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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Instant Family

Had seen plenty of trailers for this, and while I was interested in in the idea, I had the fear that it was one of those films where all the best bits are in the trailer. It's not quite a drama, and not funny enough to be a comedy, but it's a decent enough watch, and Rose Byrne as the foster mum and Isabela Moner as the oldest kid are both excellent.

It didn't quite work overall for me, but glad I took the time to see it, and if you look at it from the context of promoting the foster system, it does a pretty good job.

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The Mule 7/10

I went to see this with my mum because literally the only films showing at the 12 screen Luxe Multiplex I haven’t already seen are The Upside (J-Lo Working Girl film) and Escape Room. I’ve not seen an Eastwood film since American Sniper. The trailers made it seem like a gritty, violent thriller. So it wasn’t anything at all like I was expecting. And I started off hating it, like this 90 year old guy gets recruited to run drugs from El Paso to Chicago because some guy at his granddaughters engagement party sees him arguing with his ex-wife and goes to talk to him, that’s literally it (it didn’t happen like that in the real story so no idea why they went with that). But as the film went on, I found myself warming to pretty much all of the characters, Clint himself, the cartel members he works with, the DEA agents hunting him down...there’s lots of wry humour and lovely old timey music. I ended up really quite enjoying it, once I put the absurdity to one side. It’s NOT a revenge film like some of Clint’s recent efforts. It’s far more gentle and witty. (cinema)

Edited by Christophe
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Pegasus 8/10

This is a Chinese (not Hong Kong) comedy about rally driving. Han Han is one of the most famous people in China - he’s a writer, musician, tech magnate and, yes, rally driver, and this is a fictional story about him, written by him and directed by him, focusing solely on the rally driving aspect of his life. He’s a successful driver who’s won China’s premier rally five times in a row, but then loses his licence (both to race and also to just drive) after he gets caught while doing urban racing in a car park, Fast and Furious style. He keeps his nose clean and after his sentence is served he looks to get back behind the wheel. It was funny - I laughed out loud a good 15 or 20 times. It was moving - he’s raising a son who isn’t his, with no income to speak of and that relationship is well done. It’s thrilling - many of the racing scenes are wonderfully filmed. It’s beautiful - the main rally course is in such a wonderful location (it’s one of those steep hills with loads of winding parallel roads). And there’s a wonderfully ambiguous ending which is...perhaps tragic, but maybe not? It was not like anything I’ve seen before and I’m glad I’ve started seeking out these foreign films from countries I wouldn’t normally watch films from beacuse I really enjoy them! (cinema)

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So Sky have now put a movie out today in the cinema and on Sky itself. So I thought I'd give it a whirl. Where to fucking start with this. I usually always start with performances so let's start with that I guess as I'd say it's the movie's undoubted success. Not worth singling anyone out, other than Jason Clarke, who's sort of 2D arsehole doesn't really give him much to work with. Then onto the plot... which starts in a fairly basic place and you think you know what the deal is, that doesn't last. Despite the basics of the plot being pretty simple at the first glance, the weirdness is still there to see. Both in the weird performances, and the actual location itself, and some wee guy with glasses that keeps popping up from the very beginning. I won't say much more than that. What I will say is that I got a kick out of the weirdness of it right off the bat. The first scenes with McConaughey and Hounsou and their "clients" is great fun despite being completely mental.

I'm willing to go thumbs a bit on up on this one, but I get the sense a lot of people are going to HATE this.


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Get Out is even better after two or three watches.
I'm sure I meant to watch this back in the day but totally forgot. Will I like it?

