cringeworthy attempt at point scoring from Celtic fans.

There is a serious trend on here to say that if anyone mentions anything, they are by extension "bothered" or "seething" or "seethingly bothered" or whatever. Most of the time it's not true.

After all you make 50 posts a day about Rangers. Does that mean you're bothered by them? No.

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On a certain forum there are Rangers fans demanding a full boycott at the rejection of Sarvers offer.

Just my opinion on this,but this may well be what Ashley and co are wanting, Sarver was a set up to be rejected to force fans away,and then they pull the plug saying saving the business is unattainable and go into administration followed quickly by liquidation. This gives part of the stadium to Ashley,and he purchases the remainder of the club. Then he is free to appoint his own people to run it without getting involved himself,he still has advertising and retail for Sports Direct with the club,and Ashley is a winner without being in breach of any rules.

Just thinking aloud on this,but it certainly looks as though it could be a possibility.

I don't think you're too far off the mark with this, Forever Diamond.

One thing at the back of my mind - Ashley controls NUFC and I don't think they're a PLC, so he can do basically what he wants with them.

If Rangers are liquidated, then do they need to return as a PLC? If not, and Ashley buys them, then he can then do what he wants, only this time, he doesn't need to run to the AIM every time he changes a Director, CEO or whatever.

Looks like a bear trap to me.

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The only problem is that Ashley still cannot own the club although a 'family trust' or someone he trusts could front it for him.

Problem solved ... If it's good enough for King.

Any venture into administration via a CVA and Mike is safe ...

LLambias and Leach plus who ever else he gets in would be the best way for him to go, he trusts the first two guys fully.

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As an outsider I have to say this, why are Sevco turning down that offer?!?!?!??! Looked like finally being someone who could have brought sustainability to the place and they've rejected it? Wtf?

He was dodgy and not a real Gers man

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The rumour about the Park loan for two seats on the board (being near to completion) .. anyone think that MA or his shareholders will let that be voted in? Just more posturing in the press?

If Carver truly was a bid and had no allegiance to either side ... has King misjudged the situation and sent them tumbling over a precipice with no safety rope attached?

If it turns out to be the case ... how will the fans view their convicted criminal hero then?

Did also hear over the weekend Dhen that King and Bears were all but done and dusted with a deal to see them have 2 members on the board, but also heard that Ashley was about to fund the money required,no mention of further assets being needed which made me think defo BS on that one.

Really think too many sources are clutching at straws of yet to come major investment, and to be honest I can't see it coming. We will probably never fully know if Sarvers was genuine either.

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Looks like Ashley has called King's bluff and now we'll see what they truly are holding.

Well the longer it drags on without King and Co adding anything else to the pot it looks as if you may be right about Ashley's bluffing. Especially if it comes out King and Bears blocked Sarvers bid,yet add no further investment themselves. Hero to Zero in one move for King,and Ashley won't have even batted an eyelid.

Edited by Forever Diamond
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The rumour about the Park loan for two seats on the board (being near to completion) .. anyone think that MA or his shareholders will let that be voted in? Just more posturing in the press?

If Carver truly was a bid and had no allegiance to either side ... has King misjudged the situation and sent them tumbling over a precipice with no safety rope attached?

If it turns out to be the case ... how will the fans view their convicted criminal hero then?

Carver submitted a proper bid, as reported to the stock market. You may question his motives and who he was chumming up with, but it was a legitimate offer(s).

With just a quick glance as what has been happening (unfortunately I don't have the time or inclination to monitor every dodgy move) you can see The Rangers est 2012 has a market value of just over £20mill.

Some guy comes along makes an offer of £22mill for a majority share, plus £6.5m to help them continue trading.

The directors of the company have legal obligations. A couple are below.

The success of the company remains the paramount concern for directors. The legislation prompts the board to think about these different factors, but they must remain subsidiary to the over-arching requirement the directors have to act in the way they believe, in good faith, is most likely to promote the company’s success.

A director is on the board to act in the best interests of the company as a whole, not to represent the interests of just one shareholder or even a group of like minded investors. That rule applies irrespective of the circumstances in which the director has been appointed.

So to turn down Carver's offer which looks as if it would satisfy many of the above obligations, without some alternative would seem to run the risk of putting the directors at risk of not carrying out their obligations properly. Llambias and his MA sidekick would know what they have to do and what they can't do. Personal liability would be avoided at all costs.

The one thing Llambias and his board mate know for sure is the thinking of Mike Ashley. Only conclusion I can draw is that Ashley will be able to move to saviour status at some point soon. Every day that goes by gets The Rangers (2012) closer to meltdown.

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Carver submitted a proper bid, as reported to the stock market. You may question his motives and who he was chumming up with, but it was a legitimate offer(s).

With just a quick glance as what has been happening (unfortunately I don't have the time or inclination to monitor every dodgy move) you can see The Rangers est 2012 has a market value of just over £20mill.

Some guy comes along makes an offer of £22mill for a majority share, plus £6.5m to help them continue trading.

The directors of the company have legal obligations. A couple are below.

