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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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See I'm just not sure about that film, what exactly can they make a film about someone creating a website?

Usually films about geeks creating websites usually end up as pretty brutal horrors, but I can't see that happening... so what is it really about?

I did actually mean to post a line review of film as something along the lines of "Decent enough if you like films about creating websites"

I couldn't quite make up my mind what angle it was coming from as it showed Zuckerburg to be a pr1ck but then almost trying to make you feel sorry for the $25billion pr1ck.

Cant believe it got a theatrical release (well I can but it shouldn't have) as it really rates alongside the likes of pirates of silicon valley as straight to TV movies with a niche market of geeks and fanboys.

I guess I was a little generous giving it 6/10 but it sucked less than a lot of the other shite i've been watching recently

Social Network 4/10

Scott Pilgrim 4/10

Mrs watched about 20mins of this and gave up - I watched till the end but found it just a little bit tedious - Once you had seen one ex you had seen them all. Some funny quirky moments in it and Mary Elizabeth Winstead is always watchable but film was just lacking something.

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Bruiser (2000)

Quality film by George A Romero, about a guy who's so invisible his face eventually becomes a plain white mask. His life is in ruins, and to get it back he has to make numerous changes to everyone who has screwed him over throughout his life.

This was Romero's last non-zombie film until he remakes Dario Argento's Deep Red next year, and it was probably his best outwith the Dead series (well maybe Monkey Shines, that was just cool!).


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SKYLINE - 2/10

Utterly awful. Like a previous poster mentioned it just seems like an awful combination of other films.

Elements of 'Cloverfield', 'Independence Day', 'The Matrix' and 'Transformers' should make it at least a decent sci-fi flick. Sadly the story is just so poor it made it feel a lot longer than the 97 minute run time.

A truly wasted evening & £8, the England v France game would have at least been free.

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Jackass 3D (2010)

Great film, well if you like that sort of thing, which I do.

The Rocky punch was excellent the first time I saw it, the two American Football ones were hilarious especially the Human Goalpost(?).

Other bits were sick, like the tooth and the toilet.


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A Serbian Film (2010)

This has gone through the BBFC with 9 minutes of cuts, and I don't feel it should be broadcast. Other than the descent into madness which inevitably takes place, it shows little or no artistic merits whatsoever.

They'll cut out 90% of the sick shit, and you'll be left with the story which is well send you to sleep as Milos is really dull! The sick shit was just in there for the sake of putting it in, and I can't see how it's got such a high rating on IMDb!

Don't waste your time watching this mince, and sure as hell don't watch the UK cut version as that will be boring as hell!

I honestly don't know how to score this, for delivering what it set out to achieve it should score highly, but I don't want to give this garbage a high mark as cinema should be artistic, entertaining and make you feel some kind of empathy. This did not have any of those three important factors!

f**k it, I'm going as high as I can possibly justify - 2/10

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The House That Jack Built(2009)

Started watching this without even knowing what genre it came under, was hoping it was horror but it could have been anything!

It's about a singer (Jack III) who was told by his grandfather on his death bed to promise that he wouldn't knock down the family home, well can you guess what he did?

At a party suddenly the guests start being picked off one by one, with nobody seeming to notice that over half a dozen people have disappeared over the course of an hour...

The next bit explains the ending, killer, etc but because it's new-ish I'll put it in spoiler tags.

The killer was the ghost of the grandfather (Jack I, played by Joe 'Fat Tony' Mantegna) who somehow can throw saw discs with enough force to decapitate someone, and nail gun someone to death despite being a ghost...

The question now is how do you kill him? Well after a fist fight with Jack III, the ghost of Jack II turns up and fights off his father... still how do you kill a ghost?

Simple, you do a back body drop Ultimate Warrior style over the balcony!

Oh and the photographer for the Daily Planet turns up as an annoying priest who 'sensed' danger, but only after every c**t is dead...

2/10 - purely for this review which has amused me more than the film did... well that and when some random had just taken her top off and a spike comes from nowehere and impales her... oh and for finding out that the director wrote about 20% of the Care Bears episodes :lol:

Edited by SaltyTON
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The Last Air Bender

Although consigned to being an awful film on the basis of it's title alone, it the script/dialogue that plummet this high budget effort towards the gates of hell. Perhaps lines such as "are you a bender" are little more than unfortunate, but the chap who acted so wonderfully in Slumdog Millionaire has managed to turn in one of the most turgid performances I've seen in many a year. It's what you would expect from Ronald Villiers in the role of a pantomime baddie. A truly honking movie.

The Blind Side

From first minute to last, an absolute gem of a movie. Loved it.

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Law Abiding Citizen

Looks from the outset like your typical Time To Kill revenge film, but is far, far better. The action starts at around 3 minutes in and just keeps going. Gripping from start to finish, a little far fetched but does not suffer for it.

9/10, but only because I've seen (very few) better films.

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The Room (2003)

Oh dear God, I see what everyone means about the worst acting in film history! David Caruso would look like Olivier in this!

It's so bad you can't stop watching it, I was really hoping he would walk in on them and have a flakey to see how badly he managed that!

