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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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You're confusing criminal and civil law. The SFA did not break a law but the tribunal imposed a sanction outwith their jurisdication. Local comapnies should have recourse to local courts in such situtations. I don't see why this is unreasonable.

You're a c**t ;)

Ah, I see. So abuse is OK as long as it's coming from you. A hypocrytical Orc, Whodathunkit! :rolleyes:

Edited to add: Why does the CoS get to decide what is out jurisdiction for, what is essentially, a private members club?

Edited by Caff
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Not really, it just shows that your and the majorities views on freedom are different.

Your view is that Celtic fans in the main are as bad as them, you are a 10000000000000000 times wrong yet I guarantee you won't change opinion as you are a bigot ;), thats the way it is.

Your (subject to legality) clause is pish, sounding like bennett.

Again, Scotlands 'freedom' has not been threatened in centuries, yet you maintain people died for it...wowsers. 2nd WW at a push, maybe, the rest died fighting for a foreign power. Wiki 'Gallowglass', that is the way Scots have been, mercenaries.

Yet did you stay and better our country? No, you fecked off and are sniping over the border. Rich comparison, yeah?

At a push?!? D'you really think Hitler and the lads differentiated between Scotland and the rest of the Island? And before you get all trolly on me, Godwin came into play about 800 pages back. ;)

And yes, my views may be different to the majority at celtic park, or on Kerrydale St. So what?

"Yet did you stay and better our country? No, you fecked off and are sniping over the border. Rich comparison, yeah?" Comparison to what? Must I stay in the same house I was born in? Is that how the majority would judge me eligible to comment on matters pertaining to the country of my birth?Even the majority I used to see passing up the A77 from Stranraer to parkhead every fortnight?

Sorry, son, call me a bigot all you like. Doesn't make it true. All I've asked is that followers of both Sisters keep their petty feuding and vitriol away from football. Too much to ask?

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The reaction from normally sensible Rangers fans that I know is one of seething fury at all and sundry. The Revenue, SFA, SPL, ******s etc.

I've taken a diplomatic silence on my facebook, throwing in a wee comment here and there, and have to admit to thoroughly enjoying every minute.

f**k them.

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Sorry, son, call me a bigot all you like. Doesn't make it true. All I've asked is that followers of both Sisters keep their petty feuding and vitriol away from football. Too much to ask?

It is if you ask it through your bigotry. Bigot.

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Ah, I see. So abuse is OK as long as it's coming from you. A hypocrytical Orc, Whodathunkit! :rolleyes:

Your point is invalid Kinky - it has been said that you agreed to rules of Assoociation, had the right to say "we're taking this to arbitration SFA" but deliberately chose to flout your agreements and go to a National Civil Court. Harping on a losing ticket is as bad as No8. saying "what side letters?"

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Are any of you who bang on about integrity in football actually football supporters, there is a huge game going on between to of the best football teams in Europe and you lot are busy bleating on P&B.rolleyes.gifrolleyes.gif

Edit to add: It was half time when I decided to post this. No replies will be given until full time.

Edited by Cammy35
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How would you know that you were unable to take your children? It was you first time after all.

And why would the vileness of hearts fans frevent him fron going to a rangers v's Club X ( club X being any one of what? 40 odd clubs - excluding Euro clubs over a 30 year period ) match.

Another bizarre bearism.

Edited by p&b is a disgrace
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He plays in the infant team at the accies on Sunday mornings.. Organised by his Dad.. The biggest Celtic fan ever.. My family just love the football.. Only put Rangers into google cause I love the football and would miss rangers games.. Support Rangers and my wee grandson supports Rangers/ Celtic/ Hamilton Accies.. Total respect to you.. You are a top guy in a horrible thread x

Gee shucks, thank you, I gave you a greenie...

(It is, in fact, a really absorbing thread if you learn to filter out the rubbish - much better reading this than any Scottish 'newspaper' - warning though....it's as addictive as crack cocaine and can take over your life....)

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Are any of you who bang on about integrity in football actually football supporters, there is a huge game going on between to of the best football teams in Europe and you lot are busy bleating on P&B.rolleyes.gifrolleyes.gif

We can mutli-task - watching TV and using laptop - don't have to nip down to Govan Public Library to use the PC

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You're confusing criminal and civil law. The SFA did not break a law but the tribunal imposed a sanction outwith their jurisdication. Local comapnies should have recourse to local courts in such situtations. I don't see why this is unreasonable.

Rangers agreed to be bound by the articles of assciation and therefore agreed not to seek recourse through the civil courts for sporting matters.

I just hope the SFA have the balls to tell Charles Green and his bast*rdised form of Rangers to go and take a running jump and finally kill the c***s off.:angry:

Edited by blanco
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OK. So do you consider Clydebank's history to continue onto Airdrie United. Should honours won by Clydebank be allowed in the Airdrie United trophy case?

If the answer is yes then you also must surely recognise that new Rangers would be entitled to the honours of old Rangers since they will be the same club under the same SFA membership.

Companies don't win honours and have histories clubs do. And clubs are administered by the SFA and not some number at company's house.

Well your answer is a big fat NO...our history started in 2002/03 season,and so far reads this.


Sure,Rangers can have their history for the newco...but they take the debt as well.They can't get it all ways.The club will be liquidated,the old Rangers as we know it will cease to exist,the history dies with them.

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Guest Kincardine

The SFA can get around that the same way the SPL do, by including wording like "or any other punishment that [tribunal X/voting panel Y] may deem fit." Then what? A transfer embargo's legality won't change based on whether the SFA say it's a punishment or not. Similarly the SPL couldn't implement corporal punishment for a red card... yet they do allow two-week fines, which aren't available to employers out here in the real world.

Like I say: Rangers are tugging at a thread that will end in their own demise, which is why you won't see them in a court again anytime soon unless they're the defendant.

The issue wasn't about a transfer embargo's legality or not. It was about the panel's ability to impose a transfer embargo or not. The two are different.

I do agree that Rangers tugged a thread. I also agree that we'll be bitten in the arse - probably. However, I do uphold their right to take the SFA to judicial appeal and amazed that you think otherwise.

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Are any of you who bang on about integrity in football actually football supporters, there is a huge game going on between to of the best football teams in Europe and you lot are busy bleating on P&B.rolleyes.gifrolleyes.gif

Edit to add: It was half time when I decided to post this. No replies will be given until full time.

Ever wonder why they call them "laptops"?

And a group game where Holland could lose and still go through at the weekend (and it looks like they'll have to!) isn't "huge" in my book. Quarters, semis, anything involving my own side, that merits full attention. Group games get the "hearing set to commentator-pitch" most of the time. You know, voice goes up, attention to telly. Until you get a cracking match like this afternoon's anyway. This one's been a bit meh so far, but as a Killie fan I have notably high standards!

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Guest Kincardine

After the Hearts game special person.. Taking account of your >50 IQ

ok so I'm maybe a special person but usally I decide to take my children before a game rather than after.

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Say what you like about Whyte he wasn't as big a chancer as Green.

This guy's arrogance knows no limits. He truly must be taking the pish with all this i want to take the good bits to my newco and ditch the bad stuff.

I never really bothered much with Green until yesterday. Now i think he's made for that club.

Ally McCoist ruined every smidgen of respect i had for him too with his antics lately.

That club is toxic, horrible and needs put out it's misery. Their is nothing worth saving about it.

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