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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Recently got a cineworld unlimited card so gonna try and rattle through this summer's releases.

Deadpool 2

Enjoyable enough and still very funny in parts but seemed to be trying too hard a lot of the time. Too many really obvious and forced pop culture references. Where the first was fresh and new, this one seems to be too much of a rehash.

In saying that, there were some excellent bits. Was pissing myself at the X Force entering the field on the parachutes and I did enjoy Deadpool referencing the lack of X Men in the mansion.



Despite a generally negative critical reception, I actually really enjoyed this. I'm not a huge Star Wars buff so don't appreciate the extended universe as much as some might but overall it was a very decent film that could have ended up pretty disastrous. Solid cast with special mention for Glover as Lando's younger self. An uncanny reincarnation!


Emily Clarke was as wooden as she has been for the last 7 years on Game of Thrones but no surprises there

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Zama 7/10

Set in South America in the late 1700s no massive story arc just basically the tale of a v clinically fed up colonialist who has been dumped in some shit hole (not completely clear where) as an administrator for the Spanish govt and who seemingly has no choice but to go wherever the govt sends him and proceeds to spend the whole film begging his superiors to seek permission to send him to where his family lives, needless to say he keeps going round in circles. Seemed quite an interesting film, had this kind of delirious feel to it that matched the delirium of the heat and the bugs and the swamp of the setting. Only thing is i made the mistake of seeing it when I was really knackered so the lack of narrative made it really hard to keep my eyes open. Might actually go see it again when I’m more awake. (cinema)

My Friend Dahmer 7.5/10

Based on the excellent comic by an old school “friend” of Dahmer’s which itself is based on the last year they spent at school before the small group of friends either went to college, or in the case of Dahmer, started doing his bad murders. Really like the idea of a serial killer film being about the time before the person starts actually doing the killing. Doesn’t really try to get into his head, because at the end of the day you will never really know what would drive someone to that point, it was more just a portrait of a particular time and a relationship that these kids had with Dahmer that was somewhat exploitative (they basically were friends with him because they thought he was a freak). Thought the guy that played Dahmer was v good, there were a few particularly creepy moments that were incredibly subtle and were essentially not much more than just a look on his face. (cinema)

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Star Trek: Into Darkness

Actually enjoyed it. I am turning into an old git that normally feels that they are ripping the arse out of the franchises I enjoyed as a kid.

This one managed to come across as a good up to date film while keeping enough old school trekie stuff for the likes of me.

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Leningrad Cowboys Go America

Deadpan comedy about a Soviet rock band on an eventful tour of the USA. I remember this had a bit of a cult following among some of the stoner crowd in Montrose back in the early 90s. I hadn't seen it for 20 odd years but it has aged fairly well. I did enjoy it more as a stoned 17 year old though...


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Children of Darkness 7/10

Can’t be arsed writing a review. Have a synopsis c&p job...


an Oscar nominated 1983 documentary film produced and written by Richard Kotuk and Ara Chekmayan. It explored the topic of juvenile psychiatry - an acute lack of mental health care in America for seriously emotionally disturbed youth. Many children in these institutions were simply warehoused and the common basic form of therapy was drugs, which didn't really help the kids but merely controlled them. The film not only uncovered the mistreatments in mental institutions but it also captured the cold realization that mental illness can happen to anyone. Public mental institutions were not just for the poor. Children from middle class families and upper middle class families often ended up there due to inadequate insurance money and dwindled savings.


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14 hours ago, tongue_tied_danny said:

Rocky IV 

Probably the cheesiest  but also the most entertaining Rocky film. This has everything: a plucky underdog, evil foreigners, typically 80s music and montages along with lashings of patriotism and a half assed political stance.




Unquestionably the best of the Rocky films. Love it. I have the soundtrack on my iPod and it's full of great tunes. This film features the best montages of all the Rocky films, and the best shit 80s robot in all of film. Rocky also stops the Cold War with his stirring speech at the end. Heroic. 

@Chicken Wing

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Pitch Perfect 3.

When I drink beer alone at home I like to watch films with songs so that I can loudly, and very poorly, sing along to. 

It's decent but easily not as good as 1 and 2. I'd say 7/10.

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Rock of Ages. 

One of my favourite movies to watch when I drink. It's one of my dreams to one day watch it along with a significant other when both of us are drinking heavily and singing along.


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16 hours ago, DA Baracus said:

Unquestionably the best of the Rocky films. Love it. I have the soundtrack on my iPod and it's full of great tunes. This film features the best montages of all the Rocky films, and the best shit 80s robot in all of film. Rocky also stops the Cold War with his stirring speech at the end. Heroic. 

