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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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The smug faux righteousness of Celtic fans whose sponsors have robbed the Irish taxpayer and corrupted it's governments for decades, and have happily conspired with their brothers in bigotry to make Scottish Football a boring duopoly, and the deluded squeals of delight from Rangers fans about their Pyrrhic victory today and total denial of responsibility for what they've watched their club doing, is seriously beginning to pale. Why don't you all just leave and let us enjoy our popcorn?

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Rangers victory at getting the transfer embargo overturned is just a little side show.

Their day of reckoning will come on 15th June when they miss the deadline to provide accounts to the SPL!

Roll on 15th June, its like the run up to xmas when your a bairn. :)

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i like how they think they have won here, i refuse to even acknowledge it as a victory until someone shows me a report stating the embargo is overturned

at this point its a draw

hell it could even turn into a defeat should they be suspended from being a club for 12 months or even terminated (wheres yer newco with that option)

but they are too thick to see that they have achieved nothing so far with yesterdays verdict other than a reconsideration of punishment

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A cynic would say D&P took the court action on the same day they released the CVA Proposal to deflect attention away from the only thing the CVA is useful as – toilet paper.

Seriously. They expect ANYONE to accept that. Their balance sheet still displays a surplus of 64million, so where do they get the 5.5million figure for the assets from?!

Onto the Judicial Review, and it seems the courts have followed Scottish law precedent, which hasn’t been challenged since St.Johnstone took the SFA to a Judicial review and won in 1965. However, what no one on here has mentioned yet, is that this case was very different.

Firstly – Saints were given no chance to defend themselves. No hearing, no nothing. Their only remedy was the judicial review. Rangers have had two hearings.

Secondly – the FIFA articles at that time did not stop members taking action against the FA. They do now.

My full analysis of the St.Johnstone case is here http://saintinasia.wordpress.com/2012/05/30/saints-v-sfa-1965/

I can see the SFA now overturning the transfer ban, and immediately expelling Rangers for breaking FIFA article 64. If they don’t, there is no point in Saints, Motherwell, Celtic, Hearts or Dundee Utd fans renewing their passports…

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Green didn't come up with the cash to pay Junes wages. That's what delayed the issue of the CVA. So there is still a shortfall and only one way to reduce it and meet the other costs......Sell players. Green won't put any more in while things are still so precarious. The very fact that the whole CVA isstructured as a loan tells you these "investors" won't gamb;e thier own money.

Rangers could come out of this CVA still 8.5m down. It'll just be owed to different people.

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As it seems to have been missed...they can also give a suspended sentence, say, until further transgressions take place or other previous bad behaviour comes to light. This means they can threaten them with expulsion and hope they die in the meantime...and then when the dual contract investigation finds against them legitimately expel them then.

And if for some reason they win that, the SFA will be able to claim they acted tougher than mere cup exclusion while not having to do anything else (unless there are more revelations to come of course...but that will be hanging over Rangers until all investigations are complete. Seems to be the best solution for the SFA to me.

They will, however, argue that a suspended sentence should be inflicted in the case of new wrong-doing and cannot be used for old crimes which later come to light.

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A cynic would say D&P took the court action on the same day they released the CVA Proposal to deflect attention away from the only thing the CVA is useful as – toilet paper.

Seriously. They expect ANYONE to accept that. Their balance sheet still displays a surplus of 64million, so where do they get the 5.5million figure for the assets from?!

Onto the Judicial Review, and it seems the courts have followed Scottish law precedent, which hasn't been challenged since St.Johnstone took the SFA to a Judicial review and won in 1965. However, what no one on here has mentioned yet, is that this case was very different.

Firstly – Saints were given no chance to defend themselves. No hearing, no nothing. Their only remedy was the judicial review. Rangers have had two hearings.

Secondly – the FIFA articles at that time did not stop members taking action against the FA. They do now.

