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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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If true then the SFL should tell them to fuk off, they'll make their own decisions, in fact they will ignore the situation and will deal with any request from newco to enter the SFL as they do any other

Agree - they should tell him to fcuk off. They should tell him to take his tinpot league which is so transparently rigged for two clubs and shove it up his cockwomble arse. They should tell him that his league isn't fit for purpose and neither is he. They should tell him everything that we know to be true.

Will they though?

My understanding is that the cockwomble will paint a picture that basically says 'If you don't roll over and take it up the arse for 'the Rangers' like the rest of us - YOU will be the ones with blood on your hands for killing Scottish football. We'll hastily re-organise the leagues as a sop for you. We'll throw in play-offs for you. We'll throw down some cash for you in the short term. Here's the bottom line though guys. Must. Save. The. Rangers. Oh, by the way guys, just before I go. If you stick two fingers up to me and the SPL and say 'fcuk you, you smug-faced arrogant cockwomble cnut' - here's what will happen. Our spineless chairmen will simply vote 'YES to newco in the SPL', going back on all their 'No' indications to their own supporters....they won't lose a moment's sleep in doing it either. You lot will see no cash trickle down, no play-offs, no league re-construction, you'll get fcuk all ever again from us. So boys, what's it to be? See ya' later - I'm away for a w**k, this stiffy is killing me.'

If I'm wrong, then so be it. Had a fair bash at outlining what I'm lead to believe the situation is though. Possibly not the 'away for a w**k' bit. Then again....

Edited by pozbaird
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Actually beginning to think that we have been daft to think that Rangers will be anywhere else but the SPL next season. Happy to be proved wrong but I think we are about to see a massive about turn by the SPL. I think the chairmen that came out saying no to newco believed that the SFL would capitulate and allow them in 1st division. Now that looks like it won't happen I can see some swift backtracking. I think we should all be prepared to walk away from Scottish Football come Wednesday evening.

Yep, I can see this as well and it will finish me and my kids with Scottish football for ever. Its patently clear that the SPHell chairmen thought that they could vote "no" because of fan pressure, thinking that the SFL clubs would put them in Div 1. What they havent bargained for is the resistence from our divisions to this happening, and now they are crapping themselves with the almost certain reality of NEWCO being out the top league for a minimum of 4 years!!! Pressure now back on the SPL clubs and its fans, especially the fans of the clubs that have stated a definite NO to NEWCO. Get on to your clubs this morning and demand that they do not change their vote!!!!

Edited by Sting777
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I have reached a state of zen-like calm about all of this. As Doris Day (or was it the Tartan Army) said, "que sera, sera". There will be an almighty fuss and folk will fling toys in all directions but we will all be left with a choice to either stick with the programme and keep supporting our teams or find something else to do on a Saturday.

I can't see me starting another hobby at this late stage in my life, so for this season at least, I'll be back at Firhill come what may. I will debate this with my cronies and we may well hatch a plan over the winter to do something else the season following. I quite fancy sea fishing. Hours of sitting still in the cold watching not much happening, then a moment of excitement or disappointment. Sounds kinda familiar.

edited to add after getting red dotted.....

I appreciate that the above maybe looks like capitulation. It's not, it's acceptance. If all that I fear comes to pass then I will be in there with the Resistance, blowing up bridges (metaphorically) and putting sugar in the petrol.

Edited by archie guevara
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Here's a wee repost from RTC :-

For any Chairmen thinking of going back on their publicly pronounced position

“Where there has been a fraudulent misrep, the innocent party is entitled to rescind the contract and claim damages. The damages that are awarded are not based on contractual principles but the damages available in the tort of deceit. There is thus no requirement that the damages are foreseeable:”

Hearts , Hibs, Aberdeen, St Mirren, St Johnstone, Dundee Utd , ICT, and Motherwell have all made public statements which confirmed they would NOT vote Rangers into the SPL. The fact that they did so induced their supporters to enter into a contract with their clubs by purchasing a season ticket.

They will leave themselves open to a legal challenge for damages, and will not be able to hide behind a “secret ballot ” if questioned in a court of law .

