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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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American Gangster (2007)

Another perfect score, three in a row... this has to end some time, but perfect film with Crowe and Washington in fine form... and Nadal not doing to bad either! :wub

Scott manages to make a perfect crime film with a perfect cast.


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If you haven't seen it yet, have a look for El Espinazo del Diablo (The Devil's Backbone) by the same guy.

Thank you, I will.

I believe The Orphanage is also very good, but I haven't seen that yet either.

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I went to see Bolt on Sunday night with the other half and some pals. All of us really enjoyed it. Not as good as say Wall - E but still a really good computer animated film.

The main character Bolt has spent his entire life as the star dog of a TV show about a canine with super powers. Having never left the set with his owner Penny he believes he does have these powers and that all the plots in the TV show are real e.g. the evil cats are really out to get Penny and himself.

One day after filming he hears Penny calling for help and breaks free from the caravan he stays in on set. Unknown to Bolt the sound of Penny crying is simply a sound tech looping a scene from the show. Bolt falls into a box of Styrofoam and transported across the country to New York where he meets Mittens, an alley cat who he befriends and Rhino a TV obsessed hamster. During the trip Bolt comes to realise that he doesn't have the super powers he thought he had (thinking the Sytrofoam is like Kryptonite to Superman) and begins to live like a "real" dog, sticking his head out the window of a car, playing with other dogs in the park etc.

After a mammoth journey he returns to Hollywood with Mittens and Rhino in tow to find Penny but is crushed when he sees her with a new dog, a Bolt replacement for the show, and leaves the studio heartbroken. As he turns his back on Penny the audience sees her affection for the new animal is all part of the show and she still yearns for her old dog.

As Bolt leaves the studio lot a fire breaks out leaving Penny in danger but Bolt comes to the rescue and saves her by using his "super bark" to attract the fire departments attention to rescue the two of them. After Penny recovers she adopts both Mittens and Rhino.

It’s hugely predictable and the storyline hardly deviates from the norm in this kind of film but it is still enjoyable and plenty of comedy to keep folk old and young interested. The pigeons are excellent! A solid 7 - 7.5 / 10.

Might go and see it again in 3D this weekend.

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For all that I thought it was impressively done for the most part, the fact that the totally fictitious late night phone call from Nixon to Frost was such a pivotal moment in the film, sat a bit uneasily with me. It went beyond artistic license.

The portrayal of Nixon was excellent though, and I couldn't help but sympathise a bit with the old rascal towards the end.

The point of that phone call, I think, was that it was completely in character. It wasn't really pivotal in the storyline, but it certain added depth to both characters. Artistic license, and necessary for those without much knowledge of either central character. I had no problems with it all.

I'm not sure how you managed to sympathise with Nixon, he did it all to himself, and deserved every ounce of suffering he went through.

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Watched Red Road last night. The sex scene is pretty much pornographic! Certainly wasn't expecting that. Decent film, although she took it a bit far with her revenge trip. The part where she stuffs her kid's clothes and starts hugging them is genuinely heart-wrenching.

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The point of that phone call, I think, was that it was completely in character. It wasn't really pivotal in the storyline, but it certain added depth to both characters. Artistic license, and necessary for those without much knowledge of either central character. I had no problems with it all.

I'm not sure how you managed to sympathise with Nixon, he did it all to himself, and deserved every ounce of suffering he went through.

Maybe 'pivotal' is too strong but it certainly was a defining moment in the film, in so far that it emboldened Frost in his efforts to elicit an apology, or at the very least an admission of wrongdoing, from him. It may have been in a necessary plot device to some extent, but I was a bit uncomfortable with it.

I hasten to add that Nixon did indeed deserve all that disgrace he was subject to post presidency for his corruption and dreadful abuse of power but, despite myself, I couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy for a somewhat tragic figure broken by events of his own doing. That wasn't something I expected to happen at all, and it was purely directed towards the character as portrayed in the film rather than the real Nixon.

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Nil by Mouth - 8/10

Brilliant, and at times hard to watch, British film about domestic abuse. There is not one bad performance from the cast and the scene

where Ray Winstone snaps and batters Kathy Burke

is unbelievably well acted. The anger in Winstone's face is honestly scary!

I thought Jamie Foreman's character (Winstone's best mate) was well played too. Sticking by him despite knowing full well what he's been up to. A great performance.

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the/a Curious Case of Benjamin Button (7.5/10)

Wanted to go see Friday the 13th for a cheap thrill, instead was goaded to see this. It is on for a very long time, and I did start to get restless towards the end of the film. However, it is a good film, and Pitt's performance in parts in excellent.

I wouldn't say it was amazing, but I did enjoy it I must admit. The more I think about it aswell, the more I remember how many particular scenes were really good.

I think they put far too much emphasis on the older part, thus making me extremely bored and he wasn't even 5 yet or whatever ! Personally, I would have preferred to see him "grow younger" ,as such, a lot more than I did.

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the/a Curious Case of Benjamin Button (7.5/10)

Wanted to go see Friday the 13th for a cheap thrill, instead was goaded to see this. It is on for a very long time, and I did start to get restless towards the end of the film. However, it is a good film, and Pitt's performance in parts in excellent.

I wouldn't say it was amazing, but I did enjoy it I must admit. The more I think about it aswell, the more I remember how many particular scenes were really good.

I think they put far too much emphasis on the older part, thus making me extremely bored and he wasn't even 5 yet or whatever ! Personally, I would have preferred to see him "grow younger" as such a lot more than I did.

The best bit about that film is the old bloke who keeps telling the stories about how he's been struck by lightning seven times


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Seven Pounds ( 2008 )

This is certainly two hours of my life gone. For most of the movie, we have no idea about the reasons for what is going on. So surely we'd need something to keep us going untill then, right ? Except this movie does nothing to interest the viewers. A shady love story and practically nothing else, which considering there's supposed to be seven lives changed, is shocking. Couldn't they find a suitable interesting story in seven characters ?

Anyone who can write a character that makes Will Smith look boring deserves to be pointed out. This was no fault of Smith, who brought his usual charm to the role, but I couldn't care less about him or the people he is trying to help. Lets add the fact that it feels like every scene of the first 45 minutes needs to end with someone crying. What an overdramatic load of w**k it feels like. When it gets less dramatic, it gets more boring and that makes things even worse.

The ending is too little too late, and even at that, it's really not very good.

Moral of the story ? Don't waste your time with this.


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The point of that phone call, I think, was that it was completely in character. It wasn't really pivotal in the storyline, but it certain added depth to both characters. Artistic license, and necessary for those without much knowledge of either central character. I had no problems with it all.

I'm not sure how you managed to sympathise with Nixon, he did it all to himself, and deserved every ounce of suffering he went through.

I think I said a few pages back in this thread and/or on the Frost/Nixon thread that the phonecall spoiled it for me. If you asked most people after the film what the turning point in the interviews was they'd probably say the phone call. In my eyes it's a pivotal moment and it didn't happen. To exaggerate slightly, it's like making a film on WWII and having the turning point as Germany losing a battle that never happened. I can understand the arguement as to why they did it but I think it was a mistake.

Let's hope The Damned United doesn't attempt to get over a point by showing us Leeds losing games that never happened.

Edit for spelling

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Guest dougalldogg
Pineapple express 6/10

half decent but the laughs were few and far between for a supposed comedy.

yeah just watched that couple days ago, probably would rate the same, was ok but couldnt help thinkin this would probably be more funny if I was high.....

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