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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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When the old guy's daughter is buying the gun for him, she buys blanks for bullets as she doesn't trust him with real bullets. Therefore when he shoots the locksmith (and in turn, the locksmith's daughter), it is with blanks.

I agree, it was a tremendous scene from one of the best films of the last few years.

I didn't think the daughter bought the blank bullets deliberately; I thought she bought them in error. I seem to recall the shopkeeper sort of mocking her.

It's afterwards she realises she bought blanks.

I remember having the same debate with my dad and brother so I suppose it's open to interpretation

Either way, it wasn't magic disappearing bullets. Or the magic cloak :D

Edited by halfaperson
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Just watched the Mist. 9/10. This is the 1st horrorish movie that has genuinly made me tense watching it, Not so much by the monsters but by the humans in it and their entirely believable reactions to the situation they are in. Based on a Stephen King story which is good and written and directed by Frank Daberont (sp.) who did the Shawshank Redemption and the Green Mile as well. It has a b*****d of an ending as well.

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Flight of the Living Dead: Outbreak on a Plane (2007)


As good a B-movie as you're likely to see, although was a bit surprised that the creatures turned out to be vampire-zombies, an intriguing mix!

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I didn't think the daughter bought the blank bullets deliberately; I thought she bought them in error. I seem to recall the shopkeeper sort of mocking her.

It's afterwards she realises she bought blanks.

I remember having the same debate with my dad and brother so I suppose it's open to interpretation

Either way, it wasn't magic disappearing bullets. Or the magic cloak :D

That is what i thought.

I don't even think she realised that they were blanks at all

. I agree that it was one of the best moments in cinema in a long time - genius from the scriptwriter/director/whoever had the idea.

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You can have the watch, forgot all about Brucey!


Though Army of Darkness was Evil Dead 3.

This is my boomstick!!! :D

I meant the two different films, should have probably put a semi-colon instead of a comma. Woo, a new watch! :D

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The first time I've honestly burst out laughing at a serious post.

I'm sorry Salty but I'm going to have to ignore your movie reviews forever.

You're dissing The Prestige, you hadn't seen Aliens up until last month and you don't want to see Scarface because you don't like mafia movies (IMO Scarface is over-rated but it's still a good movie, an iconic Pacino at the very least).

All 3 are arguably movie reviewer standards. Please, obtain a copy of Scarface. You might be surprised (as your 10/10 review of Aliens suggests can happen).

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I'm sorry Salty but I'm going to have to ignore your movie reviews forever.

You're dissing The Prestige, you hadn't seen Aliens up until last month and you don't want to see Scarface because you don't like mafia movies (IMO Scarface is over-rated but it's still a good movie, an iconic Pacino at the very least).

All 3 are arguably movie reviewer standards. Please, obtain a copy of Scarface. You might be surprised (as your 10/10 review of Aliens suggests can happen).

Scarface downloading, but The Prestige was average at best, was well made but boring as f**k!

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That is what i thought.

I still reckoned she knew they were blanks, as her job was working in a morgue, so she's probably saw every type of bullet wound there is, and also she loaded the gun herself before giving it to her father. It would have ruined the narrative of the story and grealty lessened the impact of the later scene had it been obvious that she knew she was buying blanks at the time. It was very cleverly done.

Edited by StewartyMac
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