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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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1338881177[/url]' post='6304001']

I've just had a warming thought, if Rangers do completely die, can we start to pursue the return of alcohol at the games? The vile bigot brothers are off course the reason we don't get booze at the games anymore, and perhaps if we lost one it would be safe to bring it back. This would also help increase revenue at clubs.

Pie in the sky perhaps? We can but hope.

It would be great if this was to happen, but I fear that any Polis will just see it as a hassle that could lead to trouble and reject it. Or if licences were given then the polis would insist on many more polie officers and stewards at the game thereby negating any monies made.


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Selected quote from Traynor's column...

What fans who are driven by raw emotion, sometimes even blind hatred, think about Rangers is pretty irrelevant.

He's right, but feck 'im

What Traynor really means -

What fans ... think ... is pretty irrelevant.
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It would be great if this was to happen, but I fear that any Polis will just see it as a hassle that could lead to trouble and reject it. Or if licences were given then the polis would insist on many more polie officers and stewards at the game thereby negating any monies made.


blink.gif Naw I think its more to do with the fuckwits that can't handle their drink and cause mayhem than the thought of costs due to increasing security numbers.

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The SFA appeals body - Lord Carloway, former Partick Thistle chairman Allan Cowan and Spartans chairman Craig Graham - can now expel Rangers from the game, eject them from the Scottish Cup or terminate their membership

Points one & three are the same thing, numbnut. I take it he meant suspend, somewhere in there?

Jim Traynor's Sports dept, at the Record, clinging on to their jobs by the fingernails. <_<

Edited by kiddy
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According to D&P they will be handing over the running of the club to him tomorrow. Im guessing they see that as a formal process and he has, in effect, been running the club since he got exclusive bidder status.

Anyone appointed by the club could attend meetings though.

I see. So he gives D and P a couple of quid and gets control of the club BEFORE he's even borrowed the cash to buy it?

So he's paid almost nothing, might eventually pay almost nothing but gets the reigns / assets at Rangers anyway and a say so in Scottish Football?

Sounds pretty easy, you would think someone would have tried this sort of thing before. Oh, wait...

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You'd think from Traynor's pronouncements that nobody had ever lost a job before, that no company had ever gone under, that no business had ever suffered at the hands of one man. Witness the redundancies at the Glasgow shipyards, the miners, witness British Leyland, witness Lehman Brothers, witness the effects of Fred Goodwin on RBS, and people will still suffer because of RBS for years to come.My mate's brother worked for the bank for 30 years, and when it went tits up he was 6 months away from retirement, and had 80% of his savings in RBS shares. He'll never recover financially. So on the great scale of things, the effects are minor, it's the situation that was allowed to create the current state of play that was the major issue. The punishment must fit the crime.

Edited by Happy Buddie
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Heres the link

Utter, utter nonsense

Just say no. I sat and wrote answers to all of his desperate bullshit, but you don't try and reason with a dog turd you just avoid it or if you do step in it, just scrape it off and walk on.

What a total, total, total, cnut that man is.

You know what? It's not fair on the orcs (and believe me I have such little regard for their feelings you'd need an electron microscope to see it). For them to read this and be led to believe that the club have some hope of getting the equivalent of a rap on the nose with a newspaper, when it's clearly bye - bye rover with the big blue injection, it's not on.

Dragging it all out and continuing to raise their expectations is just cruel, tortuous stuff and just means when the inevitable happens the end will be all the more painful.

Hang on...

That's magic! Jim Traynor: Non-OF hero?

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But but but Jim supports Ayr :unsure: or Airdrie :blink:

nah..definitely the buns. :D

Traynor really is a despicable chap.

I resent that someone - the coiner of 'succulent lamb', no less - who has been so utterly discredited, still has a platform to promote his self serving agenda to the masses.

You only have to look at the article he wrote about Whyte the billionaire's takeover plans, to see that not only is he simply wrong, but is trying actively to sway opinion to his ill-informed way of thinking.

He's what we're up against here. That agenda with that platform.

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Traynor really is a despicable chap.

I resent that someone - the coiner of 'succulent lamb', no less - who has been so utterly discredited, still has a platform to promote his self serving agenda to the masses.

You only have to look at the article he wrote about Whyte the billionaire's takeover plans, to see that not only is he simply wrong, but is trying actively to sway opinion to his ill-informed way of thinking.

He's what we're up against here. That agenda with that platform.

Is his jaiket no oan a shaky nail? At what point does his editor sit down with him and do a job apraisal?

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1338852493[/url]' post='6303755']

A fortnight's time.

SPL are probably contractually obliged to issue at the same time as everyone else... and regardless, how is delaying helping any much more than potentially amending, tbh?

And did they do that in previous instances of administration?

Will they go down the "Club X" route again?

There are a few clubs who could potentially find themselves in a different league to the one they expected to be in. It's one thing budgeting and building a team for a promotion push. It's another entirely to prepare to try to avoid relegation. When are they to be informed?

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Traynor is a fanny. If he really believes that the views of supporters are irrelevant he is even more deluded than I thought. Clubs ares absolutely aware of the views of their supporters and are being influenced by that. If this thread were only 6 pages long and Chic and Jim had their way, these c***s would already have signed Ian Black and they would be half way through the appeal to be reinstated into the Champions League. Compared to the people on here, Traynor is a complete no-mark.

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He still cant grasp that Rangers cheated their way to survival by keeping tax money to run the club.They still owe various other non cheating clubs wads of cash which looks like it'll never be paid but thats ok as they aren't the mighty Rangers and they should be proud to donate to them.He also says not a word about Greens dodgy loan deal to buy the club but instead worries he might run away.Maybe as an Airdrie supporter he should remember David Murray kicking them when they were down.

The man is an arrogant tit who should be kicked into touch.

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Is his jaiket no oan a shaky nail? At what point does his editor sit down with him and do a job apraisal?

What bugs me is having to listen to Traynor and Chick Faeces on Radio Scotland. The thought of these no-marks picking up a wage via. the Licence Fee is boak-inducing.

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This thread is full of wishful thinkin. Rangers will be playin in the SPL next season and will have the squad they have just now and maybe more.

Rangers will be playing in the SPL next season with the same squad they have already and maybe more in FIFA Manager 13, but not in the real world.

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