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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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I went to see Wanted yesterday.

Ridiculous, but pretty entertaining nonetheless.


Just watched a bad copy of it online. Hopefulyl see it in the cinema soon. Im predicting a 9/10 for when i see it in the cinema tho :)

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Really good in some ways, beautiful to look at, music fantsatic - but being a huge Joy Division fan for 25 years or so I felt it was just skimming the surface a bit.

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Anyway, last film I saw was Evan Almighty. Utter pish, and I want someone to repay me the 2 hours I lost. 0/10
Evan Almighty. Pure pish. Can't believe Morgan Freeman lowered himself to this.

1/10, and that's only for John Goodman's comic facial expressions.

Going senile Ruggy? :lol:

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Going senile Ruggy? :lol:


I thought he had posted it somewhere before.......

Evan Almighty. Pure pish. Can't believe Morgan Freeman lowered himself to this.

1/10, and that's only for John Goodman's comic facial expressions.

I have a theory about Morgan Freeman - that he took Bruce/Evan almighty so that he could play "god" and he took Deep Impact because he could play the president. Otherwise why would he take on roles in such shit films.

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All about the Zodiac killer in San Francisco and surrounding areas who killed various people from around '66 to 74' but was never caught.

Jak Gyllenhaal played the cartoonist driven mad by trying to find the killer, having worked on the paper the Zodiac used to write his bragging letters to.

Eventually they knew who it was, but couldn't get him due to lack of evidence.

Over two hours long, but didn't seem it. I enjoyed it. 7/10

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I'm Not Scared - 7/10

Italian film about a young boy Michele who, when wandering the fields one day, stumbles across another young boy chained down a hole. Turns out the boy has been kidnapped for ransom, and the film is about Michele's developing friendship with the captive which is a lot closer to home than he could've thought.

Really enjoyed it.

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The Happening 0/10

Can someone tell me what the f**k was going on? The film never really seemed to explain what it was that was killing everybody. What a piss poor film.

A typical Shymalan(sp?) film i have to say, weird and pretty pretty dull, there were the odd moment of excitement but some of the ways people died made it more entertaining but not by much. Watching the Village and then watching this would bring you close to suicide as both are pretty poor films. 2/10


Man alive what a scary film 9/10

Absolutely brilliant film, exellent story line 9/10.

Kung-Fu Panda

Went to see it because i like jack black and was very disappointed, rarely made me laugh and was pretty poor...stick to the D Jables, you are better at that. 4/10

I Am Legend

was very impressed by this film it was really well made and Will Smith's performance capped an excellent movie


Next, the Blues Brothers.

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A typical Shymalan(sp?) film i have to say, weird and pretty pretty dull, there were the odd moment of excitement but some of the ways people died made it more entertaining but not by much. Watching the Village and then watching this would bring you close to suicide as both are pretty poor films. 2/10

Absolutely brilliant film, exellent story line 9/10.

Kung-Fu Panda

Went to see it because i like jack black and was very disappointed, rarely made me laugh and was pretty poor...stick to the D Jables, you are better at that. 4/10

I Am Legend

was very impressed by this film it was really well made and Will Smith's performance capped an excellent movie


Next, the Blues Brothers.

Next for me will probably be Sweeney Todd

La Famille Bloo are away to Paris and Disney for 6 days next week so I'm setting myself a target of 2 DVD's a night on the nights I'm in the house


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Next for me will probably be Sweeney Todd

La Famille Bloo are away to Paris and Disney for 6 days next week so I'm setting myself a target of 2 DVD's a night on the nights I'm in the house


Sweeney Todd would have made a decent film or may have made a decent musical on film (it worked in the theatre), but as it was (an operetta) I thought it was pretty poor (6/10) when it should have been a lot higher!

The Manchurian Candidate (2004)

Combining political drama with bad science was never going to work. I realised after about ten minutes that I'd seen this before when the mumbling guy came to the meeting to talk to Ben.

Had they stuck to the political story and just had the scientific nonsense as a statement of fact rather than focus in on it, to show you how many faults there were with the story., then it might have made a great movie. As it stands though, it was just a good film if you don't think about it.


Edited by SaltyTON
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The 39 Steps (1935)

Really enjoyable Hitchcock directed version of Buchan's book with Robert Donat quite excellent as the archetypal Hitchcock "everyman" who gets caught up in murder and espionage.

John Laurie (later to be Private Fraser in Dad's Army) has a small role as a wifebeating crofter.


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