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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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This week I have been watching mostly shite.

The Man From Uncle (2015)

I loved this series as a kid (it was re-run, I’m not that old) and I usually enjoy turning off my brain for guy ritchie’s easy to follow entertainments. 

I suppose the set up and plot was ok and some set pieces were entertaining enough but it just didn’t work. I put most of the blame on Henry Cavil for giving one of the most irritating performances this side of James Corden. I didn’t think wooden and OTT could be done together, but he did it. 
Looked good though (I meant the film, but Cavil too I suppose).



Odd Thomas (2013)

Offbeat teen horror about a young guy who can see the dead and some demon type things. 

Something bad will happen. Can he stop it ? Didn’t care really. 

I was quite intrigued by some of the premise and there were some interesting bits, but the main character’s arc didn’t grab me. Also a shit lead performance (dead guy out of Star Trek reboot) or shit script gave the main character zero actual character. 

The demon thingies had untapped potential.



Catch Me If You Can (2002)

Teenage forger and con man in cat and mouse with diligent Fed. 

It’s Hanks and diCaprio with a side of Walken and Amy Adams directed by Spielberg so can’t go far wrong.

I don’t think I’d seen this properly before. 

It looks fantastic as a stylised period piece, from the classy opening credits right through. It looks great too. It’s very funny and everything is done really well. 

The unreliable narrator device is used well and sparingly. I don’t think it’s central to the plot but it allows lots of improbable things to happen. Maybe some are just a bit too improbable.

Just very, very good.



Tenet (2020)

I’ve liked most of Chris Nolan’s time bending films so was pretty disappointed by this. 

I haven’t given the premise too much analysis but it felt like it didn’t really make sense in principle and was inconsistently applied in the film. It also wasn’t very interesting.

Pretty much guessed the revelation at the end about ten minutes in. 

The action scenes weren’t well done and the whole thing looked sludgy. 


Men in Black International (2019)

Basically forgotten what happened in this made for tv looking half hearted reboot.

No cool aliens


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The Husband With Two Wives (2019)

Decided to watch one of those films that's on Channel 5 in the afternoon. In a close fight throughout, "writing" was officially the worst part of it over "acting" and "cinematography."

Non-Stop (2014)

Taken on a plane. Liam Neeson is a drunk radge completely detached from reality, but Julianne Moore gets to look at him over the top of her comically large glasses and one of the stewardesses looks like Wesley Snipes, so who can say if it's bad or not?

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Working through Hellraiser 1-10. Some straight to video horrors right enough.
Movie trivia. Films 7 and 8 were released only 3 months apart.
The 11th movie is out tomorrow.
Friday it's out I'm sure.

1and 2 are great. 3 is okay. Bloodline and Inferno are decent. The rest are shit.
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Finally watched Parasite as I saw it was being taken off Prime Video. Not really what I was expecting but still liked it a lot.

As much as I liked it though still kinda surprised it won so many awards. Doesn't seem like the usual 'worthy' Oscar bait fodder that normally takes in the awards.

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On 04/10/2022 at 07:16, Theroadlesstravelled said:

Working through Hellraiser 1-10. Some straight to video horrors right enough.

Movie trivia. Films 7 and 8 were released only 3 months apart.

The 11th movie is out tomorrow.

My son really liked the original, so we gave this a go a while back. We got as far as #4 and, knowing that they apparently get much worse, tapped out without even discussing it.

I might be wrong, but it looks like they've removed the twisted lust story from the reboot, which I think was part of the problem with the sequels. Originally, the Cenobites were just window dressing; making them the centre of the film lost the meat of the story. I don't think it's a tale that leant itself to worthwhile follow-ups, TBH.

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On 04/10/2022 at 07:16, Theroadlesstravelled said:

Working through Hellraiser 1-10. Some straight to video horrors right enough.

Movie trivia. Films 7 and 8 were released only 3 months apart.

The 11th movie is out tomorrow.

Terry Farrell was in Hellraiser 3.


Always happy to post the odd pic of her. She was my main crush celebrity during my teenage years. Still is. 

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On 01/10/2022 at 18:05, Scotty Tunbridge said:

Kill Bill vol 1. Blood splattering out of people like a fountain constantly is stupid and too much feet obv.

Kill Bill vol 2. Much less blood fountains, slightly less (but still too much) feet. The bit where she is buried alive is fantastic, genuinely terrifying. However, her then magically punching her way upwards through all the dirt was ridiculous.

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15 hours ago, Stellaboz said:

John Wick.




Never seen this before despite hearing lots of great things. Pretty fucking generic bang bang shooty stab.


I fear that long promised bursting is bubbling closer to the surface!

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The story's very generic; it just depends on how much you're into high-energy action sequences. IIRC, they were pretty inventive.

Personally, I'm a sucker for a revenge story so I enjoyed it at the time, but I couldn't tell you a single thing about it now, and I've never felt the need to see the sequels.

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