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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Sevco cannot produce three years accounts therefore it fails to meet the necessary criteria for admittance to the SFL third Division.

Decent post, but you're wrong on this one.

The SFL have no requirements for three years of accounts (audited or otherwise). People restating this again and again is simply clouding the issue and, dare I say, making it look like they don't really have a clue what's happening.

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Just asked a club official if we should be outraged or calm. The reply, "I suspect SFL have leaked it to test the water. The clubs know nothing about it. SPL appears to be passing the banana skin to SFL".

So Keep Calm and Carry On Protesting.

Unfortunately not entirely true. I heard this very story from a very reliable source with contacts close to the SFL on Monday, it was being discussed extensively by all clubs in the First Division and a deal was close to being hammered out.

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The SFA/SFL/SPL have shat it big time.

There is big brown sticky marks left on the trousers of Longmuir, Donkeymaster and Regan.

No half measures - the only way league construction and having Rangers in division 1 would be acceptable would be for 2 leagues of 20, so they are demoted to the bottom league - no one wants a 20 team league, so thats not going to happen.

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The Scottish Football League, for the last number of days, has been involved in intensive discussions with The Scottish Premier League, The Scottish Football Association and other crucial stakeholders in our game, to try and address, in a positive way, the current critical issues affecting our game.

There are no critical issues affecting our game. There are just critical issues affecting Rangers 2.0. What a slimy peice of $hit statement. How clear do they want us to be?! I'm convinced they are hoping we get protest fatigue and in the hope that they can squeeze something through at short notice.

Edited by adundeemonkey
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I've missed a few pages, so apologies if I'm getting this wrong. The situation appears to be that Vlad broke ranks first, and in his own inimitable style, Hearts said 'No' to newco in the SPL. Hibs, ICT, Aberdeen, Arabs... and others (in no particular order) also publicly said 'No' to newco in the SPL. Supporters on here naturally assumed that if Charlie Green (or anyone) could get organised - there were two options facing the newco. One was to apply for what would become a vacant slot in SFL Div 3, and the second was doing a 'Third Lanark' and disappearing, either permanently, or temporarily if they could even do that, and try to come back as a newco somewhere down the line.

However, while those SPL chairmen were starting to speak publicly and saying 'No' to newco in the SPL, behind the scenes they knew fine well that there was a cunning plan afoot to do a quick shuffle of the Scottish football pack - purely to allow a Rangers newco to avoid Div 3 or worse, and to grease them a much easier route back to the SPL itself - by creating a new league structure that would see them begin life in 'SPL 2'. Have I picked this up correctly so far?

IF (big if) this is the picture - then just how stupid do the SPL chairmen think we are, and how utterly stupid can they be? If this scenario is true, are they really that stupid that they don't realise this is actually worse than simply saying 'yes' to a newco in the SPL in the first place?

We have a top flight club who went into administration, then liquidation, due to factors we all are clear about now. It is every bit as wrong to suddenly manufacture a 'league reconstruction' to accomodate their new guise simply because of who this club used to be, as it would be to allow a newco club (ANY newco club) direct entry into the SPL.

What is so difficult to understand about this? I have no truck with a re-organisation of the Scottish football scene, it's long overdue - but by Christ, Rangers being corrupt cheating bastuts is no reason to start. FFS - the people running Scottish football? What planet are they on?

edit: Posted the above, before seeing the SFL denial that a dodgy deal to re-jig the leagues has been done. Hopefully that is correct, because my God, otherwise they really must think we all came up the Clyde on a banana boat.

I was smelling a rat when I read our Chairman's comments in the PDE yesterday. In much the same way that an entire sewer full of stinking rodents was apparent when news broke a couple of weeks back concerning league reconstruction.

I'm trying to keep my powder dry with this one in the event that the story has limited substance, but it is increasingly difficult as the day progresses.

I'm tired of pointing out that football supporters are treated like mugs due to our perceived blind loyalty to our respective clubs. I have no confidence that this will have changed significantly. I suspect they reckon we've been thrown a bone, and while we're distracted, they'll royally shaft us up the shitter. It is now up to us as to whether we bend over, apply the lube, and comply.

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I think all SPL clubs back this idea. It makes sense for them, they can chuck the newco out to appease fans but hope Rangers win the SFL so thing are back to normal after 1 season. You saw Motherwells finances laid bare, we can't afford to run at the levels we are beyond this season and I'm sure the same is true for other clubs. The SPL don't want to reinvent their financial model, this includes Celtic, they want Rangers back, they want a new improved TV deal and if they have to throw some cash and a playoff to do it they will.

