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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Turning Red.  By Pixar. 

Don't know if this got a cinema release but i suspect not. Teenage angst around a "tiger mom"/ daughter relationship with shapeshifting. 

It was ok but always felt a bit misconceived. The kids enjoyed it. I liked some of the retro (20 years) detail, mobile phones and boybands.  Story was average. Main character was quite well rounded but the rest were bolted on. Unusually for Pixar, it looked like shite. Plenty bits of quite good fun though. 

Six, by the skin of its teeth. 

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Blue Jean Cop

80s video rental shop fodder starring Peter Weller and Sam Elliott as a hotshot lawyer and a tough cop who tackle corruption within NYPD. 

Plenty of sadistic violence, gratuitous tits, car chases and a couple of quite frankly ridiculous action sequences.

Corny but entertaining. Only recommended for fans of the genre.


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I just finished watching the new spiderman. I liked it but thought it was a little leading at times. It told you where it was going as soon as you got to strange and never really stopped with that. I had largely stayed away from spoilers for it as well. It was like most marvel films where you can switch your brain off and just enjoy. I'll watch it again but I'm not sure there's much more to see on a second viewing.

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Batman Begins (2005)

I have recently watched the 1990s movies with the kids and we move on to Christian Bale. My memory of this film was that it was underwhelming. Having re-watched it, I'm even less of a fan now. Nebulous baddies, led by Liam Neeson who must have had all of 10 minutes screen time. Hardly any humour or fun, very serious and po-faced. 

Better than the Joel Schumacher ones (that wouldn't be difficult) but underwhelming in the extreme.

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2 hours ago, Bully Wee Villa said:

I think all that list tells you is that people can access pornography a lot easier nowadays. Imagine going to the actual cinema to see a bit of filth, surrounded by perverts. The olden days were weird.

Only one is a an actual porno.

Last Picture Show, Klute and Last Tango In Paris are far more interested in sex than any popular film of recent years. 

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I assumed Carnal Knowledge and the one with Baaad Aaaasss in the name were porn. 

Last Tango In Paris probably wouldn't get made today but that's a good thing bearing in mind the suffering inflicted on Maria Schneider by Marlon Brando.

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I haven't seen them in decades, but I remember Carnal Knowledge and Last Tango in Paris being shite. Important, sure, but dull and pointless out of their time.

Inclined to agree with Bully Wee that easy access to forensic examinations of every conceivable aspect of human genitalia has muted interest in softcore simulation and introspective navel-gazing about sexuality, at least for the time being. Even the vaseline-lensed erotic thriller genre died on its arse at some point in the Nineties.

Weirdly, I remember reading that, in the Seventies, Brian De Palma was convinced that hardcore sex between A-list actors would replace softcore simulations in mainstream movies. Not sure if he ever actually asked actresses like Angie Dickinson how they'd feel about becoming sex workers, nor whether he thought actors like Al Pacino would be able to perform like John Holmes, but he did try to get the Melanie Griffith flick Body Double made as a hardcore film, before the studio unsurprisingly backed out of the whole idea.

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16 hours ago, BFTD said:

Weirdly, I remember reading that, in the Seventies, Brian De Palma was convinced that hardcore sex between A-list actors would replace softcore simulations in mainstream movies. Not sure if he ever actually asked actresses like Angie Dickinson how they'd feel about becoming sex workers, nor whether he thought actors like Al Pacino would be able to perform like John Holmes, but he did try to get the Melanie Griffith flick Body Double made as a hardcore film, before the studio unsurprisingly backed out of the whole idea.

And what actually happened is we just got A listers own home made pornos.

Body Double is a brilliant film. 


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9 minutes ago, Detournement said:

And what actually happened is we just got A listers own home made pornos.

Body Double is a brilliant film. 

Most of De Palma's flicks are, at least, very entertaining.

I fucked up before, BTW - John Holmes was notorious for being unable to perform on set. However, when you're the size of a big floppy loofah (according to his last girlfriend), it's not a terribly pressing issue.

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025 — Umma. Korean woman was abused by her mother and worries that she’ll pass on the generational trauma to her own daughter. Pretty dreadful supposed horror movie that threatens to do the occasional interesting thing but then bottles it. The soundtrack is convinced it’s terrifying. It isn’t. The biggest shock is that Sam Raimi produced it. Sandra Oh, Fivel Stewart, and the bloke who played Gavin in Friends deserve better. 2/10

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Don't Look Up was mildly amusing in places but missed it's mark, expected better 6/10

Watched Licorice Pizza last night.

Really enjoyed it, so well made and shot it could have actually come from the time period. 9/10




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026 — X. Six friends go off to make a porno, renting out the guesthouse of an isolated Texan farmhouse that’s home to a strange elderly couple who overreact somewhat when they discover what’s going on. A pretty decent slasher that borrows quite a bit from Texas Chainsaw Massacre but is let down by a lack of invention in the second half and a really bizarre choice of casting for the old woman. 5/10

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Jellyfish - a good example of the "life is shit in fading seaside resorts" genre. A young carer struggles to keep her family together while battling her mum's mental illness and an uncaring State.
Set in Margate, this is one for those of us who see Ken Loach' s films as too cheerful. Liv Hill gives a superb performance in the lead role, and the mundane nature of the daily struggle she endures adds to the fatalistic atmosphere.
Not exactly a barrel of laughs, but a really good (if occasionally uncomfortable) watch. 8.5/10 (Prime Video)

ETA: now I've slept on it, I reckon that yes, a wee tear during the theatre scene near the end was absolutely justified, and not just me being an old softie.

Edited by WhiteRoseKillie
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