@Chicken Wing

This is no less ridiculous than the reality of David Hasselhoff bringing down the Berlin Wall tbf.

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Hereditary — It’s been about 45 minutes since I left the cinema and I’m still trying to process just what the f**k I’ve just watched. 

Edited by MSU
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Bone Tomahawk 7/10

A kind of twisted take on horror as a genre really as much as a western. Basically a kidnap and rescue mission, featuring an ageing and infirm posse (Kurt Russell, Matthew Fox, Patrick Wilson). The “Indians” that they are tracking are pretty much monsters. Good film, very well done on a small budget. A lot of it is a binding exercise between the posse members, and as such, it feels about half an hour too long, but when the violence strikes, it is brutal and horrific. The sound effects alone are pretty gut churning. And the violence is all very sudden, there’s virtually no score, so it doesn’t play on the usual horror-trope of “jump-scares” with loud noises, or increasing volume depicting impending doom. If you read any other review of it, I can almost guarantee they will make mention of a specific death scene, which is one of the grimmest and nastiest I have seen on screen for a long time. Happy to describe in spoiler form below if anyone really wants to know. (Netflix)


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Bobby Robson - More Than A Manager 10/10

First of all - 100% recommended. I can’t imagine a single member of this board not loving this film. It’s emotional - and rather one sided, almost a hagiography - but you couldn’t imagine it any other way. The talking heads - Mourinho, Shearer, Gazza, Fergie, Lineker, Butcher, Guardiola, Real Ronaldo and especially Frank Arnesen - obviously all *adore* the man and he clearly had an enormous influence on all of them even though he perhaps only worked with some for a short time. 

It does touch - very briefly - on the allegations of infidelity, but they are swiftly dismissed and placed properly in the context of his *appalling* treatment by the FA and the press in the run-up to the 1990 World Cup.

In fact that is something of a theme from the moment he left Ipswich to take on the England job, not fully recognised at the time for his achievements and even pilloried for his mild failures. You can really feel his frustration at the lack of respect because he gives over his entire life to football. Even to the point that his son Mark laments how Bobby decided to leave his job at the ground; he never once shared his enormous love for and knowledge of the game with his kids.

The narrative jumps around chronologically, which keeps it fresh rather than just trudging onwards. Starts with his Barca team, and holy shit what a fucking team, Ronaldo, Figo, Stoichkov, Guardiola, Popescu, Couto, Blanc, Luis Enrique. Someone calls them a top 3 all time Barca team and it’s hard to argue. LvG’s press conference when Bobby was shoved upstairs after winning a cup treble the year before was beyond sad.

By contrast the team he built at Newcastle was full of never-quite-weres - Dyer, Jenas, Ameobi, Woodgate, Bowyer etc. - and yet he still turned the club round and got them to a UEFA semi. It felt like getting fucked over by Freddie Shepherd might well have broken his heart and made him less able to fight the cancers he had beaten before. 

There’s plenty of great footage from his early days at Ipswich and it was astonishing to see the turnout when they took the 78 FA Cup around Suffolk. People really cared about it. Bobby called it the greatest moment of his life. 

Bobby always had a smile, a big beaming smile, unless he was angry and then the fury was palpable. Essentially he lived for the game and gave every last drop of his passion into it until he was spent. 

I havent even talked about the World Cups...or the cancer trials charity he started in his last days...I’m welling up again. Lineker says he’s he best English manager of all time...I don’t even think Cloughie would disagree. (DvD)


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Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom

Total nonsense.  Predictable as anything and laden with plot holes.  The super bad dinosaur in this one also turned out to be pretty shit and was defeated with the minimal fuss in about twenty minutes.  In saying all this, the volcanic eruption was a well made spectacle, some good scenes of bad guys getting their comeuppance and for once, a child actor that didn't make me want to turn cover my ears for fear of cringing to death.  Also, dinosaurs ripping folk apart and fighting each other.  No matter how questionable the plot is in a film like this, I'll probably always enjoy it.



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Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom
Total nonsense.  Predictable as anything and laden with plot holes.  The super bad dinosaur in this one also turned out to be pretty shit and was defeated with the minimal fuss in about twenty minutes.  In saying all this, the volcanic eruption was a well made spectacle, some good scenes of bad guys getting their comeuppance and for once, a child actor that didn't make me want to turn cover my ears for fear of cringing to death.  Also, dinosaurs ripping folk apart and fighting each other.  No matter how questionable the plot is in a film like this, I'll probably always enjoy it.

Saw this yesterday and loved it.

Mon the dinosaurs!!

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