Exactly so we cut our cloth accordingly. If it means selling half our first team then so be it. f**k them. I would prefer financial prudence and 1st Division football than appeasing SEVCO and the SFA

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So, would this require 4 SPL 'NO Votes' to block?

As this involves disbanding the SPL, the clubs would be voting to wind up the company amongst other issues. This would require a Qualified Resolution (90%).

That would mean 2 clubs could vote it down - unless they fudge the vote which wouldn't be surprising!

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If this goes through, I'll walk away from the senior set up in Scotland.

What other league would cheats be rewarded in this way.

Celtic really need to come out now and make a statement.

sky are talking about Rangers. Rangers dont fucking exist - is it that difficult. Would not be surprised if Celtic are in bed with this new club

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It's difficult to keep up with this thread at the best of times but it's gone nuclear now, by the time I post this the "sneak the cheating cnuts into the first division" plan might already have been outed as bullshit, but on a serious note this thread is fantastic. I joined this forum recently on the back of the F*ck Mark Lawrenson thread but stayed for this thread. I have lived abroad for a good few years now and had more or less forgotten about Scottish football, this thread has rekindled my love for it, and it would be a painful irony indeed if that happened just as Scottish football commits suicide by bending the rules to allow that bunch of feckin cheats right back in through the back door, because if that does happen then I will never have anything to do with SPL, SFL or Scotland games ever again.

I hope they know what they're doing.

You're not my old Physics teacher are you? He was the only Partick Thistle fan i knew when i lived in Zurich.

And to stay on topic, I hope Rangers fucking rot.

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I think all SPL clubs back this idea. It makes sense for them, they can chuck the newco out to appease fans but hope Rangers win the SFL so thing are back to normal after 1 season. You saw Motherwells finances laid bare, we can't afford to run at the levels we are beyond this season and I'm sure the same is true for other clubs. The SPL don't want to reinvent their financial model, this includes Celtic, they want Rangers back, they want a new improved TV deal and if they have to throw some cash and a playoff to do it they will.

Not sure as Aberdeen No statement had this:

"Reorganisation of the game is a priority and is something we have been actively involved in for a long time, but it is not something that should be rushed through just to deal specifically with one club. "

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I'm hoping The Left Wing will update us on Celtic's position after today's little news story.

Ha,i see what you did there.

I'll ignore the slight sarcasm,as there is a relevent point there.

We won't have a scheduled CSA meetin until maybe a month, six weeks into a new season.

However, the GB Were also given answers on Celtics position and this was enough to urge their members to buy season books. I don't think a u-turn would help what is already a fractious relationship between the club & the GB.

Athough i wasn't the one that said "played a blinder", i was happy we never said anything and just to wait on the vote. Maybe we should get some clarity from the club,but if this new set-up is just piss and wind, i'm happy with original position.

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I think all SPL clubs back this idea. It makes sense for them, they can chuck the newco out to appease fans but hope Rangers win the SFL so thing are back to normal after 1 season. You saw Motherwells finances laid bare, we can't afford to run at the levels we are beyond this season and I'm sure the same is true for other clubs. The SPL don't want to reinvent their financial model, this includes Celtic, they want Rangers back, they want a new improved TV deal and if they have to throw some cash and a playoff to do it they will.

So what exactly is the point of the whole thing, if no team in the SPL is financially viable without Sevco5088 making up the numbers then we're aswell closing the doors right now.

BTW how the f**k can you chuck newco out when they've never been in it in the first place.

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I have season ticket money sitting here for Firhill. I wont be able to travel to see the games, but after all the optimism at the end of the season I wanted to invest something in the club. BUT if this proposal goes through I WILL buy a season ticket, but at a championship club, where what I spend wouldve got me 2 tickets at Thistle.:angry: :angry:

I was in the same boat - I was going to buy a Morton top for the first time in years, join the Morton lottery, and make an effort to put extra money into the club.

Think i'll be doing the ryan-air cheap flights to Germany route to watch various games over there if we've been stitched up.

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Apologies if I've missed this, but the first of John Brown's backers has been revealed as football agent Jonathan Hope. :lol:


O ... M and actual G. Please, please, please let this be true. This is the chancer that was sniffing around Queens a few months ago. If you think Whyte or Green and his consortium are dodgy, you aint seen nothing yet :lol:

Old news!

Not to me :P

Decent post, but you're wrong on this one.

The SFL have no requirements for three years of accounts (audited or otherwise). People restating this again and again is simply clouding the issue and, dare I say, making it look like they don't really have a clue what's happening.

Hes also wrong about applying to the SFA first and then the league. You cant be a member of the SFA unless you play in one of their leagues

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