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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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:o i take it that its a really girly movie then? since all the reviews from men say its worse than titanic :lol:


Closer is an abomination of a movie.

A crime against cinema. Avoid like the plague!!!

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Sin City - 8/10

Nasty, nasty film. Dumb comic-book script with some terribly corny lines but I think that was deliberate. It's set up as 3 intertwining stories a la Pulp Fiction. Visually, it was unlike anything that I've ever seen before and that was it's main plus point. Quite stunning. Apart from that it was almost watch worthing for Mickey Rourke's character alone. :)

Edited by Buttocks Brown
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The Day After Tomorrow - Not a brilliant movie, but I've seen a lot worse. Special effects are pretty good, and I suppose you could say that the story is believable, if not a little far-fetched :unsure:


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The Day After Tomorrow - Not a brilliant movie, but I've seen a lot worse. Special effects are pretty good, and I suppose you could say that the story is believable, if not a little far-fetched :unsure:



That reminds me...

Batman Begins is out on Thursday. Am really looking forward to that. Read an article in the Sunday Herald about it yesterday. They gave it *****. :o It's going to go down in history as one of the greatest films ever made apparently. :unsure:

The Irish guy that plays Jim in TDAT plays 'The Scarecrow' in Batman Begins.


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Do, you, em, want to come to my pants and, em, dance?

Do you mean "do i want to party in your pants?"?


Did Brian tell you to say this?

*Shaking head* Yes


Ian! Would you like to party in my pants?

No, Brick.



"Go f**k yourself San Diego"

Gallery "*gasps*"

"Good work team, nice bulletin, sharp."


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I went to see Batman Begins at the weekend (wasn't allowed to go and see Brad and Angelina :wub: ) and thought it was a lot of mind numbing rubbish. Katie Holmes needs a slap and the potentially half decent villain only got a tiny bit of screen time. Liam Neeson was also kack. Christian Bale and Michael Caine were good though. I know it was about it's origins and stuff but I thought Spiderman was far superior in that respect. Lot of po faced rubbish really.

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Mr & Mrs Smith - Utter bollocks

Sin City - Even worse than utter bollocks. It's been a while since I wanted to walk out of the cinema but I was tempted to with this pile of cack. How anyone can compare this to the genius of Pulp Fiction is beyond me.

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Even though i have seen it before it's still quite a shocking film in parts!

A film full of Racism,buggery,violent behavior,swearing and turning a blind eye to what's going on,Suicide.(Have i missed anything out?) :unsure:

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Even though i have seen it before it's still quite a shocking film in parts!

A film full of Racism,buggery,violent behavior,swearing and turning a blind eye to what's going on,Suicide.(Have i missed anything out?) :unsure:


Yes. The f'kin name of it! :lol:

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Even though i have seen it before it's still quite a shocking film in parts!

A film full of Racism,buggery,violent behavior,swearing and turning a blind eye to what's going on,Suicide.(Have i missed anything out?) :unsure:


apart from mentioning yoda's nifty jedi moves you've pretty muched covered it! :rolleyes::P:lol:

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Yes. The f'kin name of it!  :lol:


I thought the bit at the end when he said accedents happen after the bloke took his own life was quite funny! That and the snooker balls in a sock bit. And you'll notice there was no music at all in the film. B)

Edited by saints1884
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