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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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I have Finding Neverland here to watch. Anyone seen it? Any good?


I hope you didn't buy it :lol:

It was a bit flat for me.

Last film I watched was Oceans Twelve and I thought it was a pile of rubbish. What a disappointment, 5/10.

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Sin City 9/10

Rollercoaster comic book violence from start to finish

3 Frank Miller stories blended into 1

Tarantino has credit being a special guest director and you can see the similarities between this and Pulp Fiction

If you don't like that kind of thing, stay well away!!!!!

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Watched 'Assault on Precinct 13'' and ''After The Sunset'' on the flight home last night.

Assault on Precinct 13 - 8/10 :D

After The Sunset - 7/10 and thats only because Salmya Hayek wears nothing more than a bikini all the way through :wub: Was rather pish to be honest :ph34r:

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Watched Saw :o 9/10 brilliant movie..... never once occurred to me who was the bad guy so that was brilliantly hidden, although i was sure Cary Elwes was involved in it some way........... :o:o

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Watched Saw  :o 9/10 brilliant movie..... never once occurred to me who was the bad guy so that was brilliantly hidden, although i was sure Cary Elwes was involved in it some way...........  :o  :o


It's a great movie - great twist. Very clever!

put Finding Neverland on today, it was off after 15 mins. Pish 1/10

Having said that, Depp (who I think is a fantastic actor) did a great scottish accent - take note Mel Gibson!!

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Dr Strangelove :lol::lol:

Dr. Strangelove: Of course, the whole point of a Doomsday Machine is lost, if you *keep* it a *secret*! Why didn't you tell the world, EH?

Ambassador de Sadesky: It was to be announced at the Party Congress on Monday. As you know, the Premier loves surprises.

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Watched Saw  :o 9/10 brilliant movie..... never once occurred to me who was the bad guy so that was brilliantly hidden, although i was sure Cary Elwes was involved in it some way...........  :o  :o


Fantastic film, one of my favourites.

Can i ask you opinion on something, cause me and my mates have had many arguments over the end of this film. When jigsaw leaves adam in the room at the end and closes the door and says game over then closes the door.

My friend thinks when he closes the door it means adam will die.

What i think is:

You can see they key in the bath has a luminous tag (one that lights up when it goes dark) you do see it go down the plug hole, but the tag is far too big for it to go down the hole so i think when jigsaw says game over, he is saying adam won the game, because his mission was to stay alive, which he did and when jigsaw closes the door, it means its completely dark in the room and adam can find the key in the bath and get the chains off

What do you think?? am i looking into it too much?

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I'm not a big fan of spoofs, but I found this quite funny.

Jack Black's cameo is excellent. Tim Robbins too, usually such a serious luvvie  :lol:

SUPER DUPER  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:


Whats it a spoof of?

The bit when jack black kicks the dog off the bridge is f'kin excellent!!!

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