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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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American Beauty - 9/10 - No idea why but it's the first time I've ever seen this. Loved every minute of it. Kevin Spacey is the boi.


The Jungle Book - 8/10 - Very well done. The wee actor who played Mowgli annoyed me, but apart from that it was great. Far better than I thought it looked in the trailers. Bill Murray singing Bear Necessities is bizarre as f**k (in the best possible way)


Miles Ahead - 6/10. Not as good as it potentially could've been. Cheadle is great as expected (the film is produced by him and he had apparently been pushing for it to get made for a while) but the film just sort of plods along without very much really happening.

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American Beauty is great expect the wanky "floating bag is beautiful" bit. Cringe.


I loved it, simply because its so cringey to the point where I felt slightly uncomfortable, and I thought that was the point of it. I get why folk would hate it though.

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Seen the new Jungle Book with daughter and Grandson.

Very good though if anyone has seen it and remembers the original, I would say the original was that bit better

My Grandson is 9 so anyone with kids around that age, it is well worth seeing.

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Captain America: The First Avenger - was really impressed with this, considering that the character never seemed of interest to anyone outside of the States. They avoid the jingoistic nonsense by making fun of it, and Cap probably ended up being my favourite of the original Avengers crew. Still very enjoyable on the second viewing.


Captain America: The Winter Soldier - caught up with this as the wean's going to want to see the third film in a few weeks. A surprisingly decent conspiracy thriller, which underlines how well Marvel have explored different genres with these films. The film did feel like it suffered a little from being set in the present day, as the Nazi-bashing of the original was more fun, but it ties in nicely by the second half.


The Visit - found-footage from M. Night Shyamalan, about a couple of young teens who go on holiday to visit their grandparents for the first time and are alarmed by their behaviour. It's OK, but is hampered by the fact that the constant filming doesn't feel believable; neither do the teenage protagonists, with the younger especially seeming like he was supposed to be in some terrible Disney TV show. Shyamalan's back to including his trademark twist, which BigFatTabbyWife saw coming a mile off, but he also seems to have taken a page from Eli Roth, mixing shite attempts at comedy with the horror. Like I say, it's OK, but you can't help feeling a better job could have been made of it.

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The Crying Game

Seen it many many moons ago but just caught it again while channel hopping and sat through it, very clever plotline if a wee bit cliched

Cant believe first time round I didnt see the 'twist' coming, watching it second time round its pretty obvious :lol:

Edited by Tom Rogic
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The Jungle Book is absolutely wonderful. Barely room to catch breath through most of it. I think that there was a point where I was almost burnt out and I can't go full whammy because of that, but this is a tremendous movie, and a 9/10.

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American Beauty is great expect the wanky "floating bag is beautiful" bit. Cringe.


It is indeed cringeworthy but, like everything else in the film, there's a lot of truth in it: that's exactly how pretentious, deep-thinking, arty teenagers behave, especially when talking to women. See also Mason as he grows up in Boyhood.

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The Jungle Book

A stunning film, was slightly let down by Mowgli's acting but he's a wolf boy working in front of a green screen so I'll let him off. Brilliant.


I've been catching up on my Marvel for Civil War.

I'll give Winter Soldier, Age of Ultron and Ant-Man an 8/10 each. Each offers something different and are all entertaining to the same extent, pretty impressive. Glad I took the time off after Iron Man 3 as I was burnt out with superheroes by that point.

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Step Up


A bunch of 25 year olds who are meant to be teens at stage school. Horrendous. Daughter and I gave up before the end but missus watched it all as she fancies Channing Tatum. Would give it a 2/10 - the 2 being on account of the slight nod to Boyz n the Hood and someone's inevitable demise in the opening scenes. 

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The Lobster: 8/10

Very funny stuff. Loved all the stilted conversations between the people at the hotel. Common criticism seems to be that the second half of the film is much weaker, which I can sort of see but I think it worked overall, especially in light of the ending.

Montage of Heck: 4/10

Eh. Some of the home video bits were quite good but too much of the other footage was stuff we've already seen in Live! Tonight! Sold Out! and elsewhere. Also the animations of Kurt's doodles and diary entries were just cringeworthy.

Big Trouble in Little China: 4/10

Decided to re-watch this after some John Carpenter chat. Er yeah it's just daft isn't it.

Walk the Line: 7/10

Never got around to watching this until now, think the storytelling maybe lacked a bit of momentum but the two leads were excellent.

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It is indeed cringeworthy but, like everything else in the film, there's a lot of truth in it: that's exactly how pretentious, deep-thinking, arty teenagers behave, especially when talking to women. See also Mason as he grows up in Boyhood.

With Mason though it was supposed to be based in reality and not necessarily taken seriously. He was just supposed to be a representation of that type of American teen. The bit in American Beauty felt like it was trying to be serious and moving.

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Unstoppable - Cap'n Kirk & Malcolm X face a race against time to stop a runaway train from destroying part of a heavily-populated city.


This wasn't bad. Obviously there's no real tension about how things are going to end, it's more a matter of how they get there. The constant narration by TV news crews gives it something of a TV movie feel at times, but it's worth a watch if you see it in the TV listings one night.


Also Tony Scott's last film, for what that's worth.

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