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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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So if Black signs for newco, does that mean, in the week that Green was saying he would accept punishments including a year's transfer embargo, he was crossing the Is and dotting the Ts on Black's contract?

Absolutely no shame.

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A lot of doom-mongering in the last few pages. The paranoia is acute.

Nothing has happened yet. It's a high pressure time for everybody involved- whether directly as a chairman, or indirectly as fans on here.

It's not time yet to say we're all walking away. These are the desperate last twitches of a dying old system. Doncaster by the sounds of it got a rough ride yesterday and he'll know that Rangers won't win entry into SFL1, for all his scaremongering and grubby blackmail.

Hence the threat to postpone the SPL vote. Rangers simply cannot be re-admitted to the SPL as UEFA won't wear it and the Scottish national team and qualifying clubs for Europe will be banned until the situation is righted.

The SPL have nowhere left to go even if they postpone their vote today and opt for another week's worth of pressure on the SFL chairmen. I'll be absolutely astonished if the SFL vote to set aside their own rules and vote Rangers into division one- it's simply isn't going to happen, hence the SPL's panic.

Rangers (at best) are going to SFL 3. It's taking us a while to get there, but we will. Time and again this crisis has shown that knee jerk and emotional reactions are misplaced and turn out to be wrong in the face of actual events.

Scottish football will suffer as a result of this in the short term, but in the long term it will emerge stronger, better and fairer.We all just need to be patient and keep the head for a while longer yet, as the farcical endgame plays out.

I have come round to the view that whatever happens we are looking at 3 shitty options. In order to preserve any modicum of integrity, Sevco applying for the 3rd Division is the only shitty option with any merit. If this means that SPL clubs including my club St.Mirren go out of business then it's a price that has to be paid. This will be the collateral damage. SFL clubs who didn't depend on whoring themselves to Sky will readily take the place of the defunct clubs. As I have said before, a restructuring to 3 leagues of 14 teams would see Sevco potentially back in two years and would allow a good number of clubs to operate at a higher club than they currently are. I know that some people just want Sevco to die and say that we shouldn't be restructuring just because Rangers are in trouble. While that may be desirable on the face of it, it is my contention that it won't happen in reality and of course they will be voted in a some level and lets face it every SPL club with the exception of Celtic is in some kind of trouble now.The other two shitty options are just risible and really don't merit any consideration.

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Chris McLaughlin ‏@BBCchrismclaug

Most club reps entered meeting via back door to avoid media. Would fans rather they walked up the stairs and faced the questions? #SPL

Andrew ‘Bill’ Whyman ‏@bill8259

@BBCchrismclaug most? Who went through the front door?

Chris McLaughlin ‏@BBCchrismclaug


St Mirren, Ross County, Aberdeen.

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..true, but looking at it positively, Doncaster certainly, and maybe Regan/Longmuir will be left in an untenable position and will have to resign, if they lose what effectively is a vote of confidence and Ra Peepul do end up travelling to Links Park next season. The crisis could also mean the (final) end of Ogilvie, about three years too late admittedly, but still.

As was shown in the Gretna and Franchise FC cases, Scottish football simply cannot manage crisis without hand wringing, hemming and hawing and dissembling for months on end, before actually taking any action.

I think they have already dug their own hole with the events of this week, I can see UEFA intervening as this lot couldnt organise the preverbial piss up !!

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MTJ is taking abuse even after admitting he was kidding. If people on this thread really don't like trolls then heres an idea, don't respond to the real ones - everyone knows who they are.

Tarriers :-)

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My link

Wonder if they'll be tucking into this set menu.

Do you wanna know how much each of these days talks are costing Scottish football? :lol:

You'd be bloody raging if you knew as it's not a simple, it's Hampden they own it so surely there's very little cost involved... merely some meals.

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Calm down lads, I was bored and thought I'd take the piss out of the illiterate idiots and wee boys who are claiming they are the real fans in the midst of this.

Fora minute I thought you had gone all Whoopi Goldberg on us and you were channeling the #rangersfamily hashtag on Twitter. Or its alternative #rangersfamilly which gets just as many posts from the illiterate or dyslexic. There's even #rangersfamliy...

