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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Hellboy (2004)

Good film from del Toro that makes me want to see the sequel, despite it looking even more ludicrous than the this one.

I wish people would stop using David Hyde Pierce as a voice over, as he has the most distinctive voice in the world, and the first thing you think when you hear him is "Oh, there's Niles from Frasier!"

Selma Blair is far less annoying than she normally is, which can only be a good thing! :D

7/10, with a bonus point for the well timed use of Red Right Hand!

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Hellboy (2004)

Good film from del Toro that makes me want to see the sequel, despite it looking even more ludicrous than the this one.

I wish people would stop using David Hyde Pierce as a voice over, as he has the most distinctive voice in the world, and the first thing you think when you hear him is "Oh, there's Niles from Frasier!"

Selma Blair is far less annoying than she normally is, which can only be a good thing! :D

7/10, with a bonus point for the well timed use of Red Right Hand!

The sequel's great, I've seen it twice now.

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Babel ( 2006 )

A brilliant movie. There's basically four stories. The most engaging of which is the story of the young Chinese girl who seemingly has the weight of the world on her shoulders. Brad Pitt pulls yet another corking performance out of the bag in the central plot, but that side of things rarely gets going properly, and that's why the movie won't score the full 10 points. The scattered timeline doesn't take away from the movie as it isn't an issue to the plot.


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Baby Mama ( 2008 )

"It feels like I'm shitting a knife !"


The movie is filled with similar delivery actually. So much better than I expected going into it. Plenty of stupid comedy, but this is actually FUNNY stupid, rather than "insult your intelligence" stupid. The usual sentimental crap, but that's predictable, so why take anything away ? Surprisingly good comedy.


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Pierrepoint 7/10

True story about Britain's most prolific hangman. I read his autobiography a few months ago so was quite intrigued by how Timothy Spall would play the role, he done it quite well, managing to capture the various emotions, moods and opinions Pierrepoint had down to a tee.

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Lethal Weapon 2 ( 1989 )

A bit reliant on the laughs, probably because there isn't as solid a plot as there was a last time. Joe Pesci is a fantastic addition to the usuals though. Charming in a sort of irritating way. The movie is not on the same level of the first one, even though this one hits the ground running since we already know the guys. The plot isn't quite on the same level and the bad guys are just nowhere near the awesomeness of the first one either. That said, it's still a fun follow up and worth a watch for anyone wanting to see the whole collection.


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Lethal Weapon 3 ( 1992 )

Back to the same level as the first one, mainly because they decided to go completely down a different route. Mel Gibson has his best performance of the three, as he's in brilliant comic form. The main focus seemed to be on the partners, rather than on the main plot with the villains and such. That's what brings this one back to the same level. Plus some major hilarity.


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Cool Runnings (1993)

Saw this on the telly the other day. This is me seeing it the second time, and it was just as good as the first. It is a fun type of film and if you are looking for that then you won't find all that many better. It is also a great story.


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Lethal Weapon 3 ( 1992 )

Back to the same level as the first one, mainly because they decided to go completely down a different route. Mel Gibson has his best performance of the three, as he's in brilliant comic form. The main focus seemed to be on the partners, rather than on the main plot with the villains and such. That's what brings this one back to the same level. Plus some major hilarity.


Funnily enough, I stuck on Lethal Weapon 4 (1998) yesterday. The first time I seen it in years. Loved the scene at the start when Gibson persuaded Glover to face the guy with the flamethrower and machine gun in his undies in a bid to distract him, just to see if "he would do it".

Although Gibson was reluctant to do this one, he still looked as though he was enjoying himself and it's a decent addition to the Lethal Weapon series. Jet Li was sinister as the Chinese Triad whom they come up against.


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AI : artificial intellegence. Biggest load of shite I've seen in a long time. 2/10

It is, isn't it? A right mess. Half of the film is quite dark and brooding and cyberpunky, then Kubric dies and Speilberg slaps on a ton of schmaltz to make it a trully dreadful film. WTF is all that underwater ending malarkey?

Today I saw Hellboy 2: Golden Army

What a steaming pile of CGI rubbish. From the guy who made Pan's Labyrinth too. Shameful.


It is absolute rubbish and nowhere near as good as the first one. I should have realised the problem when I sat down in the cinema, the row behind me was all kids. I was thinking to myself, "why have they let kids in for an 18 certificate", then it turns out it is a 12a, not even a 12, but a 12a, which means any kid under 12 can see the film so long as they are with an adult.

From start to finish it lacks the punch, the coolness and the downright nihilism of the first. It also adds cheese by the fucking bucketload and several subplots that are downright bizarre and pointless. In fact the script reads like it was 100 pages long but someone lost a random selection of 40 odd pages.

I was really looking forward to this, and it was a real let down. And to add to that it was shit trailers, annoying adverts and I have a row of 8yo's laughing and eating sweets all night behind me.

Guillermo Del Torro, you should be ashamed of yourself. As should Mark Kermode who actually gave the film a decent review!

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