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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Also, what happens if a Chairman abstains? (someone else asked this before) Could be an option for ones who want them back in but don't want to annoy their fans.

If it's allowed it could make the arithmetic interesting.

I suppose that comes down to the wording of whatever rule amendment they adopted, removing the decision from the Board, and/or any standing orders... e.g. "2/3 of those voting" could see it passed 6-3 with 3 abstentions, whereas "2/3 of the membership" would require 8-4, whereas "2/3 of those voting with abstentions counting as No" would require 8-x+x similarly.

Who knows.

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It is easy to look beyond the ecstatic celebrating and ask what exactly has been achieved here . **** stronger than ever in three years max, same name , same ground , same media " Rangers re- born etc", same refs , same fans , same colours , same bigoted beliefs and arrogance , debt free , creditors fucked over . The only thing different is their PLC number, big fucking deal . Please someone tell me I am wrong.

A change to bury them forever if it goes to an SFL vote? Pull the trigger please.

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Does anyone know (from anecdotes from parents/grandparents) the answers to the following regarding Third Lanark.....

When they went tit$ up:

1) Were they well supported in the Scottish football scheme of things?

2) Where did their fans go? Other clubs or out the game altogether?

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I suppose that comes down to the wording of whatever rule amendment they adopted, removing the decision from the Board, and/or any standing orders... e.g. "2/3 of those voting" could see it passed 6-3 with 3 abstentions, whereas "2/3 of the membership" would require 8-4, whereas "2/3 of those voting with abstentions counting as No" would require 8-x+x similarly.

Who knows.

Assuming the question to be.....Do we accept the application of a Newco to retain the share of the oldco and enter the SPL? 8 yes replies would be required. Abstaining would therefore be treated as no.

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Does anyone know (from anecdotes from parents/grandparents) the answers to the following regarding Third Lanark.....

When they went tit$ up:

1) Were they well supported in the Scottish football scheme of things?

2) Where did their fans go? Other clubs or out the game altogether?

1) They were a giant - too big to fail.

2) All the fans were exiled to Eastern Europe, and are only now finding their way home.

The whole Scottish game crumbled and died, only to be led to a joyous resurrection by a Glasgow Business Partnership sponsored by C R Smith/NTL/Tennants. FFS, have you never read the Record? :lol: :lol:

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Heard something but was also told that there will be a club known as Rangers playing in Scottish football next season. Only question is,SPL or SFL. Whichever it is Rangers will still be a significant part of Scottish football. That is the reality.

I can't see Brora having much significance at all, least of all in Scottish football.

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Assuming the question to be.....Do we accept the application of a Newco to retain the share of the oldco and enter the SPL? 8 yes replies would be required. Abstaining would therefore be treated as no.

I like it.

Tell the shitebag chairman that an abstain will = a no, that will sort the bottlers.

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It is easy to look beyond the ecstatic celebrating and ask what exactly has been achieved here . **** stronger than ever in three years max, same name , same ground , same media " Rangers re- born etc", same refs , same fans , same colours , same bigoted beliefs and arrogance , debt free , creditors fucked over . The only thing different is their PLC number, big fucking deal . Please someone tell me I am wrong.

buzz kill :P

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Does anyone know (from anecdotes from parents/grandparents) the answers to the following regarding Third Lanark.....

When they went tit$ up:

1) Were they well supported in the Scottish football scheme of things?

2) Where did their fans go? Other clubs or out the game altogether?

Fairly poorly supported. They were in the high teens of the overall listing getting low 4 figures whilst in the First Division (top tier then of course) in mid 1960s. During their last 2 years in the Second Div they drew 823 (28th) and 703 (32nd). Apparently they attracted a lot of neutrals and away fans while in the First, what with playing the other Glasgow clubs.

According to the great Bob Cramspey, most Thirds fans were lost to the game. Some followed Pollok JFC.

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It is easy to look beyond the ecstatic celebrating and ask what exactly has been achieved here . **** stronger than ever in three years max, same name , same ground , same media " Rangers re- born etc", same refs , same fans , same colours , same bigoted beliefs and arrogance , debt free , creditors fucked over . The only thing different is their PLC number, big fucking deal . Please someone tell me I am wrong.

currently "Rankers" have no league to play in so you are wrong unless this changes

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So as the radio says Chas Green will set up his Newco in the next few days and then apply to the SPL for entry, the SPL will then call a meeting to vote (this takes a minimum 2 weeks notice)

We will be lucky if this is sorted before July.

If Dundee do get promoted they will have less than 5 weeks to prepare.

Same applies to Airdrie and Stranraer, thats my relegation treble sorted then.

F it, I can't catch up.

I have a feeling that the transfer of share would have to be before RFCPLC are liquidated.

I'm sure I read in the articles that a liquidation means loss of share, hence no way in.

So they have to get their skates on to be ready for the start of season 12/13.

I wonder if it's all too late?

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a 3rd division chairman already more a less saying he'd say no to them peterhead chairman saying it would be unfair on other teams chasing promotion and lower leagues waiting for the step up

face facts tho 3rd Div Chairmen would luvs Govan Utd for the income. I regret to say that East Fife would love it too despite the Orcs destoying our toilets, local shops having to close and put the shutters up for the scums coming. I think new Ranjurs could do 3rd Div easy and maybe 2nd Div too - can't see them getting out of 1st Div as peeul like Falkirk, Dundee and Dumfi could put up a good fight.

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I suppose that comes down to the wording of whatever rule amendment they adopted, removing the decision from the Board, and/or any standing orders... e.g. "2/3 of those voting" could see it passed 6-3 with 3 abstentions, whereas "2/3 of the membership" would require 8-4, whereas "2/3 of those voting with abstentions counting as No" would require 8-x+x similarly.

Who knows.

SPL regulations

not less than 66% of the Members of the Company who are entitled to attend and vote at a General Meeting of which notice has been duly given (whether all the Members of the Company actually attend and vote or not) shall be required for the passing of all Ordinary Resolutions of the Company and for the giving of all consents, approvals or the like considered at a General Meeting.

So 8 clubs must say yes. Abstention or just not turning up is a no.

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I wouldn't rule out the liquidator looking over the independent valuations H&D got and maybe a bidder will appear for something like iMurray Park or a fortified wine maker will bid for the name and crest to throw a spanner in the works, but I'm not sure this is as shady as it may appear on first glance. Rangers are just objectively worth less than Aidan McGeady (God I love pointing that out)

Thanks for your succinct summation , girondistnyc. I just hope that the glimmer of an alternate outcome, as on the news, comes to fruition.

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Big Club.

Then yi fucked it up.

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Big Club.

Then yi fucked it up.


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