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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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I thought the bit at the end when he said accedents happen after the bloke took his own life!  That and the snooker balls in a sock bit.  And you'll notice there was no music at all in the film. B)


What film! :huh:

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Guest mrs stainrod

I forgot to post that Mr & Mrs Smith is ok. 6/10.

Ms Jolie is a lovely looking woman, Brad doesn't do it for me. :rolleyes::)

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Guest malkymuirsmassiveheid

"Creep". About a nutter in the London subway. 8/10.

Mind you I've seen scarier looking undesirables in Of tops in Glasgow- and that's just the women. :lol:

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White Noise :-


Was a good idea but it took way too long to get going then suddenly was over. Only an hr and a half long is no way near long enough for the film, unless they plan to take out a follow up. So much more could have been done.

The girl in the cafe :-

Supposed to be a comedy with Kelly Mcdonald, however was more political than anything else (about G8 summit). Acting was great in it and was some funny moments and i enjoyed it


Incredibles :-

Was funny moments throughout, typical pixar movie, fell asleep before the end but that was due to tiredness rather than boredom.


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Revenge of the Sith

Great but I was concerned about how easily they managed to kill some of the Jedi!!


Yeah, when Samuel L Jackson decides to go and arrest Palpatine he shouldn't really have taken the three most incompetent jedi ever with him! They were disposed of in about 30 seconds flat

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Mr & Mrs Smith - Utter bollocks

Sin City - Even worse than utter bollocks.  It's been a while since I wanted to walk out of the cinema but I was tempted to with this pile of cack.  How anyone can compare this to the genius of Pulp Fiction is beyond me.


thought these were both class!!

watched 'from hell' last night and 'colateral' the night before. johnny depp is superb in from hell, robbie coltraine also doesnt try and put on any accent which makes him much better than usual- 6.5/10.

colateral has quite a good story but drags on a bit and tom cruise is a cock. 6/10

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Went to see Batman begins last nite it was ok the main problem for me was the fight scenes in which Batman was dressed in black (obviously) but so were all his enemies and they were at night or in the dark meaning you couldnt see what the f**k was happening.

Was there at the same time as some comic book geek who kept pointin out what was wrong with the story and what actually happend totally pissed me off who gives a f**k. I would give it bout 5.5/10

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Rented Schindlers List last night... never seen it before and needed cheering up. :rolleyes:

Good... bit long though - so long that I had to change the discs to watch the last hour of it... only time I've seen that before was with Goodfellas and you had to turn the disc over halfway through. <_<

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me and the girlfriend rented assualt on precint 13 last night

she hated it but i loved it


good action film, good story line with alot of twists. Not seen the original so cant comment on how close to it the remake is.

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Last night I watched The Philadelphia Story.

It was absolutely outstanding - ahead of it's time. You just don't get stars like Grant, Hepburn and Stewart anymore. A sharp and witty script kept me chuckling away for the entire film.

9/10 :D

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My brother had a DVD arrive for him today but any anticipation was short-lived when I found out it was Donnie f'ckin Darko. Load a' pish!


Pish film, plot is really complicated and when one of my more "geeky" mates tried to explain it to me, he lost me after a couple of words. Its all about time travel and demensions and stuff.

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Saw Mystic River last week and thought it was fantastic 9/10

Clint Eastwood directed it so i thought i'd try his most recent effort, Million Dollar baby.

Wasn't disappointed at all 8/10.


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Saw Mystic River last week and thought it was fantastic  9/10

Clint Eastwood directed it so i thought i'd try his most recent effort, Million Dollar baby.

Wasn't disappointed at all 8/10.



Class film. I almost cried at the end :ph34r:

Went and seen Batman Begins last night. Class comic book caper. Great to see Gothem being what its supposed to be. GOTHIC :)

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