The Wife.
Not usually my kind of film but gave it a look after the Oscar kerfuffle as id never heard of it. It was OK but nothing special and passed a couple of hours. I'll give an extra point for Close's daughter who is a definite wid.....7/10
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Instant Family 8/10

Went to watch this today. It was absolutely bloody lovely. I laughed, I cried, it was really really good. (cinema)

 Burning 7.5/10

Korean film based on a Murakami short story...some top notch film making here, starts off as an intriguing but fairly straightforward character study with no significant plot and then morphs in to something else entirely. Bit heavy on the wanking but apart from that v good. (DVD)

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Fighting with my family


Feel good wrestling flick, which I thoroughly enjoyed. Fairly predictable plot but very funny and well acted, with a hilarious turn from Nick Frost, who has somehow managed to pull Cersei Lannister. It's the true story of the diva wrestler Paige. Can't say I'm a huge wrestling fan but it seems fairly true to life and is an official WWE production so the Wrestlemania/RAW scenes are fairly impressive. Would recommend



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I'm sure I meant to watch this back in the day but totally forgot. Will I like it?

It seems like the type of thing that pretty much everyone would like: funny, good characters, flies by, pertinent. Re-watching it makes you realise that it's a much better film than the good social commentary it initially appears to be.

 Burning 7.5/10
Korean film based on a Murakami short story...some top notch film making here, starts off as an intriguing but fairly straightforward character study with no significant plot and then morphs in to something else entirely. Bit heavy on the wanking but apart from that v good. (DVD)

How'd you get this on DVD already?

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8 minutes ago, accies1874 said:

Amazon has its release date as May?
I'm willing to swap my copy of the 2002 masterpiece Scooby-Doo: The Movie for your copy of Burning?

Blu-Ray I pre-ordered (region 1) was supposed to be 5th March.  Not the first time I’ve had something drop through a few days early though. 

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Cane Toads: The Conquest 8/10

Really funny and good documentary about how the introduction of the cane toads to Australia has been a menace. Used loads of different fictional styles to tell what could be a very dry story in a novel way. Features a toad being put on a live firework. (YouTube)

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Abducted in Plain Sight - jawdropping Netflix documentary about the grooming of a young girl and her family in the '70s. Genuinely needs to be seen to be believed, in so much as the girl's parents are impossibly credulous. In fact, they're so insurmountably dense and malleable that I don't actually believe their story, but equally I can't think of a decent reason why they'd make it up.

Fyre - Netflix documentary about the ill-fated Fyre Festival. Bit of a game-of-two-halves, with the first being a surreal look at real-life Nathan Barley types, who perform meaningless jobs for absolute nobodies, all of whom inexplicably contrive to be wealthy. There's entertainment to be had in the second half, when a bunch of rich kids find themselves stranded at the titular upper-crust music festival with little in the way of home comforts, but frankly the resultant chaos is a tad disappointing. There'd be a decent horror film to be made from this story if you had the influencers and trust fund brats gradually turning to urophagia and cannibalism to survive. Class.

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Hampstead (Netflix)

Only chose it because Brendan Gleeson was in it. Would have chosen something else after 10 minutes but Mrs Grumpy insists on seeing a film through to the end, however bad, even when she knows what she's watching is bad. 

Avoid this film unless you want to drown in a sea of treacle, sugar and golden syrup. 


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Abducted in Plain Sight - jawdropping Netflix documentary about the grooming of a young girl and her family in the '70s. Genuinely needs to be seen to be believed, in so much as the girl's parents are impossibly credulous. In fact, they're so insurmountably dense and malleable that I don't actually believe their story, but equally I can't think of a decent reason why they'd make it up.
Fyre - Netflix documentary about the ill-fated Fyre Festival. Bit of a game-of-two-halves, with the first being a surreal look at real-life Nathan Barley types, who perform meaningless jobs for absolute nobodies, all of whom inexplicably contrive to be wealthy. There's entertainment to be had in the second half, when a bunch of rich kids find themselves stranded at the titular upper-crust music festival with little in the way of home comforts, but frankly the resultant chaos is a tad disappointing. There'd be a decent horror film to be made from this story if you had the influencers and trust fund brats gradually turning to urophagia and cannibalism to survive. Class.
Netflix thread for this pish as the saying here goes...
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