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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Both Pitch Perfect movies are good fun.


As for Gravity, I think it loses a touch of it's magic in 2D, but not to say it's even an alright movie, let alone a bad one. It's still a gripper and when you get down to it, despite all of the smoke and mirrors, it's a pretty simple plot well done.

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London Has Fallen - 6/10



Loved Olympus Has Fallen and was excited for this.  Of course it's basically just Die Hard in London but it promised much.



The actual film begins with a drone strike which is meant to kill an arms dealer who of course magically survives and seeks revenge.  2 years later and the British PM dies from a heart attack after some surgery which nobody thinks is supisicous in the slightest.  Big state funeral - all the G8 leaders are there and shit ges down.


My biggest problem is that not once do they properly explain how half of the terroists managed to be driving ambulances/patrolling streets and even guarding Buckingham Palace without anybody questioning anything. 


Then we travel around the strangely empty London with Butler and the President who managed to of course escape from every terroist in the City.  There's a few decent moments but the best being the one long shot towards the end as they go towards the construction site.


It's entertaining nonsense

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Jeanne Dielman, 23, Quai de Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles 9/10

Masterstroke of feminist counter cinema where a widow housewife cracks over the course of three days in the most subtle ways I've seen. Not an easy or 'fun' watch but absolutely brilliant really.

Philomena 6/10

A nice telemovie style drama with Steve Coogan being acted off screen by Judi Dench, the latter is looking for the son she was separated from by arsehole nuns, Coogan is the journo warming to her slowly but basically a bit of a Coogan-style c**t. Moves along nicely, well observed, complicates itself in some respects, but just plops you out at the end thinking 'aww'.

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Une Femme Est Une Femme 6/10

Very much of its time and place, kind of fun but also kind of boring.

Down by Law 6/10

Decent enough. It struck me watching this that Tom Waits is one of those people you can't imagine really being young, probably because he's always sung like someone 20 years older than he actually is.

Through a Glass Darkly 5/10

Have liked the other, ooh, three Bergmann films I've seen but wasn't into this.

The Wages of Fear 7/10

Basically the world's longest workplace safety awareness training video, good though.

Edited by Christophe
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London Has Fallen - 6/10


My biggest problem is that not once do they properly explain how half of the terroists managed to be driving ambulances/patrolling streets and even guarding Buckingham Palace without anybody questioning anything.


They don't need to, as these films are pandering to the latest "red under the bed" paranoia; a big portion of the targeted American viewing audience will just assume it's true that society is full of terrorist sleepers waiting to emerge at the drop of a hat.


Got to have the right mindset for these things   ;)

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Szamanka 8/10

Batshit insane, but with some jar-dropping brilliance, lot's of porno and a deliberately awful soundtrack - Polish.


Tale of Tales 6/10

Enjoyable dark dark fairy tales tied together fairly loosely. Looks lovely.


A Field in England 9/10

Really Good!


The Day of the Triffids (1962) 6/10
Loose adaptation of seminal sci-fi work. First half has some gorgeous moments, second half is badly paced. The scenes in the lighthouse are SUPERB.


Dracula (1958) 7/10
Classic horror, with a boombastic soundtrack that gets on your tits after a while

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London Has Fallen: 5/10


Akin to an extended episode of 24, set in London. As an action flick it's enjoyable enough, if you can forgive the massive plot holes, the ropey CGI and the complete and utter failure to deliver

the complete destruction of the Houses of Parliament. A few broken windows, pfah!


On another level it's a disturbing endorsement of the worst of American foreign policy. Torture is good when carried out by Americans, bad when it is to Americans. Arms sales to questionable regimes is bad when carried out by the businessmen of F@cktardistan, but good when carried out by patriotic American corporations. Mention of how America will endure for 1000 years conjure images of another government which made similar claims.

God Bless America and pass the popcorn... 

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Hail Caesar 8/10


As always with the Coens expect the bizarre and the unexpected. This is gloriously shot and packed with character and detail, and is as one might expect, a journey. The Coens are masters at delivering the non-payoff and so long as you are aware of this, you can sit back and enjoy the ride. The plot? I wouldn't know where to begin. It's complicated.

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Szamanka 8/10

Batshit insane, but with some jar-dropping brilliance, lot's of porno and a deliberately awful soundtrack - Polish.


Great film. Eccentric, erratic, but with moments of genius. Almost as good as director Andrzej Żuławski's masterpiece, 'Possession'.

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Secret in their eyes - Julia Roberts and Nicole Kidman and a few other familiar faces starring. Seemed like the most exciting option at cinema and it wasn't a bad film. Pretty decent storyline and a few interesting twists but nothing special. 6/10


Meh remake of an Argentinian classic. Wish Hollywood would leave these kind of things alone.

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I didn't know it was a remake until I started reading the reviews online. Hollywood will never leave this sort of thing alone!

Watched apocalypto on Netflix - not for the first time but it's a great action film for anyone who finds themselves bored and at a loss as to what to watch.

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Group of French Nedettes growing up in a Paris housing estate. Not much plot - just a really sweet take on friendship and girls growing up. I was in a late-hangover delicate state but a scene with them all partying and singing along to Rihanna had me blubbing - really captured the feeling of you first parties, first time drinking, first girlfriend/boyfriend etc. 

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MacBeth - 9/10



Absolutely loved this, get this watched.  


I enjoy a bit of high-brow movie intellectual what-not as much the next man, but this can be enjoyed as a quality historical action-tragedy which gets you on the edge of your seat whether you know the text or not.  Great film.


Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation - 6/10



This is a good laugh.


It does a good job of keeping your interest right the way through, whereas comparable films go on a bit.

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