I suggest all clubs supporters make this very clear to their Chairman before tomorrow. They should each and every one of them publicly confirm they will not be changing their stance, and will not accept a secret ballot

What we may well be seeing is a softening up process. Current sentiment would see Rangers forced to start in SFL 3 . This latest “scoop” may well be an attempt to force an SFL 1 start by attempting to scare that their is a real possibility of New Club in the SPL

Traynor and Doncaster must be thwarted . They will destroy trust for all time between clubs and fans If there is any truth in this latest propaganda

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Whatever happens, the next 2 days are going to be possibly the most critical in the history of Scottish Football. There are 2 ways it can go - and I really don't think there is there is any panacea in-between. If the SFA/SPL/SFA don't do the right thing, for the RIGHT reasons, then there's going to be a huge backlash for both the league and National teams. Hopefully the chairmen will see sense - and take the consequences seriously!

I do hope there would be a huge backlash but for all the talk of boycotts and fans staying away - the realist in me says it just won't happen on a scale large enought to be noticed. I'm sure when people say it on P&B they geuninely mean it and will do just that - the problem is that others won't follow - hope I'm wrong

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Apologies if this is a duplicate but this thread moves so fast

Statement from East Fife

East Fife FC want to make clear our views on the current “Newco” situation as it relates to SFL membership. We have taken into account the views of over 500 of our supporters who responded to our survey.

We retain an open mind on the subject of league reconstruction, and will carefully consider any proposal put to us in this regard. The board of directors of East Fife FC, however, is unanimous in its view that we shall not support any integrated plan that in our view compromises sporting integrity by involving the admission of any ‘Newco’ directly into Division One. Any “Newco” must follow the normal application route into the bottom tier.

Sid Collumbine

Chairman, East Fife FC

This is a relatively minor point, but look at East Fife's statement. Now look at part of the statement posted last week by the Raith Rovers board.

"Whilst we retain an open mind on the subject of league reconstruction, and will carefully consider any proposal put to us by the SFL board in this regard, the board of directors of Raith Rovers FC is unanimous in its view that we shall certainly not cast our vote in favour of any integrated plan that in our view compromises sporting integrity by involving the admission of any ‘Newco’ directly into Division One."

Lazy b*****ds. :lol:

Edited by Paco
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The committee of Stranraer FC met this evening to discuss the papers recently received in advance of the SFL clubs meeting. The papers indicate a number of proposals and scenarios to deal with the potential vacancy that would occur if the expulsion of an SPL club occurs this week.

The committee unanimously agreed that the proposals are produced in haste and are unconvinced about the justification for departing from the rules and standards that the SFL represent. As a club recently faced with possible extinction and fighting our way back from financial difficulties we fully understand the position that a club could find themselves placed in and as a supporters run club, fully understand the passions of the supporters of clubs affected by such an event.

We are not convinced at the emotive language currently being aired to describe the potential ramifications to our game should a NewCo not be given special case treatment and consider that the benefits that could be negotiated do not counter balance the damage that would be done to the credibility of the SFL as a governing body.

We hold the stance that it is our place to act in the best long term interests of Stranraer FC and for Scottish Football as a whole and see no reason to breach the integrity of the SFL by filling a vacancy at any level other than at the lowest tier. The possibility of placing a NewCo at any other level breaches the sporting competition of our organisation and compromises the very structure of our game. There should not be a special case made for any club and we believe that the proper place for a phoenix club to restart life is at the lowest level. We believe it is right and proper than any club should have the right to apply for the resulting vacancy and we would then form a view on which club we would support for election to any vacancy based on the presentation case made by the applicants.

Irrespective of the size, stature, history and resources of the club filling the vacancy, the opportunity exists for that club to find their way back to their natural tier in the league structure in a fair and equitable manner while being encouraged to trade and exist successfully within the means at their disposal.

Restructuring of the league set-up and governing bodies is complex and difficult with many differing views and interests across the clubs in the spectrum. The current proposal has been compiled as a reaction to the unique and unexpected circumstances we are faced with and while there are clearly a number of ingredients that have great merit, this is too great an issue to be dealt with in this seemingly indecent haste.

Stranraer FC support the opening of a vacancy in the lowest tier given the options available at present and remain open to the continuing challenge of working towards a better future for all involved in Scottish Football.

Stranraer's a no then.:)

Seems they remember 1965.