It's clearly an ingenious tax dodge as there's no way that he spent $6 million making this pile of crap!


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Law Abiding Citizen

Looks from the outset like your typical Time To Kill revenge film, but is far, far better. The action starts at around 3 minutes in and just keeps going. Gripping from start to finish, a little far fetched but does not suffer for it.

9/10, but only because I've seen (very few) better films.

Aye, saw this for the first time myself last night, and I have to agree. Great, great film. Butler is terrific in it.

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The Room (2003)

Oh dear God, I see what everyone means about the worst acting in film history! David Caruso would look like Olivier in this!

It's so bad you can't stop watching it, I was really hoping he would walk in on them and have a flakey to see how badly he managed that!

It's clearly an ingenious tax dodge as there's no way that he spent $6 million making this pile of crap!


You're tearing me apart Salty!

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Law Abiding Citizen

Looks from the outset like your typical Time To Kill revenge film, but is far, far better. The action starts at around 3 minutes in and just keeps going. Gripping from start to finish, a little far fetched but does not suffer for it.

9/10, but only because I've seen (very few) better films.

Aye, saw this for the first time myself last night, and I have to agree. Great, great film. Butler is terrific in it.

Did a little bit of shit fall out your arse when

that phone blew up in that womans hand?

My housemate screamed like a girl when that happened!

Predators - I was expecting something a bit better than this junk. It was ever so slightly better than Alien vs. Predator efforts but not much. They were trying too hard to have the same sort of scenes as the first movie - like when the Japanese guy waited for Predator like Billy did in the original. As for the ending - who thought that one up?

Much like AVP - I hated it when the human and Predator teamed up.


The Human Centipede - Another trash movie here. Nothing much happens. The women in it are stupid. You do get to see a few flashes of tit though so I give it a 2/10.

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You're tearing me apart Salty!

Don't get me wrong, I laughed at his ridiculous break down and every time that retarded (?) kid appeared... especially when he jumps on the bed with them at the start... but it really wasn't that funny - more boring as hell!

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Nothing new for me at the moment.

Star Wars - a good, solid, reliable 9/10 as ever.

The Jungle Book - as with Jaws, nothing more needs said other than 10/10.

Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan - 7.5/10. Deals sympatheticaly with the crew's advancing years (before they started playing their age for laughs). A great idea to bring Ricardo Montalban back to reprise a Khan in what is a sequel to an episode from the original series. The fanboys must have been creaming themselves.

Spock's death is genuinely emotional

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Nothing new for me at the moment.

Star Wars - a good, solid, reliable 9/10 as ever.

The Jungle Book - as with Jaws, nothing more needs said other than 10/10.

Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan - 7.5/10. Deals sympatheticaly with the crew's advancing years (before they started playing their age for laughs). A great idea to bring Ricardo Montalban back to reprise a Khan in what is a sequel to an episode from the original series. The fanboys must have been creaming themselves.

Spock's death is genuinely emotional

Easily the best of the big screen Star Trek franchise, it works reasonably well as a stand alone movie i.e. you don't ahve to be big into star trek to actually appreciate it.

In many respects 1982 was a great year for science fiction: Not only did you have ST II: The wrath of Khan, but also Tron, ET*, The Thing and the greatest movie ever made, Blade Runner.

*which I hate

I watched a Bridge Too Far for the umpteenth time last night: I like it a lot, a good all star (for the time) cast, stunning cinematography - the amount of extras and surplus WW2 equipment really giving it the necessary sense of scale of the operation. The soundtrack really is epic and one of my favourite scores of the genre. They are really able to bring home much of the horror of combat. What I do dislike is the fact that it does not follow as a pure historical, and the very obvious pro Patton/US, anti Montgomery/British agenda leaves a sour taste afterwards (it's based on the Cornelius Ryan book of the same name who had a distaste for the British commander).

Even allowing for that, it's a good 8/10.

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Into The Wild 7/10

Meh, was decent. It dragged on a little too long for my liking, although the end sequence was superb and captured the plot of the movie perfectly. A good watch, but when it was recommended to me, I was told it was film of the year, no chance. Still worth a watch though.

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In many respects 1982 was a great year for science fiction: Not only did you have ST II: The wrath of Khan, but also Tron, ET*, The Thing and the greatest movie ever made, Blade Runner.

Also had The Thing which was good fun.

Unfortunately it also had the following crap (UK title in brackets)...

Friday the 13th Part III

Halloween III: Season of the Witch

Mil Gritos Tiene la Noche (Pieces)

Swamp Thing

The Dorm That Dripped Blood (Pranks)

The Last Horror Film

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Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan - 7.5/10. Deals sympatheticaly with the crew's advancing years (before they started playing their age for laughs). A great idea to bring Ricardo Montalban back to reprise a Khan in what is a sequel to an episode from the original series. The fanboys must have been creaming themselves.

Spock's death is genuinely emotional

Easily my favourite of the ST films. Ricardo Montalban (and his big plastic chest) is outstanding.

It's all a play on Moby Dick as well.

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