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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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So what is going to happen when tax cheat Dave gets his Rangers suit and tie dusted off from the last time-the suit probably still has the IOUs in it from his last stint on the board-and gets his photo op at the top of the marble stairs ( PR done by Jim Traynor who is spoon feeding Daily Record junior hacks some left over Lamb stew) claiming a new dawn is on Rangers? The reality? Correct me if I am wrong Ashley has the retail sewed up? Ashley is owed about 5-8 mil depending on who you ask? They still need to pay a mil a month (?) in outgoings. Maybe a few more bums on seats will help but I think the glow of this putsch will fade very quickly when Tax Cheat Dave has to come out and make more cuts to fund the Ashley pay off. One thing will be sure it will not be Tax Cheat Dave’s money he will be risking-rich men don’t do that. It is not over yet by a long shot.

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I almost sympathise with you, No 8, but I don't think that's going to work with this incarnation of Rangers. There are too many fingers in too many pies, too many assets owned by those outside the club/company and, basically, there's not enough money coming in to service loans, property maintenance and salaries..

I think the club need to start again and this time it will be without Murray Park, Edmiston House, the car park, the image and merchandise rights... and probably Ibrox. If you go into admin or liquidation owing Ashley money, he's going to take all the secured assets and he might even buy Ibrox in the fire sale, just to piss on your chips. Even if he doesn't snap up Ibrox, the next reincarnation of the club won't have the funds available to buy the place (in the case of liquidation) or maintain (in the case of admin).

If you really want to be free of the spivs, you need to start again. Really start again. Real Rangers?

To avoid the obvious response, by 'you', I mean (The) Rangers.

Ashley might want to piss on their chips. He might want to do all sorts. One thing might stop him though - the genuine prospect of getting his cnut kicked in by the same people that threatened two London hotels.

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Don't you get fed up searching through the archives, Dave. Genuinely it's something i couldn't be arsed doing to try and prove some little point. You're reminding me of someone who lives in Goa.

History is important. You have to know where you've been in order to know where you are going.

Not paying attention to the past is going to land The Rangers in the mire.

Keep it up! :thumsup2

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Ashley might want to piss on their chips. He might want to do all sorts. One thing might stop him though - the genuine prospect of getting his cnut kicked in by the same people that threatened two London hotels.

Why would Celtic supporters kick his Cnut in?

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Gollum has obviously been hitting the bevy. A convicted criminal is good for Scottish football??


From the article;

But he believes Hampden chiefs could put the entire Scottish game at risk if they ban Johannesburg-based King from taking up the reins at the Glasgow giants.

This will be another armageddon warning I assume....... :lol: :lol: :lol:

Edited by MEADOWXI
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The thing that has disturbed me about this whole saga is the clear indication that in the minds of the Visigoths none of the following matter:

  • the law.
  • the rules of competition.
  • the principles of justice and fair play.

The *only* thing that matters is that Sevco get to win everything, all the time.

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