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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Reservoir Dogs

Fucking outstanding, favourite Tarantino film and is up there in my top 3 films, might even be my favourite film. Michael Madsen is the fucking man, Harvey Keitel and Steve Buscemi's interactions are outstanding and Tim Roth is excellent.

The opening scene in the diner is just amazing.

10/10, I wish I could rate it higher.

Just need 4 or 5 other people to agree and we'll dress up as them for Halloween cool.gif

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Hoped for much more but was pretty let down by this. While it had it's moments it was nowhere near Pegg & Frosts best work. Having Seth Rogen as the voice of Paul annoyed me but I'm not sure why however he did have the best lines but that's not saying much. Watchable but won't be rushing back to have another watch anytime soon


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Max Payne (2008)

This is just weird, it has everything you want from a mindless action film but it's physically painful at times.

The story itself is just stupid, almost like a cinematic version of the Norse Aesir and Valkyrie stories only set in the modern era.

I know films made from computer games rarely work, albeit they tend to be made by Uwe Boll, but this has such a horrendous cast that you can't just accept it as a mindless bloodbath.

Mark Wahlberg, Mila Kunis, Beau Bridges, Ludacris, Chris O'Donnell and Nelly Furtado, who actually thought that would work? Well evidently Irish cameraman John Moore did, and unsurprisingly it was his last directorial effort after this and the mess that was the remake of The Omen.

Mark Wahlberg really needs to stick to drama, he isn't cut out for action films! He's far too wooden to believe that he could have the energy to kill dozens of people, all armed, in a short period of time. His saving grace in this film is that Kunis is a horrendously bad actress!


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Moon 6.5/10

Thought this was an intriguing film, but as the plot took shape I began to lose interest. It was quite well done, but I just didn't really get that into it.

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X-men: First Class

Actually surprised me after the utter crap that was x-men 3. Change of director clearly helped!

Xavier and Magneto's younger characters are superb and perfectly cast.

Lots of subtle references to x-men lore throughout if you're nerdy enough to pick them out! cool.gif


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Kung Fu Panda

It was just on BBC1 and the first time I seen it since it came out in the cinema and I forgot what it was like, but it's really good! Much better than what I was expecting.


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Kung Fu Panda

It was just on BBC1 and the first time I seen it since it came out in the cinema and I forgot what it was like, but it's really good! Much better than what I was expecting.


It's genius and we're fortunate that both Disney-Pixar and Dreamworks Animation are knocking out great animation that's not just for kids.

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Saw The Girl who played with Fire 2009 and The Girl who kicked the Hornet's Nest 2009 in the past week on DVD.

Both I'd say were 8/10 I watched Swedish language with Subtitles.

Great performances, especially the girl playing Salander but the let down is the source material in my view. There's plenty of action, twists and turns but Larsson showed why he made his living as a political writer rather than a novelist.

A fairer shout might have been 9/7 but 8/8 is fair in my view.

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Watched Heat last night, pretty good. Although I'm not a massive fan of the De Niro and Pacino relationship, they're both great actors but I don't get the love in that some get for the pairing.

Danny Trejo is the man though.

Probably about a 6/10

Also, V for vandetta was on BBC Three at 9, don't know if it was because I was a little bit stoned but I noticed the use of words beginning with "v" was massive, it also could've been because it's been ages since I watched it.

Hugo Weaving is also the man, can't wait to see him as Red Skull.

Solid 8/10

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Watched Heat last night, pretty good. Although I'm not a massive fan of the De Niro and Pacino relationship, they're both great actors but I don't get the love in that some get for the pairing.

Danny Trejo is the man though.

Probably about a 6/10

Definitely in my top ten ever films, it's near flawless. To steal the Godfather cliché, the De Niro/Pacino partnership "insists upon itself", but it's still a great film.

Trejo is godly though, and to have his character called Trejo (probably cos he was to stoned to remember his name) is just brilliant!

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Definitely in my top ten ever films, it's near flawless. To steal the Godfather cliché, the De Niro/Pacino partnership "insists upon itself", but it's still a great film.

Trejo is godly though, and to have his character called Trejo (probably cos he was to stoned to remember his name) is just brilliant!

It was pretty funny, I watched it with two mates and at one point (think when De Niro and Trejo are on the two payphones) De Niro says "Trejo" and the two people I was with were talking about how sometimes actors make mistakes and say the actual actors name instead of the characters and that this must be one of those and I wasn't convinced. Needless to say, I was pretty chuffed when I waiting for his name to come up in the credits.

I'll probably watch it again soon, couldn't really get into it as some bird came up halfway through and talked through the rest of it cause she hadn't seen the start dry.gif

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Pay It Forward (2000)

"Young Trevor McKinney, troubled by his mother's alcoholism and fears of his abusive but absent father, is caught up by an intriguing assignment from his new social studies teacher, Mr. Simonet. The assignment: think of something to change the world and put it into action. Trevor conjures the notion of paying a favor not back, but forward--repaying good deeds not with payback, but with new good deeds done to three new people. Trevor's efforts to make good on his idea bring a revolution not only in the lives of himself, his mother and his physically and emotionally scarred teacher, but in those of an ever-widening circle of people completely unknown to him."

I wasn't really sure what I would make of it before I watched it but I was impressed and it exceeded my expectations.


The Reader (2008)

"THE READER opens in post-WWII Germany when teenager Michael Berg becomes ill and is helped home by Hanna, a stranger twice his age. Michael recovers from scarlet fever and seeks out Hanna to thank her. The two are quickly drawn into a passionate but secretive affair. Michael discovers that Hanna loves being read to and their physical relationship deepens. Hanna is enthralled as Michael reads to her from "The Odyssey," "Huck Finn" and "The Lady with the Little Dog." Despite their intense bond, Hanna mysteriously disappears one day and Michael is left confused and heartbroken. Eight years later, while Michael is a law student observing the Nazi war crime trials, he is stunned to find Hanna back in his life - this time as a defendant in the courtroom. As Hanna's past is revealed, Michael uncovers a deep secret that will impact both of their lives. THE READER is a story about truth and reconciliation, about how one generation comes to terms with the crimes of another."

I had quite high hopes for this movie but I was let down. It was quite boring.


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Paul (2011)

Another comedy from Pegg and Frost, with the normally irritating Seth Rogen as the lovable alien Paul. Sigourney Weaver turns up to get the money for a cup of tea, at least impending poverty is the only reason I could think for someone with 3 Oscar nominations to appear in a British comedy...

It wasn't a great film, but it had little jokes that amused me, probably wouldn't quite have worked internationally though.


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The Social Network

Really enjoyed this film. The script was well written and I liked the way they showed the story. I thought the flashback route made the film much better than if it was a straight start to finish. I could see why Mark Zuckerburg isn't to happy at the film, he did get portrayed as a complete dick and you can tell a lot of artistic license as been used. The weakest point was the ending. It left me with a kind of is that it? felling. It just sort of ended without any warning.


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In Bruges

IMDb has this down as crime, drama and thriller. I'm not so sure, it's fucking hilarious. After watching films showing Trejo and Weaving to be "the man", I'd be a terrible person not to include Farrell in the same rank. He's so under-used IMO, doesn't get nearly enough credit that the "big" movie stars do, fucking fantastic actor.


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