My full analysis of the St.Johnstone case is here http://saintinasia.w...nts-v-sfa-1965/

I can see the SFA now overturning the transfer ban, and immediately expelling Rangers for breaking FIFA article 64. If they don't, there is no point in Saints, Motherwell, Celtic, Hearts or Dundee Utd fans renewing their passports…

Indeed, the CVA is so (TBC) it's incredible..the only action the SFA can take is to kick them out of Scottish football IMO

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It cannot be 'independent' if it is appointed by one of the parties in the case.

It can only be independent if appointed by a third party which is not involved.

The fact that the individuals were qualified or that Rangers had agreed to them is not relevant to the discussion of 'independence'.

So who appoints the third party who picks the independents? Tw*t!

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...but they wont be kicked out...they'll get a fine they cant pay and that will be it from the sfa. The SPL will hum and haw and then decide to do nothing.

With FIFA watching the SFA now though the SFA cant afford to hum and haw. If they dont take the correct action then as mentioned FIFA will threaten all other clubs in Europe and the International team from the qualifiers.

The embargo will stand or Rangers will be expelled in relation the the original hearing and thats before the SFA chin them for taking them through the civil courts, which is what FIFA are pissed off about.

I can see why folk would be cinical about the SFA but for once I think they will grow a pair and deal with it. They have done so far with this caee.

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Time for the fans to focus their ire on Auntie for the obvious mhedia bhias


Particularly funny as that the BBC actually sold all it's magazines bar 3 (Top gear, lonely planet & easy cook) last year link. Somehow cannot see Easy Cook actually being a guide to the best chippies in Glasgow or Lonely Planet covering Butlins in Ayr so suspect it's not much a of hit if the fool does read Top Gear!

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In summary then...

1. Rangers (IA)/Muff & Phanny have spent money they don't have, in order to get the right to

2. Spend more money they don't have on behalf of an organisation that about to be

3. Liquidated due to lack of the necessary funds to operate as a going concern having

4. Not made any long terms savings in the operating costs of the business thereby

5. Betraying the interests of the creditors whom they are supposed to represent and

6. Putting all other Scottish clubs and the national team at risk of expulsion from international competition while they

7. Continue to line their pockets with other people's money

...so of course we need them to keep our game healthy.

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Lol its incredible how they surface on here when they think there's a chance of victory. Even a small one like getting a sanction reconsidered. It's a perfect analogy of their crowds. Rangers will newco, white, H&D, Green, all out to shaft the club and the people it owes money to. Bunch of crooks continually looked as saviours by ra deluded peepul.

Do the sfa and spl have the minerals to expel? We'll see what happens when the dual contracts thing comes out, which has effectively made the spl a sham since its inception. We all know we'd be better off without them, maybe just maybe this will filter through to the clubs. Not holding my breath, but it could render the spl untenable.

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Particularly funny as that the BBC actually sold all it's magazines bar 3 (Top gear, lonely planet & easy cook) last year link. Somehow cannot see Easy Cook actually being a guide to the best chippies in Glasgow or Lonely Planet covering Butlins in Ayr so suspect it's not much a of hit if the fool does read Top Gear!

I was going to say, what exactly does anyone subscribe to from the BBC?

These fuckoids continually stretch the boundaries of stupidity.

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Definitely interesting times ahead and both the SFA and Rangers seem to have painted themselves into a corner here especially because I would like to think that suspension from the Scottish Cup would be seen as too lenient a sanction.

But with possible sanctions for the BTT, possible sanctions for dual contracts and possible sanctions for taking the SFA to court, not to mention what may or may not happen if the CVA isn't accepted and possible no to newco SPL vote - especially as the chairmen are reportedly getting pissed off at Rangers' behaviour - there's more TBCs in this saga than a D&P CVA proposal.

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I'm not seeing how Green's plan can work, tbh.

Assume a CVA was accepted, the pot is a loan from Green to be repaid.

His consortium of investors,if there are any, plan to sell through players with any profits going back to the consortium.

Therefore, the only income for running the business is from gate money, etc.

ie, is that enough to pay back the loan.

Will finance providers be willing to do business with an institution with their history?

If it's a newco, ditto, will anyone wish to do business?

Lots of conjecture it seems to me and not a very enticing investment opportunity.

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