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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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25 minutes ago, killiepiemuncher said:

It's a compliment. I enjoyed your review don't be so sensitive.

All I said was "Eh?", as I didn't know what you meant  :unsure2:

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New Transformers. An utter incomprehensible mess. It's actually some achievement to make a film about massive shape shifting robots that dull!
I presume they just dropped a humongous bag of cash on Anthony Hopkins' front door.

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Quatermass and the pit

Never seen it all the way through before. Ok so it's dated but still very watchable. Really like hammer stuff and need to make a point of watching more. 


Edited by D.A.F.C
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New Transformers. An utter incomprehensible mess. It's actually some achievement to make a film about massive shape shifting robots that dull!
I presume they just dropped a humongous bag of cash on Anthony Hopkins' front door.

I'm very glad he did. His performance alone nearly salvaged it. Provided some more than welcome laughs.
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I'm very glad he did. His performance alone nearly salvaged it. Provided some more than welcome laughs.

Oh, undoubtedly. He, and to a lesser extent his psychotic robot butler, were the only vaguely watchable elements.
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The Mummy 8/10

Had NO IDEA this was a new franchise until I realised Russell Crowe was playing another horror film staple. It was alright! Basically a zombie film but stupid enough to be entertaining. Actually looking forward to the next one (Bride of Frankenstein)...(cinema)

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A Most Wanted Man - 9/10

It reminded me a lot of the recent Tinker, Tailor, Solider Spy film re-make which was brilliant.  It conveys an underlying uncertainty, mundanity, ennui as part of an innate feature of work in the secret services, but shifted out of the Cold War context.  Philip Seymour Hoffman is outstanding, naturally, and the film genuinely left me guessing to the end.  Cracking film, under-rated imo.


Star Wars: Rogue One - 7/10

I ****ing love Star Wars and really enjoyed this.  But, I thought it was a wee bit too long in the middle section which impacted on the overall quality.  However, the last fifteen minutes or so were genuinely thrilling.

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Jurassic World 4: Electric Boogalorld 6/10

Couldn't help myself give this a rewatch when I seen it was on Netflix, but the dino battles were awesome! Also how great would it be to be locked down on an island with Dallas Howard and Judy Greer.

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Transformers: Age of Extinction - 3/10

Had completely missed this first time round, and only realised it existed when I was talking with someone about the new one, so thought I should at least check it out. I knew this was going to be CGI heavy and not a lot of story so was slightly surprised that it actually started quite well, protective single dad, daughter nearing the age of leaving to go to college etc. Dad is an inventor / repairs scrap tech and happens upon an old truck that just happens to be Optimus Prime and the adventure ensues with the cliched daughters boyfriend that is a bit of a boy racer, secret US govt agency up to no good, as is dodgy tech company. Now if the movie had finished at 1hr 45 or there abouts I think I would have been tempted to rate it 5 or 6 as it was passable sci-fi entertainment. But the running time is 2hrs 45 minutes, and the last hour really drags. 

Once the action moves to China, i started to lose the will to live as it just drags on, and i thnk the people working on the movie did as well. the editing is shockingly bad in places, people leave and then turn up again later on, the dialogue from the autobots sounds like it is lazily just added on over the top and doesn't fit with the movie. It really does just fall apart, is far to long, and the fight sequences which to start with are good, become tedious and repetitive.

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21 minutes ago, honestly united said:

Transformers: Age of Extinction - 3/10

Had completely missed this first time round, and only realised it existed when I was talking with someone about the new one, so thought I should at least check it out. I knew this was going to be CGI heavy and not a lot of story so was slightly surprised that it actually started quite well, protective single dad, daughter nearing the age of leaving to go to college etc. Dad is an inventor / repairs scrap tech and happens upon an old truck that just happens to be Optimus Prime and the adventure ensues with the cliched daughters boyfriend that is a bit of a boy racer, secret US govt agency up to no good, as is dodgy tech company. Now if the movie had finished at 1hr 45 or there abouts I think I would have been tempted to rate it 5 or 6 as it was passable sci-fi entertainment. But the running time is 2hrs 45 minutes, and the last hour really drags. 

Once the action moves to China, i started to lose the will to live as it just drags on, and i thnk the people working on the movie did as well. the editing is shockingly bad in places, people leave and then turn up again later on, the dialogue from the autobots sounds like it is lazily just added on over the top and doesn't fit with the movie. It really does just fall apart, is far to long, and the fight sequences which to start with are good, become tedious and repetitive.

I'm pretty sure that's where I thought it was going to end and as soon as I realised there was another hour to go I just turned it off. Think this was before the Dinobots had even made a proper appearance, still haven't seen it and have no real desire to.

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After the Storm 7.5/10

Japanese film about a novelist turned private detective but don't watch it for any criminal drama as it's really about one man's struggles to keep a grip on his life as it falls apart through gambling addiction, divorce and money problems whilst regretting all of his broken ambitions and dreams. (torrent)

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Baby Driver -- 9/10. Cracking stuff from Edgar Wright. The opening sequence alone was worth the admission price. Brilliantly choreographed and never misses a beat. Cool as f**k.

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14 hours ago, Tommy Nooka said:

I'm pretty sure that's where I thought it was going to end and as soon as I realised there was another hour to go I just turned it off. Think this was before the Dinobots had even made a proper appearance, still haven't seen it and have no real desire to.

to be fair wish I had done the same

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