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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Oh dear God Benny.

Stop mocking him...

OK then, carry on mocking him.

Oh aye just blame everything on me.

The only mocking here being done is to yourself by yourself. :1eye

Feck knows what the hamster in your head was doing at the time before you posted them posts. :lol:

I feel sorry for you Benny, the blue tit PM gang didn't back you up with greenies and posts proclaiming you were right before another sane poster beat them to it by showing you up for the numpty we know you are. :lol:

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Two and a half plus decades of spend spend spend to put everyone else into their place below them in their shadow so to speak. That's nearly two generations of Rangers supporters only ever used to their club outspending everybody else to win cups and titles by any means possibly and to fcuk with how they achieve them honours. Any Rangers supporter younger than 35 years old will never have known any other way to win titles and cups, facing austerity and cut backs to stay solvent isn't within their mindset.

This is why today you hear them praying, screaming, hoping and any other source that will just pump money into a black abyss so they carry on just as they used to do signing big name players and winning cups n titles so they get their fix.

This incarnation of a Rangers FC faces total oblivion if no one comes in with countless millions to spend on their club because the fans certainly won't put their hands into their pockets because they are so used to having a sugar daddy do it for them.

The fans themselves with unreachable standards and goals will eventually kill off the club itself just as the other version that is being liquidated. They just can't or won't face having a club in mediocrity mid table being regularly shafted by clubs living within their means on smaller budgets.

No endless amounts of money being pumped into the club, no winning everything every other year, no European especially Champions League appearances and you can expect them to fcuk off and not attending Ibrox until someone with gazillions of cash to throw into the black financial abyss to give them what they have been used to for two and a half decades.

It's the fans that are the problem, not the club. Their expectations of being a Rangers supporter and the club they follow are two completely different things entirely. Successful club plenty of fans, shite club not much money and having mid table aspirations then no fans, protests, boycotts and so on.

They are killing their club.

Entirely agree. And, to boot, your best post for a long time.

Rangers are being killed by the very 'culture' they celebrate, so closely entwined is their sectarian supremacy with the primal belief that they are in some and every way by definition superior to anyone who doesn't celebrate them. If this culture had been achieved without financially doping then it's bad enough; that the last two decades of success were very much built on clay readily demonstrates why they are so utterly and comprehensively mocked today.

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Two and a half plus decades of spend spend spend to put everyone else into their place below them in their shadow so to speak. That's nearly two generations of Rangers supporters only ever used to their club outspending everybody else to win cups and titles by any means possibly and to fcuk with how they achieve them honours. Any Rangers supporter younger than 35 years old will never have known any other way to win titles and cups, facing austerity and cut backs to stay solvent isn't within their mindset.

This is why today you hear them praying, screaming, hoping and any other source that will just pump money into a black abyss so they carry on just as they used to do signing big name players and winning cups n titles so they get their fix.

This incarnation of a Rangers FC faces total oblivion if no one comes in with countless millions to spend on their club because the fans certainly won't put their hands into their pockets because they are so used to having a sugar daddy do it for them.

The fans themselves with unreachable standards and goals will eventually kill off the club itself just as the other version that is being liquidated. They just can't or won't face having a club in mediocrity mid table being regularly shafted by clubs living within their means on smaller budgets.

No endless amounts of money being pumped into the club, no winning everything every other year, no European especially Champions League appearances and you can expect them to fcuk off and not attending Ibrox until someone with gazillions of cash to throw into the black financial abyss to give them what they have been used to for two and a half decades.

It's the fans that are the problem, not the club. Their expectations of being a Rangers supporter and the club they follow are two completely different things entirely. Successful club plenty of fans, shite club not much money and having mid table aspirations then no fans, protests, boycotts and so on.

They are killing their club.

And the cherry on the cake, is the supporters continue to deny,deflect,whitaboot and pathetically sneer simply because that is ALL they can do without radically altering their WATP mindset.

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@BBCchrismclaug: Stewart Regan confirms discussions ongoing with Dave King re fit and proper. Admits tax convictions mean it will be a 'challenge' for him.

:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: - You mean it not all sorted for Mr G&S........well I'm shocked!

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Two and a half plus decades of spend spend spend to put everyone else into their place below them in their shadow so to speak. That's nearly two generations of Rangers supporters only ever used to their club outspending everybody else to win cups and titles by any means possibly and to fcuk with how they achieve them honours. Any Rangers supporter younger than 35 years old will never have known any other way to win titles and cups, facing austerity and cut backs to stay solvent isn't within their mindset.

This is why today you hear them praying, screaming, hoping and any other source that will just pump money into a black abyss so they carry on just as they used to do signing big name players and winning cups n titles so they get their fix.

This incarnation of a Rangers FC faces total oblivion if no one comes in with countless millions to spend on their club because the fans certainly won't put their hands into their pockets because they are so used to having a sugar daddy do it for them.

The fans themselves with unreachable standards and goals will eventually kill off the club itself just as the other version that is being liquidated. They just can't or won't face having a club in mediocrity mid table being regularly shafted by clubs living within their means on smaller budgets.

No endless amounts of money being pumped into the club, no winning everything every other year, no European especially Champions League appearances and you can expect them to fcuk off and not attending Ibrox until someone with gazillions of cash to throw into the black financial abyss to give them what they have been used to for two and a half decades.

It's the fans that are the problem, not the club. Their expectations of being a Rangers supporter and the club they follow are two completely different things entirely. Successful club plenty of fans, shite club not much money and having mid table aspirations then no fans, protests, boycotts and so on.

They are killing their club.

It's fucking glorious, isn't it?

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@BBCchrismclaug: Stewart Regan confirms discussions ongoing with Dave King re fit and proper. Admits tax convictions mean it will be a 'challenge' for him.

:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: - You mean it not all sorted for Mr G&S........well I'm shocked!

Tax convictions didn't stop Raygun, Cockwomble et al from their participation in the Tribute Act mythology...

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Tax convictions didn't stop Raygun, Cockwomble et al from their participation in the Tribute Act mythology...

But but but....why did you not save us from Craig Whyte. The SFA are to blame for letting him take control.

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It seems the GASL is looking for the SFA to deny him the chance to take up the directorship, he's made it clear that he has no intention of spunking the kids inheritance by his GAS pronouncements since taking over the reins.

King is looking for a face saving excuse to back out and it appears the SFA are going to provide him with one.

Meanwhile Bennett is bleating about "confidentiality", it seems "transparency" can take a back seat when it suits.

So now I don't know whether I want King in or out. :blink:

Not that what I want will make a blind bit of difference. I'll just sit back with the popcorn. :)

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