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Interesting points made by several which seem to explain the present situation.

1)The first tranche of the loan will only cover them up until the EGM so the second can be refused.if things go badly

2)Ashley recently sold more shares in SD so, although he is still the majority shareholder, he is in no way the owner.

3)New loans are from SD so Ashley will have no more direct hold over the company.

4)Llambias and Leach will probably be voted off the board at the EGM but can then be reappointed as SD's directors.

Suddenly, Ashley has no more case to answer to the SFA.

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MP for central ayrshire Brian Donohoe hits out at Ashley,


Is this the same Brian Donohoe http://www.irvinetimes.com/news/irvine/articles/2013/05/21/458030-payback-time-for-mp-donohoe/

also voted against Real Recall bill which allowed constituents to call a by election if their MP is shown to be a useless plonker.

And on his MPs expenses

Brian Donohoe was allowed to claim over the odds on a three-piece suite for his second home because the Commons authorities did not want to “antagonise” him or appear “petty”

So good old Brain seems to value the traditional values of Rangers. 'Who can I rip off to line my own pocket?'.

Hopefully come the general election we will see the back of him.

Edited by thelegendthatis
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how fekin creepy does he look at the end. Scared the crap out of me.

A class act is Brian. Has put up 6x 2 line items of news in 2 years.

Site created with money claimed as part of his 'allowances'. And he talks about embracing the 'modern age'. Luddite clown = Rangers fan.

In addition to his salary of £65,738, the Central Ayrshire MP charged the public purse a further £147,217 in the financial year 2010/2011, putting him in the top five claimers.
Included in the claims submitted by Irvine-based Mr Donohoe was a total of £16,041 for ‘Accommodation’ and £21,539 for ‘Travel & Subsistence. His Labour colleague Katy Clark, who represents the neighbouring constituency of North Ayrshire & Arran, claimed much less - £2,978 for ‘Accommodation’ and £9,866 for ‘Travel & Subsistence’.
Mr Donohoe, who was first elected in 1992, also made a claim to cover ‘secretarial work’, which cost the taxpayer between £10,000 and £14,999. The name of the ‘secretary’ was recorded as ‘Christine Donohoe’.
Brian Donohoe is a very low-profile backbench MP. (Brian has a lot to be low profile about)
He is currently secretary of the House of Commons Rangers Supporters Club and, in the past, set up the All Party Parliamentary Group on Coronation Street.
Edited by thelegendthatis
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Bit of a thicko and seems partial to stealing from the government, sounds like a real Rangers man to me.

He's also a rent a mouthpiece for Rangers,,, you'll find google articles on him about Craig Whyte and others protecting Rangers fans right to be bigots.

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Top quality tears from the "spokesperson" of the vanquished Gummi Bears...


"We fail to see how the SD facility can be described as better for the club than the funding offer we made. It isn't and should not have been accepted if the best interests of all the shareholders were considered. Acceptance of the SD facility will do nothing to repair relationships with the fans which is critical in improving the revenue streams of the club."

...sounds like a call to arms to me as well.


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2 months down the line Ashley will 'loan' Rangers £20 million so they can pay back his £10 million 'loan' and so it continues.

Seriously, why are the SFA / SPFL / all the other clubs tolerating this nonsense?

(Just in the interests of Sporting Integrity and that)

Don't mention sporting integrity here. You'll get jumped on!

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Essentially Ashley has the whole shebang lined up for peanuts whilst The Glib and Shameless one and T3B spunked a few million and got hee-haw?

Looking forward to an angry statement from South Africa.

Not exactly. SP rise will net them a consolation bundle of cash if they sell up and slope off.

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The egm can be no later than 6 weeks from the 16th jan, with the call for the meeting needing acknowledged within 3 weeks. At the meeting any resolution needs a majority of votes at the meeting to be carried. This all from the bbc article when king hand delivered the egm calling notice on the 16th.

So, whats the spread of shareholders and their allegiances? if ashley has easdales loyalty and vote I reckon he can call on about 35-40%, king and the three bears about 35%. who holds the rest and where do they stand?

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The egm can be no later than 6 weeks from the 16th jan, with the call for the meeting needing acknowledged within 3 weeks. At the meeting any resolution needs a majority of votes at the meeting to be carried. This all from the bbc article when king hand delivered the egm calling notice on the 16th.

So, whats the spread of shareholders and their allegiances? if ashley has easdales loyalty and vote I reckon he can call on about 35-40%, king and the three bears about 35%. who holds the rest and where do they stand?

ashley called for an egm in October never took place and every other time in either this or any other incarnation of rangers, when an egm as been called it has never taken place.

Is there any reason to think that someone wont cave before they can get one convened particaulary when the current board are doing what they can to stop it

from here

Rangers shareholders to vote on Emergency General Meeting

The Rangers board confirmed on Monday morning that they intend to seek a withdrawal of King’s notice.

The board has 21 days to comply with King’s proposal, with the meeting required to be held within a further 21 days.

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ashley called for an egm in October never took place and every other time in either this or any other incarnation of rangers, when an egm as been called it has never taken place.

Is there any reason to think that someone wont cave before they can get one convened particaulary when the current board are doing what they can to stop it

from here Rangers shareholders to vote on Emergency General Meeting

i could be wrong but I think theres a majority required before arranging the egm. So just because King has asked for it doesnt mean that he'll be allowed it. I imagine the requestors for previous egms have been subdued by some change or deal. 21 days from the 16th jan is the 6th feb

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i could be wrong but I think theres a majority required before arranging the egm. So just because King has asked for it doesnt mean that he'll be allowed it. I imagine the requestors for previous egms have been subdued by some change or deal. 21 days from the 16th jan is the 6th feb

Yep , will King or the 3 bears deal, after the latest from the 3 bears sounds like they won't.

But would King be quietened by a chairmans role, my supposition is he just wants on the gravy train, make him the titular head and I think he goes away as he has the succulent lamb without splashing anymore of his hard earned tax rand ( isn't that the Real Rangers Men way) :ph34r:

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