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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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I watched Raging Bull for the first time ever last night.

Thought De Niro was brilliant, but just didn't think it was a great film, but I'm not a fan in general of Boxing type films like Rocky etc.


Watch it again. I preferred Raging Bull the second time around, like with most Scorsese films. Mentioning it in the same sentence as Rocky isn't appropriate, as is calling it a boxing film.

Agree Robert De Niro gives a brilliant performance, though. One of my top 3 De Niro performances.

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The Hurt Locker 6.5/10

Would have probably scored higher if I wasn't knackered watching it. Was a bit disappointed in the ending, but it was fairly entertaining up to then.

You're spot on here. I was knackered when I first watched it and wasn't particularly impressed. Watched it again and it blew me away. Agree the ending didn't sit right and bits of the screenplay were B-standard but it's intense, exciting and very very suspenseful.

Also one of the best edited films of the last 10 years. If I could give it one Oscar that's the one it undoubtedly deserved.

Brilliant on Blu-ray also.

9/10 for me after multiple viewings.

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The rise of Planet of the Apes - 5/10

It was alright, if you hadnt watched any others before you new exactly what was going to happen. Wasnt exactly bad but wasnt exactly great either. See what happens in the next one, should be better

Just watched this and feel pretty much the same, wouldnt rush to see it again but wouldnt mind if it was on 6/10

seen it the day, enjoyed it, but I don't think they will make another one.


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Which awards do you think it deserved?

Adapted Screenplay and Original Score.


Eclipse (2010)

This was a bit closer to a vampire film from the mess that was New Moon, to the point of being passable.

The vampires are a bit more vengeful, there's fighting scenes (despite the ridiculous way the vampires die) and the story is more entertaining.


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The Devils Double.

A chilling insight into the madness of Udai Hussein and the man who was forced to be his body double. Very well acted by Dominic Cooper who plays both men. Some really chilling scenes but a good watch nontheless.

Solid - 7/10

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127 Hours

I didn't think I was going to enjoy this but it was actually really good. James Franco puts in an amazing performance. Aron Ralston comes across as a bit of a dick but it was impressive to see how he went about amputating his arm.


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French farce set in the late seventies starring Catherine Deneuve and Gerard Depardieu, adapted from a stage play. By rights I should loathe just about everything to do with this film, but I liked it. Maybe it was the mood I was in or the fact that the audience (of which many clearly spoke French) loved it and laughed throughout. Whatever the reason, it was an amusing way to spend 1hr 45mins.


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Adapted Screenplay and Original Score.

Never! I think The Social Network's screenplay (by Aaron Sorkin, no less) was far superior to the other contenders, one of the best screenplays in recent years.

Right enough the Original Score was better than the winner but I'd have given that to The King's Speech.

I can't belive Danny Boyle didn't get a nomination. I thought the sound was excellent too, would have been nice to see it nominated but Inception deserved those awards no doubt.

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Never! I think The Social Network's screenplay (by Aaron Sorkin, no less) was far superior to the other contenders, one of the best screenplays in recent years.

Right enough the Original Score was better than the winner but I'd have given that to The King's Speech.

I can't belive Danny Boyle didn't get a nomination. I thought the sound was excellent too, would have been nice to see it nominated but Inception deserved those awards no doubt.

The Social Network would have won Best Film, out of the ones I've seen (6/10).

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Insidious ( 2011 )

The one thing I noticed right away was that the soundtrack is tacky as f**k and it makes the movie very hard to take seriously. The incredibly bad dialogue doesn't help in any way, so it then comes down to the plot and performances to try and make this one worth watching and thankfully it doesn't disappoint much. Some pleasant surprises in the scare department and it was a lot more reliant on pure creep factor than I thought it was going to be.

It goes downhill with...

The astral projection stuff.

... but I can take that. This was a very decent horror movie with what I thought was a pretty good ending as well.


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Insidious ( 2011 )

The one thing I noticed right away was that the soundtrack is tacky as f**k and it makes the movie very hard to take seriously.

Do you mean the title music in the beginning sequences when it says Insidious? I thought that was cool as f**k. Reminded me of The Omen and other classic horrors.

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Mr. Popper's Penguins (2011)


But I laughed all the way through this, and so did pretty much everyone in the cinema.


But in this he worked, perfectly!


But again, she suited the role of the owner trying to be hard-selled by Carrey perfectly!

But most importantly it's got loads of penguins! :D

10/10 - Aside from The Blues Brothers and Who Framed Roger Rabbit?, only the third comedy film with a person on screen to get this mark... the penguins may have played a part in this though...

Edited by SaltyTON
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Mr. Popper's Penguins (2011)


But I laughed all the way through this, and so did pretty much everyone in the cinema.


But in this he worked, perfectly!


But again, she suited the role of the owner trying to be hard-selled by Carrey perfectly!

But most importantly it's got loads of penguins! :D

10/10 - Aside from The Blues Brothers and Who Framed Roger Rabbit?, only the third comedy film with a person on screen to get this mark... the penguins may have played a part in this though...

How can you hate Jessica Fletcher? You have no heart sir!

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Going to see Rise in a week(fucking resits), got the boxset of the original ones which I haven't seen so am gonna watch them between now and then.

Planet of the Apes (1968)

Loved it, although the "twist"

Heston actually lands on Earth

was spoiled by the cover on the boxset. WTF? I had assumed that would be the twist but still, hadn't put the disc in and already knew where it was going. About to watch the second one.

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Going to see Rise in a week(fucking resits), got the boxset of the original ones which I haven't seen so am gonna watch them between now and then.

Planet of the Apes (1968)

Loved it, although the "twist"

Heston actually lands on Earth

was spoiled by the cover on the boxset. WTF? I had assumed that would be the twist but still, hadn't put the disc in and already knew where it was going. About to watch the second one.

Mark Kermode flagged this up the other day. It's quite incredible that the biggest spoiler possible is the cover.

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