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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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For those that care please let the SPL & the SFA know your concerns about a newco being launched straight back in to the top flight at the following addresses



Its time for the fans to stand up and please mail your own boards too

You should repeat this post every two pages.
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A guy on RM says the Record will have this story tomorrow. Could be a wind up..

all eleven spl clubs will now vote on our future if we are newcoed before the end of the season. the 3 on the spl board fear a backlash against their clubs.
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You're in the wrong country, probably the wrong game as well.

hmm Maybe someone should look at Kingussie's books then :lol:

I'm not naive enough to think that Rangers don't beleive themselves better htan the rest, but you don't f**k with the HMRC to that tune and get away with the status quo - this is a matte rof principle - surely they've put some creditors and businesses noses out of join in this.

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A guy on RM says the Record will have this story tomorrow. Could be a wind up..

What's the link to this thread? Could be very interesting if it's true and means making our feelings known to our chairmen is more important than ever.

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FROM that RM thread

i think we will be fine. there's a lot more to lose for some of these clubs if we are not in the spl or if our fans boycott their stadiums

Towing the party line I see- no change in reality yet...

I don't mind having a look at the RM threads full of their deluded folk but I'll leave the "bear baiting" to someone else.

Edited by Chuckinho
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Re the tennis ball idea, they are probably on the list of deadly projectile missiles banned from all grounds due to health and safety. You'd be lifted by the police and strip searched back at the cells before being banned from every ground in Scotland.

Singing sectarian songs they'll let go not hear, but tennis balls... could take someone's eyeball out.

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The letter writing campaign provides some measure of release, but as already been said, is pretty pointless, given the "what can we do, they're Rangers and we need them" rhetoric coming out of the SFA/SPL/Boardrooms.

I've written to my MSP, and the First Minister requesting that they don't condone tax evasion on such a grand scale.

I've written to my Club's Chairman, both as a fan and a shareholder, expressing my dissatisfaction with the lack of rebuttals to the many "Scottish football needs Rangers" comments and opinions in the National Media.

Getting any kind of mass protest organised is probably wishful thinking, but I certainly think it shouldn't be beyond each set of fans to convince themselves that some kind of visible action needs to be taken.

What that is, I have no idea.:whistle

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Wait, were those fines and penalties not related to letting a not fit and proper person buy your tax dodging club?

If other clubs have done that too, then hell mend them, they will have to face those penalties too.

ESPN can't tear up a contract that they signed just because they don't like the teams that are in the league.

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Throughout this enjoyable saga, and goodness how long it is going to continue, one thing has really struck me as odd.

It's not really been the lack of action from the SPL, nor the seeming acquisence of the other 11 Chairmen to this inaction, certainly not the love in from the west coast media. The one thing that really, really stands out is the blind faith and bigotted belief from the blue hordes that they and their club have done nothing wrong.

That they feel they are being punished and harassed for something so minor it should barely rate a mention, and that we are all out to get them just because we are not ra peepul.

I wonder if our distrust and hatred of them would lessen if they accepted that they had actually broken the rules, and that they did deserve to be punished and would just take that as a grown up.

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direct action (or inaction, more to the point):

let's take it as read that The Rangers are going to be in in the SPL next season and that any amount of submissions, however cogent or impassioned, from supporters of other clubs to to their respective chairmen, to media outlets, MP's, or anyone else is not going to make the slightest bit of difference; you can register your displeasure with whoever you like, however you like, for as long as you like - waste of time.

what you need is a coherent, ongoing, long-term protest to make it clear to anyone who ever takes even a cursory look at scottish football of the utter contempt in which rangers will be held from next season onwards, to make them ask why that is the case and to make it abundantly clear of the depth of that feeling

we've all seen the disagreements on here about how not renewing season tickets is a moot point - it harms your own clubs, obviously, and yes they are to blame by being complicit in the whitewash which will see rangers railroaded back in to the league, or carrying on with pisspot little penalties with short lived consequences, but that's not the point, and for those that are happy to still watch their own clubs it a non-starter anyway.|Why should they give up their footballing love because of rangers and a spineless set of officials anway. Without the sort of drastic, nationwide action that you all acknowledge football fans are unable to implement - for whatever reason - it's just going to be a fairly derisory protest anyway, bordering on the "sad little individuals" scale of things

What you need to do, as football fans, from the start of next season onwards, is to undertake never to visit Ibrox to watch your club's play ever again. you deprive Rangers of the comparative pin money from tickets - big deal - but more than that you're making your point. they're cheating b*****ds, and you want no part of putting money in to their coffers. if your own clubs make money from ticket sales, so what - they probably won't get paid for it anway, no great loss....

