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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Avatar (3D) - 8/10, I'd already seen it in 2D and thought it was fairly enjoyable. I give it an extra point for the 3D.

Some interesting trailers before the film, big films for the Summer - The A-Team (already discussed in A-Team thread), Robin Hood or "Gladiator set in Sherwood Forest" and Clash of the Titans.

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Malice in Wonderland - 0/10

Watched the first 20 minutes of this crap last night and turned it off. It was so wierd that the only way you could possibly watch it and enjoy it was to be on some concotion of Ecstasy and/or Acid.

Has anyone else watched this and what did you think?

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Ive heard loads of people go on about how this is a must see and frankly i cant see how. I actually had to turn the dvd over half way which shows how long it goes on. Despite it lasting so long nothing seems to happen. Very little action, typical drug dealing and wife cheating but nothing that i didnt expect before hand. The cast carries this film throughout and not even the Pesci/De Niro combo makes this an overall enjoyable watch.

I guarantee had this not been based on a true story it wouldnt have been the must-see it is.

Rating: 48%

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Watched Invictus at the cinema last night. For a film about rugby (well, not all of it, but a fair bit), it was pretty damn good. You get over Morgan Freeman's South African accent after about 10mins. Strangely compelling even though I knew who won the '95 Rugby World Cup. Would recommend, especially as everything else at the cinema looks shite just now.


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Watched Black Dahlia on DVD, done by the same guy that did LA Confidential but it's not as good a film. the period detail is beautifully observed, even in the performances of some of the actors, but the plot is over-complicated, with at least one element too many, and you very easily lose track even paying close attention. Maybe a film that will get better with repeated viewing, but only a 6/10 on first sight.

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Reign Over Me (2007) 9/10

Watched the Adam Sandler double bill last night. First one Click was ok 5/10 but i stayed up and watched the second one and what a treat it was. I think most of Sandlers films are instantly forgettable but with Don Cheadle in this it was surprisingly good. The emotions brought up about a bloke losing his family in 9/11 had lots of laughs and tears, well worth checking out.

Edited by killiepiemuncher
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Gurotesuku (2009)

AKA Grotesque (Japanese torture film, currently banned in the UK)

This wasn't a particularly gory film, it was more psychological as everything pretty much happens off camera, the acting was decent for Japanese horror, which separates it from Hostel from the get go.

The usual Japanese rape scene, of which there always seems to be one, was overly long and pointless... and the end result was more comical than anything. The film was totally predictable (except the last bit in the dungeon), but watch-able in that you actually cared how the characters got on, and the finale to the torture whilst anatomically unlikely was pretty funny and not quite what I was expecting!

7/10 but more as a comedy/psych thriller than a horror...

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Book Of Eli 5/10

It was quite good to start off but ended up being pretty average.

The Imaginarium of Dr Parnassus 7/10

I got a bit confused as to what was going on at one point but i caught up and overall it was not bad actually.

Daybreakers 8/10

I love vampire movies, this was a different angle from the norm and it went down well. Worth a watch

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The Boat That Rocked - 8/10

Quentin: So... expelled?

Carl: That's right.

Quentin: What for?

Carl: I suppose smoking was the clincher.

Quentin: Drugs or cigarettes?

Carl: Well, both.

Quentin: Well done! Proud of you. So your mum sent you here in the hope that a little bracing sea air would sort you out?

Carl: Something like that.

Quentin: Spectacular mistake. Cigarette?

Carl: No thanks.

Quentin: Spliff???


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I will be watching Lion King 2 tonight

Both the sequels are not bad, I gave both 7/10 as they are quite fun. Obviously Lion King got a ten as it's flawless, but for straight to video films the other two are pretty decent.

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