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Here's a wee repost from RTC :-

For any Chairmen thinking of going back on their publicly pronounced position

"Where there has been a fraudulent misrep, the innocent party is entitled to rescind the contract and claim damages. The damages that are awarded are not based on contractual principles but the damages available in the tort of deceit. There is thus no requirement that the damages are foreseeable:"

Hearts , Hibs, Aberdeen, St Mirren, St Johnstone, Dundee Utd , ICT, and Motherwell have all made public statements which confirmed they would NOT vote Rangers into the SPL. The fact that they did so induced their supporters to enter into a contract with their clubs by purchasing a season ticket.

They will leave themselves open to a legal challenge for damages, and will not be able to hide behind a "secret ballot " if questioned in a court of law .

I suggest all clubs supporters make this very clear to their Chairman before tomorrow. They should each and every one of them publicly confirm they will not be changing their stance, and will not accept a secret ballot

What we may well be seeing is a softening up process. Current sentiment would see Rangers forced to start in SFL 3 . This latest "scoop" may well be an attempt to force an SFL 1 start by attempting to scare that their is a real possibility of New Club in the SPL

Traynor and Doncaster must be thwarted . They will destroy trust for all time between clubs and fans If there is any truth in this latest propaganda

Excellent......get on to yer clubs....NOW!!

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The committee of Stranraer FC met this evening to discuss the papers recently received in advance of the SFL clubs meeting. The papers indicate a number of proposals and scenarios to deal with the potential vacancy that would occur if the expulsion of an SPL club occurs this week.

The committee unanimously agreed that the proposals are produced in haste and are unconvinced about the justification for departing from the rules and standards that the SFL represent. As a club recently faced with possible extinction and fighting our way back from financial difficulties we fully understand the position that a club could find themselves placed in and as a supporters run club, fully understand the passions of the supporters of clubs affected by such an event.

We are not convinced at the emotive language currently being aired to describe the potential ramifications to our game should a NewCo not be given special case treatment and consider that the benefits that could be negotiated do not counter balance the damage that would be done to the credibility of the SFL as a governing body.

We hold the stance that it is our place to act in the best long term interests of Stranraer FC and for Scottish Football as a whole and see no reason to breach the integrity of the SFL by filling a vacancy at any level other than at the lowest tier. The possibility of placing a NewCo at any other level breaches the sporting competition of our organisation and compromises the very structure of our game. There should not be a special case made for any club and we believe that the proper place for a phoenix club to restart life is at the lowest level. We believe it is right and proper than any club should have the right to apply for the resulting vacancy and we would then form a view on which club we would support for election to any vacancy based on the presentation case made by the applicants.

Irrespective of the size, stature, history and resources of the club filling the vacancy, the opportunity exists for that club to find their way back to their natural tier in the league structure in a fair and equitable manner while being encouraged to trade and exist successfully within the means at their disposal.

Restructuring of the league set-up and governing bodies is complex and difficult with many differing views and interests across the clubs in the spectrum. The current proposal has been compiled as a reaction to the unique and unexpected circumstances we are faced with and while there are clearly a number of ingredients that have great merit, this is too great an issue to be dealt with in this seemingly indecent haste.

Stranraer FC support the opening of a vacancy in the lowest tier given the options available at present and remain open to the continuing challenge of working towards a better future for all involved in Scottish Football.

Stranraer's a no then.:)

Seems they remember 1965.

I like this statement.

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Actually beginning to think that we have been daft to think that Rangers will be anywhere else but the SPL next season. Happy to be proved wrong but I think we are about to see a massive about turn by the SPL. I think the chairmen that came out saying no to newco believed that the SFL would capitulate and allow them in 1st division. Now that looks like it won't happen I can see some swift backtracking. I think we should all be prepared to walk away from Scottish Football come Wednesday evening.

To 'keep faith', I don't think that SPL chairmen could go back on their statements of no newco in SPL next season. However they may well agree to transfer the share from oldco to sevco but defer the transfer for one year, operating an 11 team league for 2012/13 to give sevco time to get their football arrangements in place. At season's end 11th placed team would be relegated and SFL 1 winners and sevco arrive for 2013/14.

This would also give Green time to plant and lift an early crop of spuds during the year out to offset some of sevco fc's fixed costs.

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