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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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From Rangers Media

The problem with this idea was that us fans didn't want to wait 4 or 5 years tI get to the premiership and the English didn't want us skipping 80 odd teams. I don't think they would have a problem with us starting from the bottom.

If they have issue going to the bottom of Division 3 in Scotland, then ofcourse it will take longer in England. The way this post is written it almost sounds like this person wants them to go from bankrupt in the SPL to the EPL just because they are the Rangers.

I suppose their flags and stuff would probably go well down there.

And it would save them a bunch of diifficult road trips to far off worlds like Inverness or Dingwall which my research have shown are the same distance from the Faroes as Glasgow is from London.

And they winning A9 McFlurry would be ruled out because McDonalds are the enemy ;)

Edited by Chuckinho
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are they marching to a war or protesting. very confusing. just remember your enemies are the people. the same people who you shafted of tax money.

the same people you owe money to for players you bought but haven't even paid for.


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If you go down to Ibrox today, you're in for a big surprise,

If you go down to Ibrox today, you wouldn't believe your eyes,

For every Orc that ever there was,

Has got their head buried in their paws

Today's the day the Teddy Bears got their arse kicked!

Tick-tock time for Teddy Bears,

The bigot teddy bears are having a miserable time today

Hampden caught them unawares,

And their chairman doesn't give a f**k anyway.

See their spit their dummies out

They love to cry and shout

"Hey SFA, this we do not deserve"

They pissed the pot, paying no bills or taxes

And now they'll soon be dead

Cos there's no buyer for the Teddy Bears!


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Nice poster. Instead of marching on Hampden, why don't they march on the homes of Minty Moonbeams and Whytey boy, and kick both their cnuts in.... they're the ones to blame, not the SFA.

Then they can march on the SPL, and then Haudit & Daudit for holding everything up, and HMRC, and Dundee United, and then Alex Thomson, and any other enemies of Ra Peepul.

Bunch of spoiled little schoolboys, lashing at out at anything and everything because they are unable to deal with the emotional blow of their club being without a chance of winning anything for a few years.

Edited by BinoBalls
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The ongoing discussion on Rangers Media about starting again in England is quite an interesting one, there are repeated suggestions that there is no reason to stop them applying to the bottom league in England to work their way up, which is right, they could do if they relocated the club to England which I suspect the fans wouldnt want.

Actually this would be a brilliant solution, a fan led newco Rangers based and operating in England, half the job done.

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The ongoing discussion on Rangers Media about starting again in England is quite an interesting one, there are repeated suggestions that there is no reason to stop them applying to the bottom league in England to work their way up, which is right, they could do if they relocated the club to England which I suspect the fans wouldnt want.

Actually this would be a brilliant solution, a fan led newco Rangers based and operating in England, half the job done.

They should buy Darlington.

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"There has been widespread support across the political spectrum and in the football world for Rangers to be saved as a club and a viable business, last night's decision can only hinder rather than help.

"The decision to prohibit the Club from signing new players is akin to a court ordering the administrator of a trading company not to buy stock."

The only reason Rangers are getting such public support is because, as a football club, they are different to the average business that tries to diddle creditors and HMRC out of millions of pounds.

Do not, therefore, have the cheek to compare yourself to an ordinary business when whining about what effects the punishments will have.

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From Rangers Media

If they have issue going to the bottom of Division 3 in Scotland, then ofcourse it will take longer in England. The way this post is written it almost sounds like this person wants them to go from bankrupt in the SPL to the EPL just because they are the Rangers.

I suppose their flags and stuff would probably go well down there.

And it would save them a bunch of diifficult road trips to far off worlds like Inverness or Dingwall which my research have shown are the same distance from the Faroes as Glasgow is from London.

And they winning A9 McFlurry would be ruled out because McDonalds are the enemy ;)

I would think the top Conference teams would have something to say if Rangers nicked one of their promotion spots...

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The grossly intemperate language from D&P in the long statement posted a couple of pages back earlier will backfire on them.

They are effectively using, as grounds of appeal, their perception of those who made the ruling decision as clueless buffoons. Now, in my world, this isn't a prudent approach to achieving what you want. In my world, we try to use reasoned argument to define and defend our position, as opposed to ridiculing anyone who doesn't give us what we want, regardless of whether it is the correct and proper thing to do.

Indeed, if I were an official of the SFA, I might be inclined to slap a charge of misconduct on the current custodians of the Big Hoose. Isn't what they are saying (ie - that the SFA are clueless and incapable of reaching an appropriate decision) effectively much the same as Neil Lennon's various rants at SFA officials, minus the throbbing veins and spittle?

Surely when you lodge an appeal, you simply do that....lodge your appeal, and then quietly and efficiently build your case. These guys are trying to publically bully the governing body into performing a U-turn, and I think they're merely further demonstrating their own idoicy in the way in which they are going about this.

Dearie me. This house of cards cannot collapse and spontaneously combust soon enough.

Edited by Drooper
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They also seem to be missing the fact that to get into the conference they would need to spend 3 or 4 seasons(At least, I don't know the full structure) winning various regional leagues before even getting to that step of the FA ladder. The bright lights of the Blue Square premier are a long long way off, never mind playing in the English Premier League.


Up to a decade before they even make the football league. I wonder how many of them would still be follow following after that.

Edited by Ross.
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So on Saturday, they're walking from Queen's Park (Victoria Road entrance) to Hampden ? Hold on, that's a full 2 stops away from the nearest station, which is Mount Florida. What are they playing at ?

I can only reason that their route will take them through Cathkinview Park, the one time home of Third Lanark who folded in 1967. Ah, makes sense now.

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So on Saturday, they're walking from Queen's Park (Victoria Road entrance) to Hampden ? Hold on, that's a full 2 stops away from the nearest station, which is Mount Florida. What are they playing at ?

I can only reason that their route will take them through Cathkinview Park, the one time home of Third Lanark who folded in 1967. Ah, makes sense now.

Cup fianl day :rolleyes:

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Any fans of diddy clubs fancy turning up for their 'march' and belting out "Killie Pie when Rangers die" or other ditties that pokes fun at Rangers(in administration) Football Club ?

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John McMillan of RSA...

My link

What this has got to do with Lennon is beyond me. But spokesman for the RSA and complete and utter buffoon John McMillan seems to think he can compare the punishment given to Lennon with that handed to ra peepul. Why can't these morons accept that they've brought shame upon the Scottish game without reeling out the old line 'Ah but Neil Lennon done this...' etc.

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