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Somers and llambias is the rumour.Also the SFA have apparently pocketed the MacLeod transfer fee and Rangers are now insolvent is another rumour

Ashley's men.

Take it its to do with a disputed fine and will be held pending outcome of appeal?

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Ashley's men.

Take it its to do with a disputed fine and will be held pending outcome of appeal?

No idea, tonights been mental and all sorts of rumours are flying around.

Back to work tomoz so bed for me now

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I'm not convinced that the Jackson article amounts to much, beyond a summary of recent events and speculation that cash might be getting tight because the board objected to the diverting of £250k they hoped they were due.

The tone of it makes it all sound exciting, but I'm not sure that it is because:

a) It's Jackson writing in the Record, and

b) It says nothing new - simply that we all await Ashley's next move with interest, as everyone's been saying anyway.

Edited by Monkey Tennis
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One of the Easdale's has today put in a £500k loan to be used as working capital "over the next few days", secured against the money coming in for the sale of Lewis Macleod.

Looks like that transfer fee isn't even a sticking plaster...

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Rangers International Football Club plc

("Rangers", "RIFC" or the "Company")

Credit Facility of £0.5 million

The Company is pleased to announce that it has entered into a short term credit facility for up to £0.5m (the "Facility"). The Facility is being provided by Alexander Easdale, a shareholder in the Company and director of The Rangers Football Club Limited, the wholly owned subsidiary of RIFC. The Facility will be used by the Company for general working capital purposes over the next few days.

Alexander Easdale will make available to the Company up to £500,000 on a fee and interest free basis and it will be secured against the income from the sale of player announced on 2 January 2015.

Under the AIM Rules for Companies, the Facility is a related party transaction under Rule 13 of the AIM Rules. The Directors of Rangers, having taken advice from their nominated adviser, WH Ireland plc, believe that the terms of the Facility are fair and reasonable as far as shareholders are concerned.


For further information please contact:

Rangers International Football Club plc Tel: 0141 580 8647

David Somers

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("Rangers", "RIFC" or the "Company")

Statement re. Possible Offer and Rule 2.10 announcement

The Company notes recent press speculation and confirms that it has received an approach from Robert Sarver (or a vehicle to be established and controlled by him) ("Mr Sarver") that may or may not lead to an offer being made for the Company. There can be no certainty that an offer will be made, nor as to the terms on which an offer may be made. A further announcement is expected shortly.

Rule 2.6(a) of the City Code on Takeovers and Mergers (the "Takeover Code"), requires that Mr Sarver, by not later than 5.00 p.m. 2 February 2015 (the "relevant deadline"), either announces a firm intention to make an offer for Rangers in accordance with Rule 2.7 of the Takeover Code or announce that he does not intend to make an offer, in which case the announcement will be treated as a statement to which Rule 2.8 of the Takeover Code applies.

The relevant deadline will cease to apply to Mr Sarver if another offeror announces, prior to the relevant deadline, a firm intention to make an offer for Rangers. In such circumstances, Mr Sarver will be required to clarify his intentions in accordance with Rule 2.6(d) of the Takeover Code.

This is an announcement falling under Rule 2.4 of the Takeover Code and does not constitute an announcement of a firm intention to make an offer under Rule 2.7 of the Takeover Code. There can be no certainty that an offer will be made nor as to the terms on which any offer might be made.

A further announcement will be made as and when appropriate.

Rule 2.10

In accordance with Rule 2.10 of the Takeovers Code, the Company confirms that it has 81,478,201 ordinary shares of 1 pence each in issue.

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I really hope I am wrong but with all these sudden possible investors in the Ibrox based club could be able to engage in their usual plunder of top players (at least until they go to Govan).

Hopefully the teams challenging Celtic at the moment will be left alone.

I know clubs are rarely given transfer fees now but outbidding clubs on wages amount to the same greedy concept of buying success.

If they are able to do this then hopefully the best players will have more sense and stay put.

I know the consensus on here is they are in big trouble but I will only believe it if they for once do not do their plundering.

Edited by LeithKillie
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I really hope I am wrong but with all these sudden possible investors in the Ibrox based club cold be able to engage in their usual plunder of top players (at least until they go to Govan).

Hopefully the teams challenging Celtic at the moment will be left alone.

I know clubs are rarely given transfer fees now but outbidding clubs on wages amount t the same greedy concept of buying success.

If they are able to do this then hopefully the best players will have more sense and stay put.

I know the consensus on here is they are in big trouble but I will only believe it if they for once do not do their plundering.

You're kidding eh? They need half a million secured against the sale of a player that has already gone through just so they can pay wages. There is no chance of plundering at this time.

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I really hope I am wrong but with all these sudden possible investors in the Ibrox based club could be able to engage in their usual plunder of top players (at least until they go to Govan).

Hopefully the teams challenging Celtic at the moment will be left alone.

I know clubs are rarely given transfer fees now but outbidding clubs on wages amount to the same greedy concept of buying success.

If they are able to do this then hopefully the best players will have more sense and stay put.

I know the consensus on here is they are in big trouble but I will only believe it if they for once do not do their plundering.


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