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The Original Jerry Lewis "The Nutty Proffessor", haven't seen it since I was a kid, and it is still funny as f**k!!! Although scarily un-pc in a way you would think yourself to acknowledge!!!

His treatment of women (as Buddy Love) for one thing is absolutely appalling

But then I have always found Jerry Lewis to be like Jim Carrey, you either like him or you fucking really, really hate him!!!

As me and the French are the only people in the World to enjoy the zany antics of Monsieur Lewis, I am going to give the film 10/10!!!

If you aren't a fan, it would probably be a 4 or 5!!!

Good call. A truly brilliant film. I used to really fancy Stella Stevens.

"A native of Hot Coffee, Mississippi, Stella was married at 15, a mother at 16 and divorced at 17. While attending Memphis State College, Stella became interested in acting and modeling. Her film debut was a bit part in Say One for Me (1959), but her appearance in Li'l Abner (1959) as Appassionata Von Climax is the one that got her noticed. Then her centerfold spread in Playboy was one of the most popular issues."

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Good call. A truly brilliant film. I used to really fancy Stella Stevens.

"A native of Hot Coffee, Mississippi, Stella was married at 15, a mother at 16 and divorced at 17. While attending Memphis State College, Stella became interested in acting and modeling. Her film debut was a bit part in Say One for Me (1959), but her appearance in Li'l Abner (1959) as Appassionata Von Climax is the one that got her noticed. Then her centerfold spread in Playboy was one of the most popular issues."


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I went to the cinema to see PS I Love You last night (not my choice, may I add).

Not great. 4/10.

I then watched Return of the Jedi, the new DVD editions. Didn't notice before that Boba Fett has went from a simple nod to Boussh to being in almost every scene in Jabba's palace.

Still, it gets 10/10.

Edited by Gaz
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Ta, thats pretty cool/useful :)

You'll soon find the imdb is home to some of the most obnoxious, brain-dead, semi-literate douchebags this side of the Raith Rovers official website. The imdb is useful so long as you ignore the reviews and automatically assuming anything presented on the messaged boards is the polar opposite of the truth.

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You'll soon find the imdb is home to some of the most obnoxious, brain-dead, semi-literate douchebags this side of the Raith Rovers official website. The imdb is useful so long as you ignore the reviews and automatically assuming anything presented on the messaged boards is the polar opposite of the truth.

Yes, don't read the forums other than for laughing at morons.

Kinda like http://www.blackandwhitearmy.com :P

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Good call. A truly brilliant film. I used to really fancy Stella Stevens.

She was hot to trot in the Posiedon Adventure.

Watched To End All Wars when it was on BBC last week. While it was laudibly acted it seemed to be full of trite cliches (why is it always the American who is the "entrepreneur" as in William Holden in BotRK, James Garner in the Great Escape and Keifer Sutherland here) and was a mish mash of Bridge on the River Kwai, Tenko and even the Shawshank Redemption.

Sure, the crucifixion scene was shocking but the whole thing was unsatisfying since it was very unoriginal.


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Grizzly Man, documentary about Timothy Treadwell, lunatic or visionary who lived cheek to jowl with grizzly bears in Alaska for 13 summers claiming to be protecting them from poachers, hunters, the Park Service etc. Directed by Werner Herzog

I think I have a lower opinion than Herzog on Treadwell. He seems to be a complete egotist, filled more with a sense of his own importance than anything else. The fact is that he probably endangered the bears as they were desensitised to humans, making them easier targets for any poachers, although very few bears are poached in Alaska. His ranting about how he hated the human world was classical egotism - he was a failed athlete and actor who seemed pretty pissed off that he hadn't done anything that matched with his inflated opinion of himself.

Some of the footage of the bears themselves is absolutely breathtaking, including an amazing fight scene between two males - youtube link here. Treadwell seeme dto think of himself as a bear and tried to remove himself from the 'peoples world' into the bear world.

This ended when he, and his girlfriend, were killed by a grizzly in his 13th summer. He had previously left but returned after becoming frustrated by a sdispute at the airport. His girlfirnd wanted to leave but they were attacked by a bear and killed before she could.

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Grizzly Man, documentary about Timothy Treadwell, lunatic or visionary who lived cheek to jowl with grizzly bears in Alaska for 13 summers claiming to be protecting them from poachers, hunters, the Park Service etc. Directed by Werner Herzog

Doesn't he give the bears bizarre names like Mr Chocolate and Sergeant Brown? The scene with Hertzog listening to the tape of the guy getting killed is quite strange. "Deeztroy the tape!"

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Ned Kelly (2003)


I thought it was truly brilliant, and any film about outlaws that makes you laugh can only be great!

Aw! They shot the monkey! :lol: Heath Ledger and Orlando Bloom were amazing in this!

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