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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Gran Torino

Clint Eastwood is amazing in this movie. I thought it was great.


Gran Torino

Absolutely fantastic film, brilliant performance from Clint. I'm loathe to giving a film 10, so I'll give it a 9 on the basis that i thought the young Hmong girl who played the wee fella's sister was terrible.

Gran Torino

I saw it recently and thought that Old Clitty was excellent in it. I thought an Oscar nomination wouldn't have been too far off the mark to be honest.


Slumdog Millionaire

Very well acted and something a little different to the norm. 9/10

Bad Boy Bubby - An older Austrailian movie thats more than bizarre, but really enjoyable none the less 7/10

Miracle at St Anna - Buffalo Soldiers in Italy. This split alot of guys on the rig. Some thought it was garbage, others though it was really good. I was of the later opinion. :) 8/10.

Edited by MattBairn
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[Rec] (2007)

Decent wee Basque horror, although the changes in language between Catalan and Spanish all over the place were a bit disconcerting...

Angela really has a face for radio so it's understandable why she hasn't had her big break and spends her time pissing everyone off looking for interviews!

Don't really see where they go with a sequel which she is also in, I thought she died at the end, but maybe not...


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Marley & me!

Went to Carlisle today with the other half to see this. It's certainly not the best film ever made but there are a few feel good moments. Aniston and Wilson don't really make you laugh, it the way the dog acts just by eating everything.

It lasts 5 mins shy of 2 hours and i thought it dragged on a bit,

the bit at the end when you realise Marley is dying leaves a lump in the throat!



Step Brothers

Fantastic film, i don't think i've laughed as much since dumb & dumber. Will Ferrell & John. C. Reilly are fantastic. I think it's a lot better than Anchorman........although i did enjoy that also! :)

A solid 9/10 ;)

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halloween remake 3/10 really trashy and not in a good way varies hugely fom the original it gets 1 point for eachof the following. 1 dnaielle harris in excessive titty shot and 2 for featuring ken foree the greatest living black b movie star

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Pineapple Express - 7/10

Pretty funny, funnier if stoned, though everything is!

Watchmen - 8.5/10

Fantastic film! Seen it twice in two nights (to keep gf happy) but it was just as enjoyable second time round. As good a comic book film as i've ever seen.

Bronson - 5/10

Its OK, bit repetative as you would expect, 'Bronson' was great though.

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Eden Lake . 10/10.

Watch it. But only if you can handle horror films.

I've sort of warmed to this movie a wee bit. Not much mind you, but a wee bit. I can see why the makers decided to completely ignore the main story arc for 40 minutes.

Mainly to make the finale even more shocking.

It's still not easy to watch though, and I don't mean that in a good way. I'm willing to up my score of it to a 3/10.

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Went along to the cinema last night to see Marley & Me. Quite enjoyed it. A poster earlier said that Aniston and Wilson don't really make you laugh and it is more down to the dog which is pretty much a perfect way of describing the film really. Some good moments in it but not a "full on" comedy if you are in fact expecting it to be. Very touching, particularly the final 20 minutes or so and I could hear a few tears being shed in the cinema. Surprisingly not from me though I did have a lump in my throat at the end of the film.

I'd give it 6.5/10.

Edited by RiG
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