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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Did anyone see that film on bbc last night? It started at about 11pm and was about some guy who was good on the piano. I saw up to the point where he was doing some performance and I fell asleep and missed the ending.

Anyone know the name of it? Maybe someone has a tv mag handy they'd be as kind to check for me?

Editted to say i've remembered as soon as I posted that - it was called Shine.

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Adulthood ( 2008 )

Can't understand all of the wanking over this. It certainly isn't bad, and Noel Clarke certainly has a boatload of potential as a director and writer, but it certainly wasn't fully realised here. The story is a decent follow up to the first time around but doesn't quite have the same meaning to it. This whole thing felt like a time wasting exercise. Not a bad movie, but it really wasn't needed.


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Went to see this with the gf last night. It is possibly the worst film I have ever had the misfortune to painfully watch.



Aye, 'twas shite.

Looked slightly promising, ended up not knowing if you were supposed to be scared or laugh at the comical happenings. And what a weak storyline.


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couple of films re watched

cloverfield worse second time round i have a total atred of the characters 2/10

the dark knight 10/10 such an epic film with so much to it well worth the re watch and better second time round gary oldman holds the whole thing together

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Frost/Nixon ( 2008 )

Regardless of factual inaccuracies, this movie was great fun. The performances were great, but Michael Sheen in particular was absolutely amazing. The whole thing is, understandably, predictable, which sorta takes away from it, but this is still a very easy movie to enjoy and get into.


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Went to see this with the gf last night. It is possibly the worst film I have ever had the misfortune to painfully watch.



It's worth at least a point for Odette Yustman's camel toe.

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Gran Torino

It's like a "greatest hits" of all Eastwood's classic characters rolled into one performance. Everyone from Dirty Harry thru to William Munny are all there.

Some of the acting from his co-stars is a little, interesting, shall we say.

Doesn't take away from a cracking movie 9/10

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I know it was cheesy, I know it was unbelievable, but I thoroughly enjoyed it. I thought Liam Neeson was brilliant!


I have loads to watch over the weekend, including Slumdog, 21, Tropic Thunder, Gran Torino and Body of Lies. Shall report back.

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Frontiers 7/10

French horror about a goup of robbers who flee to the countryside and stay in a hostel run by inbred nazi cannibals. Like a cross between Hostel, Texas Chainsaw Massacre and The Hills Have Eyes.

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I watched 3 yesterday

Leatherheads - 6/10 - RomCom but with George Clooney and Rene Zellwegger (sp) it was always going to be watchable and as it was about American Football in the 30's it was more so than usual

Mystery, Alaska - 7/10 - Bit like that Mighty Ducks (it's about a wee Alaskan town playing the NY Rangers) but a better storyline and cast. Light viewing but very watchable

In Bruges - 8/10 - not wuite sure what to make of this one but as I really enjoyed it something must have been tigh

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