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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Holy shit. What's the origin of this video? I've never seen it before and although it pretty much says everything I expect from them, I still find myself horrified by it.

It was a documentary shown on Channel 4 maybe 10 or 15 years ago. Both the Rangers and Celtic fan they chose to follow and interview were utter disgraces. The programme makers obviously wanted folk like that from the far end of the spectrum. I vaguely remember the Rangers fan taking a crispy roll and triumphantly proving that a kafflik wouldn't be able to tell which part was Christ's body and which part was the crispy roll if he ripped it in half behind his back.

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Yeah, I had to switch to watching it on youtube so I could turn the annotations off. I really just listened to it 'cause it was starting to piss me off. Still intrigued about whether it ever aired in a documentary or similar though.

It was probably a Supporter of the Week piece for Rangers TV.

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Alex Thomson tweeting that UEFA have told him it's "virtually impossible" that RFC will get a licence but that the final decision rests with the SFA.

No chickens being counted on my part then.

So that's Rangers in Europe next season then.

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It was a documentary shown on Channel 4 maybe 10 or 15 years ago. Both the Rangers and Celtic fan they chose to follow and interview were utter disgraces. The programme makers obviously wanted folk like that from the far end of the spectrum. I vaguely remember the Rangers fan taking a crispy roll and triumphantly proving that a kafflik wouldn't be able to tell which part was Christ's body and which part was the crispy roll if he ripped it in half behind his back.

I've never seen the Celtic fan version, you got a link?

Just be interesting to see, I struggle sometimes to understand how these individuals could have such a mindset

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I've never seen the Celtic fan version, you got a link?

Just be interesting to see, I struggle sometimes to understand how these individuals could have such a mindset

I don't, no. They basically had a green version of the fat dick in the video above. I can't really mind what his bit was like as the Ger's version was just so "watch through your fingers" bad. I remember thinking that this was going out over the whole of the UK rather than just up here and being mortified at what folk might think if I told them I was a Rangers fan after watching that oxygen thief.

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I've never seen the Celtic fan version, you got a link?

Just be interesting to see, I struggle sometimes to understand how these individuals could have such a mindset

Here's the full length documentary:

Thanks for the info KB, something to watch this evening.

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You do know, if they don't get a licence to play in europe next season (righfully) all this will do is reinforce their beliefs Sellick fans's beliefs that teh SFA are anti - Rangers and Stewart Regan is Lawwell puppet :rolleyes:

Regardless of the outcome we will have one lot of you crying like babies. The real victims here are the rest of Scottish football, the game in Scotland is controlled by both cheeks, this is proven by the 11-1 voting system in the SPL.

Edited by stonedsailor
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Most believe the catalyst for change happened at the 1986 Mexico World Cup, when Graeme Souness posed a very simple question to Lawrence Marlborough,

"Do you want a sectarian club or a successful club?"

A very ironic question to ask when you consider that it was being a sectarian club which made Rangers (and Celtic) as successful as they were.

The real issue is that Rangers were able to sign Roman Catholics without giving up exploiting sectarianism. Celtic had been able to do that in reverse.

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This was always CW's plan. He doesnt build companies. He makes his money from buying companies in trouble and selling them off piece by piece. Everyone has known this since his name first appeared in the papers.

Murray tried for a very long time to sell the club and yet no red flags went up that nobody wanted it. This was because the people that might have been interested wanted to buy the club and keep it going. But obviously they had a wee look at the books and ran in the other direction. CW has seen a chance to make a few quid and taken it as Murray was so desperate to get this club off his hands.

The administrators can pick who they like but if CW wont sell his shares to them then there is only one other way to go............the big L.

With the amount of money owed (and lets face it the £134 odd million we know about may not be it all) most people will look at it and say that its a huge gamble with too many unknowns hanging over the club. What if the big tax case goes against them? How much will the final admin bill be? What if the team they can afford eventually is unable to be competitive for the next decade?

It's a lot of money to throw away.

And remember folks its not these guys own money they are playing with. Their investors will want a profit, and not just pump money into a club year in year out.

Ellis is becoming another in the long line of people not wanting to appear to be the one to pull the plug on the club but at the same time make sure they get their cut before the carcass is dragged away and buried.

After the decision is made as to who is the preferred bidder, they will be given 2 weeks to look over the books. My £1 says that bidder will either pull out or change the bid to a much reduced amount.

My feeling is that there is more hidden that hasnt been made public yet and that its closer to £200 million.

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Here's the full length documentary:

Thanks for the info KB, something to watch this evening.

Not a bad anthropological study of west Scotland fuckwittery. Thought it was just going to be the usual "The Scheme" style of lets find some sad idiots and laugh at them. Defenitely made by left footers though..:ph34r:

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New stuff on my blog later: how/why UEFA have Alex Salmond and MSPs in their sites because of political interference in Rangers

Excellent. That can of worms get further open every day. Go hang the interfering b*****ds.

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Here's the full length documentary:

Thanks for the info KB, something to watch this evening.

I had to button that before the first 3 mins were up. As it was full of everything that makes you cringe about the OF & their followers.

The hackles were up at the first mention of "Prodestant" or "Cafflick" & it just shows up their complete lack of intelligence.

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Salmond has badly misjudged the whole affair- his advisers should have told him to steer well clear, and leave it to Shona Robison to issue some well-meaning platitudes that don't commit the government to anything.

Instead his jumped in with both feet and has made a bit of an arse of himself- something that will be confirmed if he gets rapped across the knuckles by UEFA. They take a very dim view of any kind of political "interference" in the game and the fact that Salmond has blocked access to precise details of who said what to whom in meetings with HMRC suggests that he knows himself that he has gone way further than he should.

A rare mistake from him IMO.

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I had to button that before the first 3 mins were up. As it was full of everything that makes you cringe about the OF & their followers.

The hackles were up at the first mention of "Prodestant" or "Cafflick" & it just shows up their complete lack of intelligence.

It gets away from the total cartoon psycho-numpties further in, though there's no great improvement in intelligence..

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Salmond has badly misjudged the whole affair- his advisers should have told him to steer well clear, and leave it to Shona Robison to issue some well-meaning platitudes that don't commit the government to anything.

Instead his jumped in with both feet and has made a bit of an arse of himself- something that will be confirmed if he gets rapped across the knuckles by UEFA. They take a very dim view of any kind of political "interference" in the game and the fact that Salmond has blocked access to precise details of who said what to whom in meetings with HMRC suggests that he knows himself that he has gone way further than he should.

A rare mistake from him IMO.

You just know the conversation in the halls of power went something like this..........

"So you're saying if I try and get hmrc to go easy on rangers I could be seen as the guy who saved rangers by their 2 million fans in scotland and they'll vote for me instead of the big boys?"


And that's pretty much where the convo ended. Although it was rumoured that the tea lady had chipped in with "what about the 20 million celtic fans (the ones who went to seville) and the rest of the nation?"

But by that time Salmond was on the blower to Arnold Clark ordering up his popemobile type transport to drive him through the streets of Govan to be hail hailed (too soon?) as a hero for saving the greatest team in the world.

I love my country, but AS is a tit.

That is all.

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