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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Manchester By The Sea - 10/10. Perfect film. Wasn't expecting a lot from this, but wow. Laughed and cried the whole way through it. 

La La Land - 9/10. Excellent, and lives up to the hype. Emma Stone is great in this, but Ryan Gosling is different class. It's no coincidence that the film steps up a level from when he appears.

Assassin's Creed - 0/10. Walked out halfway through it. What a total clusterfuck of a film.

Tony Robbins: I Am Not Your Guru - 8/10. Netflix documentary on life coach Tony Robbins. Crazy how mental people go for him, and I actually think he comes across really well, even though its clear that the director is trying to make him out to be a fanny.

The Interview - 3/10. Pretty dreadful, to be honest. The sooner James Franco and Seth Rogan stop making films about them being pals, the better.

A Single Man - 8/10. Not a fan of Colin Firth at all, but he's phenomenal in this. Loved it.

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Kubo and the two strings - 8/10

This is one of the best animated films I have ever seen. It is very dark, quite atmospheric and macabre, but very well executed. A young boy must locate a magical suit of armour in order to battle a menacing villain from another plain who murdered his father. The supernatural aspects of the film are mesmerising and perfect for the style of animation. I've only watched this once and may be inclined to raise my rating to a 9 - it's that good.

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On 10 January 2017 at 19:25, Cerberus said:

The problem with Die Hard is that McClane went from a normal cop to almost a superhero that could drive a car into a helicopter.

And the less said about the last one the better.

The fourth one was bearable , the last one when he ends up in russia is unbearably shite and McClane just comes across as an arsehole at times . First three are superb though , but watching that last one and when you compare just how great the first one is to the last one , it's almost heartbreaking :lol:

Edited by Forever_blueco
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I watched Blair Witch last night and thought it was utterly shit. It was similar to the first as it was a group of kids going camping with a set of cameras and the technology had obviously been advanced a bit but it was really difficult to watch with the jumpy camera all the time and this was used to get a cheap fright from a situation. The thing was the camera was so often really jumpy so rather than being spooked out it was just an unpleasant viewing experience and I was constantly on edge and having to look away, not because i was scared of the storyline but because i was expecting a jump of the camera and some loud bang at almost any point, it was like having a blind fold on in a really quiet room and then someone bursting balloons at random intervals and it was just an unpleasant experience to view it. On top of that it was just an utterly shit film that made zero sense. Avoid.

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Tony Robbins: I Am Not Your Guru - 8/10. Netflix documentary on life coach Tony Robbins. Crazy how mental people go for him, and I actually think he comes across really well, even though its clear that the director is trying to make him out to be a fanny.

The director is actually very pro Robbins and credits him with positively changing him. I was annoyed he didn't go in harsh on Robbins. The whole set up made my skin crawl.
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Don't Look Down - TV movie from the Nineties "from Wes Craven" straight-to-video stable. Woman thinks she's being haunted by her sister after failing to save her from a fall into a ravine. Pretty dull drama that mainly revolves around group therapy, and you'll work out what's going on by the halfway point. And the sister deserved it anyway for fannying about.

Shocker - an actual Wes Craven film, from his grim post-Nightmare, pre-Scream phase. A high school jock finds himself dreaming the murders of a notorious serial killer, who has entered into some kind of pact with an electricity demon of some sort, in order to live on after death in the electric chair. Absolute chewing gum horror film; doesn't make a whole lot of sense despite being quite simple, and is chock-full of dreadful hair metal. Watch Fallen instead, which did a similar tale much better, and with better music. And Denzel Washington. And John Goodman. Seriously, it's a good film.

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The Girl With All The Gifts - 6/10

Meh. Interesting concept that evolved zombie children may harbour the cure for the infection. However, the premise is let down by an unlikely scenario - why would they be educating the children at all, particularly if their prejudices are so ingrained that they see the children as nothing more than "abortions"? Why not just dissect the lot of them if that's inevitably how the cure would be found? Anyway, still enjoyable for the odd scene.

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The Girl With All The Gifts - 6/10

Meh. Interesting concept that evolved zombie children may harbour the cure for the infection. However, the premise is let down by an unlikely scenario - why would they be educating the children at all, particularly if their prejudices are so ingrained that they see the children as nothing more than "abortions"? Why not just dissect the lot of them if that's inevitably how the cure would be found? Anyway, still enjoyable for the odd scene.

The books is much better, goes into a lot more detail than the film did. Sadly with only 2 hours to cram in 400 pages, it does tend to miss the mark at points.

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Just now, glasgow_bairn said:



The books is much better, goes into a lot more detail than the film did. Sadly with only 2 hours to cram in 400 pages, it doesn't tend to miss the mark at points.


My wife kept saying that all the way through it. She said that the whole scenario was explained much clearer.

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2 hours ago, mrcat1990 said:

The director is actually very pro Robbins and credits him with positively changing him. I was annoyed he didn't go in harsh on Robbins. The whole set up made my skin crawl.


Genuinely didn't know that. I thought at times he tried to catch him out, especially when questioning on why he does what he does, and what he thinks he does that helps people.

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