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Just walked past a couple of taxi drivers discussing Sevco FC and caught the tail end of their chat. Reassuring themselves of the continuation of Rangers with gems like "so it's still the same Airdrie" and "aye well then it's the same for us."

How can so many of these guys be so I'll informed????

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Sevco 5088/Scotland have submitted their application to the SFA last week.

Surely SPL/SFL have a right to know if this mess have been accepted as a member of the governing Football Association.

SPL appear to have failed to realise that SFL can kick-off on time - They have 30 functioning clubs filling their 30 places).

SPL - Delay all you want. Your mess is your problem till you get your fingers our your collective arses.

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Why are there still people on this thread prepared to accept that SKY will walk away? The only person who has said it is Doncaster, a man with his own agenda. Nobody knows what will happen with SKY but we're still giving Doncaster's statement credance by believing it.

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I'd be interested to know exactly who they think is going to want to watch the rigged SPL on Sky after all this pish.

Well the supporters of the Bigot Twins having been buying magic beans for years so no doubt they'll keep paying.

Bigotry, sectarianism, religion and violence handily disguised as a game of football. Puts bums on seats, y'know.

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You'd have to go along to find out. Having been to a fair chunk of West Junior grounds, I've not really felt I was at a 'mini Rangers love-in' anywhere really, perhaps Cambuslang excepted as they play in the same colours and have a Rangers-inspired crest. I guess there are towns where Rangers have a strong support, but the guys that run Irvine Meadow are big Celtic fans (I think they advertise a Celtic bus on the ad boards? Could be wrong but heard that). team in blue & white doesn't necessarily = mini Gers.

The one club I'd definitely say is not a mini rangers love-in is Pollok. I say that because I know the club really well. Yeah, there will be some Lok/Gers fans on the terraces, but there are also Lok/Celts as well as fans of other SPL teams, even the odd Partick fan. But a good number have Lok as their only team, either because they were from Third Lanark families or because they fell away from the Gruesome Twoesome. A big game at Newlandsfield is a cracking bigot-free day out, crowd in high hundreds if you pick the right game, and if you're on the train you can have a few drinks before and after. I've brought a few guys along from this part of the world and one has seen the lower leagues with another team and rates the Newlandsfield social experience as second only to one other. It's not the greatest Pollok team of all time but it is still a good day out.


Appreciate your input mate, although I have to say you're semi preaching to the converted as I've grown up and still live in the south side of Glasgow, taking in many Pollok games along the way! :D Alec McVake taught me all I know about badminton and volleyball! I've got a Thistle supporting wanting to come back to Newlandsfield after I took him to the Clydebank semi final a couple years back.

I'd agree that from the many junior grounds I've visited, I've not really felt the 'love in' either but then thats just a one off visit and going by what's on here, many think behind the scenes it's different. Pollok will always be a team I am fond of, was just looking for some other input into decent clubs etc that could be worth a visit.

All this, of course, is dependant on what happens with the Newco!

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Well the supporters of the Bigot Twins having been buying magic beans for years so no doubt they'll keep paying.

Bigotry, sectarianism, religion and violence handily disguised as a game of football. Puts bums on seats, y'know.

Oh aye, but who else?

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UEFA rulebook



Member Associations shall manage their affairs independently

and with no influence from third parties. Member Associations

shall provide in their statutes for a procedure guaranteeing that

their executive body is freely elected and that their other bodies

are elected or appointed in a completely independent way. Any

body or decision from a body that has not been elected or

appointed in compliance with such a procedure, even on an

interim basis, shall not be recognised by UEFA.

can this apply to SKY?

If so then article 8 which deals with expulsion states

an member association ,if breaking these rules could be excludedph34r.gif

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Just walked past a couple of taxi drivers discussing Sevco FC and caught the tail end of their chat. Reassuring themselves of the continuation of Rangers with gems like "so it's still the same Airdrie" and "aye well then it's the same for us."

How can so many of these guys be so I'll informed????

Because they're thick fucking bigots who get all of their news from thick fucking bigots, or utterly uncritical nimrods like McLaughlin at the BBC.

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