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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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068 -- The Adderall Diaries (#33 in the A24 series) I’m not saying that James Franco doesn’t know how to make a good movie. I’m just saying every James Franco movie I’ve ever seen has been terrible. This is a particularly bad example. I feel sorry for the real Stephen Elliott, partly because of all the crappy things that happened to him, but mostly because James Franco plays him in his movie. 2/10

069 -- The Lobster (#34 in the A24 series) The Lobster is one of those comedy movies that does its best to pretend it's not a comedy, so by the time you twig that, yes, it's meant to be funny, you feel like starting it all over again. In an alternate universe, single people are thrown together in a hotel and given a short period of time to find a partner or they will be turned into an animal of their choice and then released into the wild. This outlandish premise is then presented in the most downbeat, blunt manner imaginable, like the actors didn't really read the script or were doing so for the first time. But gradually, the movie's secrets become more obvious. There's no sense of love here, or even companionship, just the barest of a connection. You've got a limp? I've got a limp, too. Let's hook up. What this says about the way society feels about single people is quite stark. If you're single, you need to be fixed, and if you can't be fixed or don't want to be fixed, well, you're going to have to find someplace else to hang out. Colin Farrell is the lead singleton. Ashley Jensen is her usual wonderful self as the weird biscuit lady. You're really going to need to be in the mood for this one because a lot of it is going to be pretty annoying if you're not. 7/10

070 -- De Palma (#35 in the A24 series) If you like Brian De Palma, you're going to love this. Body Double was one of my guilty pleasures as a kid (for obvious reasons). In this conversation with the director, he goes through his filmography in chronological order, talking about inspiration, and technique, and sprinkles in a few anecdotes about things like Sean Penn being a dick to Michael J Fox on the set of Casualties of War, and although Alfred Hitchcock does get mentioned a lot, it's not nearly as often as you'd imagine. 6/10

071 -- Crimes of the Future. Kristen Stewart's acting and Viggo Mortensen's skeletal breakfast high-chair are the unintentionally hilarious highlights of David Cronenberg's first feature film in 8 years. In an unspecific future, pain and infection are things of the past so it's a natural leap if you're David Cronenberg to deduce that this means that conscious surgeries are commonplace and even pass for performance art. This is where Mortensen's Saul Tenser comes in. Thanks to a genetic quirk, he is in constant pain and has to sleep in a special, almost organic bed that gives him comfort, and eat from the aforementioned high-chair. Also, because David Cronenberg, he's developing new vestigial organs in his body that his partner Caprice, played by Léa Seydoux, extracts and tattoos as part of a theatrical performance. Cronenberg's shtick is no longer shocking or provocative anymore. I found the final act of Men far more unsettling and uncomfortable to watch. It is, however, really boring. 4/10

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On 13/06/2022 at 16:39, accies1874 said:

I've never really felt compelled to go through Cronenberg's stuff but I seem to remember quite liking Maps to the Stars. I didn't realise Crimes of the Future is his first since then.

Dead Ringers is the best imo.

MSU is dozens of shite movies away from getting to watch First Reformed. Poor b*****d.


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Jurassic World Dominion
Not as shite as i thought it would be. However still kinda rehashing the earlier films with both scenes and storylines
Watched this last Friday - it was not as good as the 2 previous Jurassic World films but better than Jurassic Park III.

I wasn't helped by the disruptions throughout of adults and kids constantly getting up and going for a pee. I genuinely hate the 12A rating system.
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Watched this last Friday - it was not as good as the 2 previous Jurassic World films but better than Jurassic Park III.

I wasn't helped by the disruptions throughout of adults and kids constantly getting up and going for a pee. I genuinely hate the 12A rating system.

Saw it on Sunday and it was a nightmare. Kids running around constantly, actually stomping up and down the stairs.
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Unpopular opinion: Jurassic Park 3 was my favourite of the franchise.

I'm not a big fan of any of them, but I enjoyed that one most throughout. The original is the best until the T-Rex attack finishes, whereupon it turns into the kind of saccharine kiddie shite that Spielberg was obsessed with at the time. I might have appreciated it more if the raptors had murdered the piss out of the annoying kids in the tension-free kitchen scene.

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1 hour ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

Watched this last Friday - it was not as good as the 2 previous Jurassic World films but better than Jurassic Park III.

I wasn't helped by the disruptions throughout of adults and kids constantly getting up and going for a pee. I genuinely hate the 12A rating system.

Tbf adults can't behave in the cinema either

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Hitler: The Last Ten Days

Alec Guinness plays Hitler hiding out in his bunker at the end of WW2 in this 1973 historical drama.

The same as Downfall but not as good. Hitler sounds like Obi Wan Kenobi and the rest of the Nazi high command came across like a bunch of English country gents.

Interesting, but nothing that I didn't know already.


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Went through the Fantastic Beasts trilogy past week.


Really enjoyed it, despite the glaring plot problems and lack of continuity with parts of them. 

The lad who plays Jacob is the real star though. An absolutely magnificent performance throughout.

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Scanners (DVD) - a young homeless man with uncontrolled psychic powers is recruited by a shadowy organisation to track down a similar, but dangerous foe.

I fucking love this film, even down to its wild mix of acting (from stiff and cheesy to Michael Ironside). It has a terrific score from Howard Shore too, with a goodly dose of threatening ambient sound to go with it. Cronenberg loves an enigmatic ending, and It's a bit of a disappointment when you arrive at this one, but only because it's a shame to leave this world of exploding heads and human modems.

It's also old enough now that it's transitioned from looking ancient in the Nineties, from the clothing down to the reel-to-reel computers, to seeming trendily retro.

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I watched Titanic for the first time in many years last night. It's obviously too long, but still a tremendous movie.

A couple of things I remember picking up on the first time I saw it which I couldn't unsee this time. Firstly, it's a bit silly that the ship seemingly only hit the iceberg because the lookouts were distracted by Rose and Jack fooling around on deck below them.

Then, in the scene which had the entire cinema on the verge of tears back in the day (not me, someone must've been peeling onions nearby), where she lets him go before being rescued, I felt she could have made a bit more of an effort to make sure he was dead. She basically whispers his name a few times, shakes his hand a bit, then tips him into the sea. Harsh.

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1 hour ago, Zetterlund said:

I watched Titanic for the first time in many years last night. It's obviously too long, but still a tremendous movie.

A couple of things I remember picking up on the first time I saw it which I couldn't unsee this time. Firstly, it's a bit silly that the ship seemingly only hit the iceberg because the lookouts were distracted by Rose and Jack fooling around on deck below them.

Then, in the scene which had the entire cinema on the verge of tears back in the day (not me, someone must've been peeling onions nearby), where she lets him go before being rescued, I felt she could have made a bit more of an effort to make sure he was dead. She basically whispers his name a few times, shakes his hand a bit, then tips him into the sea. Harsh.

You wanted to see her finish him off?

Just about anything would've been an improvement in that film, so I'll go with it.

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On 16/06/2022 at 15:22, Twinkle said:

Jurassic World Dominion


Not as shite as i thought it would be. However still kinda rehashing the earlier films with both scenes and storylines

The original was basically rehashing Westworld anyway. 

But dinosaurs are cooler than androids, except Yul Brynner. 

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