The success of the company remains the paramount concern for directors. The legislation prompts the board to think about these different factors, but they must remain subsidiary to the over-arching requirement the directors have to act in the way they believe, in good faith, is most likely to promote the company’s success.

A director is on the board to act in the best interests of the company as a whole, not to represent the interests of just one shareholder or even a group of like minded investors. That rule applies irrespective of the circumstances in which the director has been appointed.

So to turn down Carver's offer which looks as if it would satisfy many of the above obligations, without some alternative would seem to run the risk of putting the directors at risk of not carrying out their obligations properly. Llambias and his MA sidekick would know what they have to do and what they can't do. Personal liability would be avoided at all costs.

The one thing Llambias and his board mate know for sure is the thinking of Mike Ashley. Only conclusion I can draw is that Ashley will be able to move to saviour status at some point soon. Every day that goes by gets The Rangers (2012) closer to meltdown.

The fact that it was reported to the stock exchange does show it was a genuine bid, but was it a planned bid that they knew was definitely going to fail.

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Ashley will care not a jot about:

a) Sevco

b) King and his demands

c) This abortion being liquidated, he's made money and he will not lose out as his money is secured ... Kings is not.

d) Whether he cares about future profits from the zombies is anyone's guess now they have publicly turned on him.

He will care about people screwing with his business interests and he will be determined to show that it is unwise to mess with him.

Quite simply "deal or no deal Dave" ... "the terms will be mine".

If you were in MA shoes with his unlimited wealth ... what would you do?

Being honest Dhen, if I was Ashley I would shut the club down and get back my money plus back from the assets secured on the loans. He may have been happy to plod along and have the advertising and retail...but as you said the fans have turned on him,and depending what happens with the meeting called for his dual club breaching of rules he may well just say hell mend you all and do it for spite.

Being honest though, I think he wants to continue to control the club,whether he wants success or not is a big question mark,as he hasn't exactly pushed out the success boat with Newcastle.He seems quite happy to just plod along and get his share of cash from the advertising and retail from Newcastle,so no doubt will do the same with Rangers should he continue to remain.

That wont suit the Bears if they are a Championship or mediocre Premiership side though, but if Ashley is continuing to make cash from them he will not be bothered.

Edited by Forever Diamond
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The shareholder parties that advised they would not vote YES when asked will have been noted and most likely witnessed ....

I have a feeling it was King and his cronies otherwise they would have had it spread all over the press by now ...

Hero status and gud ragers man ... for how long? Did Tedi not back him ... kiss of death.

If there was a significant minority (20%) who did not vote yes, then the directors must take their views into consideration. They are representing the company as opposed to even a majority of shareholders.

There are many cases where minority shareholders took such decisions to court and won where decisions were made to benefit majority shareholders.

Just found one I know from way back, action by someone with less than 25% of the shares. http://news.google.com/newspapers?nid=2507&dat=19880125&id=XzpAAAAAIBAJ&sjid=UlkMAAAAIBAJ&pg=2377,5331402 He won, and won well!

Edited by thelegendthatis
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Ashley will care not a jot about:

a) Sevco

b) King and his demands

c) This abortion being liquidated, he's made money and he will not lose out as his money is secured ... Kings is not.

d) Whether he cares about future profits from the zombies is anyone's guess now they have publicly turned on him.

He will care about people screwing with his business interests and he will be determined to show that it is unwise to mess with him.

Quite simply "deal or no deal Dave" ... "the terms will be mine".

If you were in MA shoes with his unlimited wealth ... what would you do?

With his unlimited wealth, is it really worth the hassle for him to fight over what's left of the club, particularly if admin II comes to fruition.

What use are we to him with a further prolonged stint in the 2nd tier, with European Football (and being part a decent TV deal) being nothing more than a pipe dream.

The remaining support that's left continues to dwindle, as the team limps on without investment in new playing or coaching staff, Ticket sales and retail revenues plummet

Just lock the gates and take the market rate for whatever's left, (Ibrox & Murray Park)??

Is that what he really wants? I just cant see it, but then nothing would surprise at present.

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With his unlimited wealth, is it really worth the hassle for him to fight over what's left of the club, particularly if admin II comes to fruition.

What use are we to him with a further prolonged stint in the 2nd tier, with European Football (and being part a decent TV deal) being nothing more than a pipe dream.

The remaining support that's left continues to dwindle, as the team limps on without investment in new playing or coaching staff, Ticket sales and retail revenues plummet

Just lock the gates and take the market rate for whatever's left, (Ibrox & Murray Park)??

Is that what he really wants? I just cant see it, but then nothing would surprise at present.

I don't think Ashley cares a jot what league they are in, as long as they have a worldwide fanbase and a recognisable brand. Which they have. Despite boycotts organised by fans or by Kingy that is just local and with some common sense can be recovered pretty quickly.

Think it is important to see Ashley's motives being totally different from the ambitions of the fans. So another year in the Championship will not be a show stopper for him. Below that? Not sure.

The sort of investment needed to sort out Rangers (given he tackles the obscenely high running costs) is chickenfeed to Ashley.

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