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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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yeah its always easy to look back..with hindsight!

I always look back with foresight, but it gives me vertigo.


Guy Gisborne can't possibly be his real name.

Is he a stand up Guy?

Edited by Granny Danger
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The club will be liquidated, there is no doubt in my mind about that. It's just a matter of how much groundwork Whyte has done to transfer assets for ease of starting a new club, as far as i can see.

Well you are 100% wrong. Sorry.


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No argument that's why they stood up to Rangers, but since when has fan power been remotely listened to by our chairmen? That's why no one saw this coming.

Since fans got mobilised and threatened to turn our back on the game.

It cannot be overestimated the power of the internet. If this fiasco had happened in the late eighties the outcome would have been different. Rangers would probably have been given a fine and points deduction at the very most with the msm holding back on proper investigative journalism.

The fact that fans from all clubs have been enlightened due to sites like p&b and RangersTaxCase as well as those documentaries by Mark Daly meant that the snowball was always going to grow to the extent we now see.

Hopefully the SFA have noticed also the extent that fan power has now grown and will be more likely to listen in future.

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Fair point actually there doesn't seem to the willpower amongst the orcs to get even a junior AFC style club off the ground. Sunday league or welfare level maybe at best...ah well

The utter lack of action and organisation amongst the orcs has been a stand out feature of this entire saga. "Worldwide Fanbase" bullshit aside, there a lot of people in Scotland who profess to be Rangers "fans" but their voice has been completely muted throughout this, even with a willing MSM , eager to give them a platform. There is no doubt that the fans of the diddy teams have been heard loudest throughout this via non-traditional means (the MSM have even been unable to ignore that fact) and their actions have appeared to be more co-oridinated (even without any structured campaign) and that is pretty staggering whichever way you look at it. I can only conclude that a false sense of entitlement and a lot of complacency where they thought "we'll be awright" meant that they didn't make anything happen apart from some misguided boycott threats that actually made the decision to refuse them entry to the SPL easier.

A few years ago, if someone told me that the Rangers fans would tamely let their club fold in the manner that it did - I wouldn't have believed it quite honestly - and the fact that there hasn't been an effort to start a "Real Rangers" from scratch is also a massive surprise to me. The current entity that is entering the 3rd Division is clearly an utter farce with precious few links to the past and I'm surprised that enough people aren't of a mind to start their own club - especially with a Pyramid allegedly on the horizon.

Edited by Swello
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yeah its always easy to look back..with hindsight!

Indeed, but to be fair to the majority of posters on here, we looked at events as they actually happened and asked many of the questions that the red tops and media knobjockeys ignored, and continue to ignore.

When it looked like Whyte wanted H&D as administrators - instantaneously on this thread, we saw warning signs. As football fans we had watched Portsmouth FC instantly cull their squad and staff in a bid to survive, and as the weeks rolled on with those 'player negotiations' rumbling along, we all continued to ask 'WTF?' - resulting in the 'worst/best administation ever' comments that can be added to this thread's terminology legacy: Cockwomble, Soccerball Bill, The Blue Shites, Sir Walter of Cardigan, Hughie Green... etc.

At a business bleeding one million pound per' month, P&B posters constantly raised red flags to ask just what was going on. That is only one example. I needn't go on. I'm not claiming that P&B posters were at the cutting edge of a new breed of internet analysis... but we did pretty well.

It continues today. Today SSN are showing reports from places like Elgin, and have slow lingering camera shots on how grubby the dugouts are, and how will the Ibrox big boys cope with this culture shock? The state of the Elgin dugouts / dressing rooms / pitch aren't today's pressing questions for the Sevco Works XI.... today's pressing questions are their ability to take part in the coming season at all, who Green's investors really are, what Green is really up to, what is the deal with the SFA licence / sanctions talks.. and why isn't Green there. What is going on with ST sales, their ability to fund Ibrox/Murray Park, and the state of play with what (if any) name, crest, and legal identity they may be admitted to the SFL carrying... and in the words of Jimmy Cricket... there's more.

The questions are being asked on here. Why are SSN fannying around with Elgin's dugouts?

P&B can at least hold its head high... we're at least trying. Aren't we Jabba?