as for the issue of supporting your own club at an away game - f**k 'em; they've told you what they thought of the value of your support by re-electing rangers newco to the SPL or whatever, so for one or two away games a season, let them fucking know you don't agree with them - season in , and season out. turn up for home games and trips elsewhere by all means, support them in every other way you can, but for those trips to ibrox that they wanted, and you didn't, just turn your backs on them

imagine the impact in the wider footballing world: glasgow rangers - the club that no away fan will ever visit; everyone will want to know why, and a few well placed websites explaining things will get the message across. it'll become as big a part of that club's profile as any other part of their history (possibly sic) - and what do you have to do to make that happen - absolutely nothing, just sit on your arses and do nothing !

again, we all know it's impossible it is to orchestrate any sort of protest whch requires fans to do something positive, so make this the one that's taken forward by them simply not doing something - how much easier is that to sort out ? all the rangers games are going to be on tv anyway - get down to your own clubs on the day of a trip to ibrox, fill your own team's bar with customers, spend money on their pies and their beer and their merchandising - make enough noise about what's planned, they'll love it and be be queuing up to turn what would otherwise be a blank saturday (or whatever) in to a decent pay day by laying on big screen coverage for those who would once have travelled, but now refuse to do so; go to your local pubs, buy your local pie and chips, and avoid any of the other potential nastiness involved with a trip to glasgow.

make this happen, make it an institution, make it part of the fabric of your game just as much as ranger's cheating has been - and make sure that everyone knows why you're doing it !

ahh - jog on - probably a shite idea, but that's my thoughts anyway - is that 30,000 words yet ?


Why stop at 'never visiting Ibrox'. Just stop going to games involving Ranger home or away. Games will be on TV, watch it in your local boozer. When Rangers play away, they play in empty stadiums, SKY & ESPN - showing world wide, the games with no fans. How will they promote that 'atmosphere free games'.

Edit to Add - If you still need your weekend fix of football, go along to your closest SFL game.

Edited by SlipperyP
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Why stop at 'never visiting Ibrox'. Just stop going to games involving Ranger home or away. Games will be on TV, watch it in your local boozer. When Rangers play away, they play in empty stadiums, SKY & ESPN - showing world wide, the games with no fans. How will they promote that 'atmosphere free games'.

Edit to Add - If you still need your weekend fix of football, go along to your closest SFL game.

The saddest and most ironic thing about this whole mess is that SKY is one of the companies that these tosser have on their boycott list. A case of using SKY as a lever against the other clubs while at the same time telling them to F-OFF.

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Sitting with a strong coffee watching SSN - just seen the news that Tiger Woods has failed to make the cut in the latest USPGA golf event.

I assume the USPGA, with the help of all other players in the tournament, will now do everything to ensure Tiger Woods is allowed to carry on and play Saturday and Sunday. Rules will need changed and any semblance of a proper sporting event forgotten about mind you.

Tiger is the biggest player - he brings fans to the tournament, the TV companies want Tiger to play all four days, the sponsors want Tiger to be in the tournament. Without Tiger the USPGA will surely die.

I propose we organise a march to St Andrews and occupy the 18th green. I'm not turning my telly on to watch any more US golf until Tiger Woods is allowed to play today, tomorrow, forever.

Freedom for Tooting.

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Does anyone know how much money Sky gives the SPL and how its shared out ( old firm % the rest %). I read somewhere that the money received is 1% of what the English game gets . Its always mystified me why the old scum have demanded the lions share as their right . You don't have a league without the rest and the old firm can't see the wood for the tree's here. Financially stronger domestic opposition would actually HELP them. Closer games =better games= more interest= make them more competitive in Europe instead of their pathetic displays . An extra 100 k or so might not be much to them but its enough for a Motherwell to hold onto their better youngsters of seniors . Yes, keeping everyone poorer helps no one not even them. I have NO faith in your chairmen standing strong to them , none whatsoever but they must

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How about the half time walk in? Empty stands and masses walking in at half time will be more noticable on TV. Harder to organise but more of an impact?

I think that's a great Idea :-)

Why exactly would any of our chairmen believe our threats to walk away from the game if we can't even organise ourselves to make one protest?

Our letters and e-mails are being ignored and anything else we do might be ignored as well but do we honestly want Rangers to come straight back on as though nothing has happened without showing even the slightest bit of a fight against it?

It's easy to say X won't work or Y won't work but doing f**k all won't work either, except to embarrass us further that we disn't even bother to oppose it.

Edited by Jambomo
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