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The utter lack of action and organisation amongst the orcs has been a stand out feature of this entire saga. "Worldwide Fanbase" bullshit aside, there a lot of people in Scotland who profess to be Rangers "fans" but their voice has been completely muted throughout this, even with a willing MSM , eager to give them a platform. There is no doubt that the fans of the diddy teams have been heard loudest throughout this via non-traditional means (the MSM have even been unable to ignore that fact) and their actions have appeared to be more co-oridinated (even without any structured campaign) and that is pretty staggering whichever way you look at it. I can only conclude that a false sense of entitlement and a lot of complacency where they thought "we'll be awright" meant that they didn't make anything happen apart from some misguided boycott threats that actually made the decision to refuse them entry to the SPL easier.

A few years ago, if someone told me that the Rangers fans would tamely let their club fold in the manner that it did - I wouldn't have believed it quite honestly - and the fact that there hasn't been an effort to start a "Real Rangers" from scratch is also a massive surprise to me. The current entity that is entering the 3rd Division is clearly an utter farce with precious few links to the past and I'm surprised that enough people aren't of a mind to start their own club - especially with a Pyramid allegedly on the horizon.

Your spot on in everything you say. I suspect that when diddy fans have been calling them bigots and gloryhunters whilst getting the retort of your just jealous etc we were hitting nail square on head. They wanted ready made glory and trophies which required no other input for them than buying a xxxl replica shirt and a shellsuit. The 'lifelong' fans that supposedly followed them through thick and thin were nowhere to be seen prior to sdm...and they're disappearing again just when they would be most needed.I think the fans of just about any diddy team would have saved their club or started a new Afc team...hell even gretna did it and Gary glitter has more fans than them

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isnt it The Rangers, or " Rangers " ? rangers are dead surely.why do they insist on calling them rangers fc etc

I was of the same opinion but if the SFA talk them into accepting sanctions for the past crimes of Rangers then they are Rangers, it will not matter in the end because if the sanctions don't kill them they will end up like Queens Park. If they do manage to get a licence without having to accept sanctions they are no longer Rangers.

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Poz they dont have hughies in turkey so I'll sort that when I get home but that is another cracking analysis. Email it to "you to us @ skysports" and get them fuckin tellt. Stop fannying about at sfl3 venues and start asking the right fuckin questions of t' rangers.

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to the tune of YMCA

HMRC, Its fun to pay your taxes H M R C laugh.gif

Think we can word it like so....

Young Bun, there's no need to feel down.

I said, young bun, pick yourself up from division 3

I said, young bun, 'cause you're in a new town

There's no need to be unhappy.

Young bun, there's a place you can go...

I said, young bun, when you're on your Giro

You can stay in that field there, and I'm sure you will find

Many ways to have a good time.

It's fun to pay your taxes at the H.M.R.C

It's fun to pay your taxes at the H.M.R.C

They have everything for you buns to enjoy,

You can hang out with all the diddie teams ...

It's fun to pay your taxes at the H.M.R.C

It's fun to pay your taxes at the H.M.R.C

You can get yourself clean with real soap, you can have a good meal from MC'D's

You can do whatever you feel...Riot in manchester

Young bun, are you listening to me?

I said, young bun, what do you want to be?

I said, young bun, you can make real your dreams of playing in EPL

But you got to know this one thing!

No bun does it all by himself.

I said, young bun, put your pride on the shelf,

and pay your taxes on time

and dont take my hubcaps away

And just go there, to the H.M.R.C

I'm sure they can help you today.

It's fun to stay at the H.M.R.C

It's fun to stay at the H.M.R.C

They have everything for you men to enjoy,

You can hang out with all the boys...

It's fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A.

It's fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A.

You can get yourself clean with real soap, you can have a good meal at the local KFC

You can do whatever you feel except to Riot on the streets ...

Young man, I was once in your shoes.

I said, I was down and out with the blues.

I felt no man cared if I were alive.

as the rangers might have been put into the SPL

I felt the whole world was so jive ...

That's when someone came up to me,

And said, young man, take a walk up the street they are now in Div 3

There's a place there called the HMRC

They can start you back on your way.

It's fun to stay at the H.M.R.C.

It's fun to stay at the H.M.R.C

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I was of the same opinion but if the SFA talk them into accepting sanctions for the past crimes of Rangers then they are Rangers, it will not matter in the end because if the sanctions don't kill them they will end up like Queens Park. If they do manage to get a licence without having to accept sanctions they are no longer Rangers.

It's not as simple as that in this current discussion anyway...we've been talking about the recent past, so calling them Rangers is correct. When D & P sold them to Green they were Rangers. Now, they may or may not be. But what they most definitely are -regardless of name- is shafted.

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