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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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My fav director at the moment is probably Clint Eastwood. I think in the last 5-10 years his directing has improved considerably. Scorcese is right up there as well. Tarantino used to be the best (in the 90s)

That Hereafter film Eastwood directed was pretty crap. The acting of those cockney twins was also laughable!

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My fav director at the moment is probably Clint Eastwood

Normally I would agree but...

That Hereafter film Eastwood directed was pretty crap. The acting of those cockney twins was also laughable!

This. Just finished watching it. I'd rather have my eyes pecked out by crows than be forced to watch that shit again. What the hell was the point to it?

Hereafter 2/10 Utter guff

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American Beauty (1999)

Wonderful film about how beautiful life is if you just appreciate the little things.

I liked all the characters, they all played their part perfectly in the story. But I really can't stand clichéd characters, so

Chris Cooper's repressed homosexuality was a tediously obvious little "twist"

, that and I fucking hate Annette Bening with a passion! How does she keep getting parts in films which get Oscar nominations?


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Pretty damn good. There's so many plotholes in this but Joseph Gordon Levitt is amazing in it. It also has Metallica and Motorhead as a soundtrack so it's fucking awesome.

edit:forgot to score it. Probably around a 6 or 7 outta 10.

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The film = not bad

Tom Hardy's performance = fantastic

It's an alright film, loosely based on the prisoner Charles Bronson. It's funnier than I expected, and Tom Hardy really does go to great lengths to show why he is "in demand" now. I like him as an actor, and this film doesn't change that - although I would have preferred if his cock got less screen time. He's hilarious though, and not just when delivering some of the lines, his facial expressions add to the humour.

It's billed as "A Clockwork Orange for the 21st Century", and in terms of the actual cinematography, it is exactly that. A very Kubrickian style of film, even if the film itself isn't as good as Kubrick's "A Clockwork Orange". The way it switches between the narrative scenes on stage and the actual events is quite good.

Now, putting some focus on the film, it isn't bad. Not particularly violent IMO, and although you should probably hate Bronson, you can't help but like him. It's funny, and an easy way to spend 90 minutes (although I can't help thinking that it could have been a bit longer). There's not too much effort required to watch it, and you get to see a very good acting performance as well. If you want to look more in depth at it, then it's just an example of someone becoming so institutionalised that they need to live their life in prison.

But, I'll have to go back to the acting. It's fucking terrific. Even if you don't like the film, you will admire the imposing but comical performance from Hardy.

7/10 (a 5-6/10 if I'm ignoring Hardy's acting)

I'm really looking forward to seeing how he pulls of Bane now.

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Watched Source Code last night, was a decent time filler and the time did fly by. But tbh there were fairly large plot holes and I'd worked out the ending from half way through the movie.But still a decent watch.


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Revolt of the Zombies (1936)

Strange b/w film set in Cambodia, where a "priest" controlled a group of soldiers in a zombie-like trance. For some reason this made them impervious to bullets despite still being alive, but never mind.

Eventually some American guy found out to use this power, and used it to make an army that never did anything, and to make the woman he loved's family and fiancé let him marry her (despite not entrancing her as well).

For some reason everybody's favourite smackhead Bela Lugosi's evil eyes from White Zombie flashed up on the screen for some reason.

This was utterly pointless, and nothing about it was so bad that it was good, just really boring.

2/10 as the use of Lugosi's eyes amused me, or at least they did the first couple of times - then it just became tedious.

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Watched the first Twilight for the first time last night. Wasn't too bad but I found it a little boring. Probably 5/10 for me, just not my type of film.

Have set the V+ to record Bronson on Film4 so hopefully get a chance to watch that.

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The King Of Comedy

Second time watching this film, which is the most entertaining for most good comedies. How wonderful it is to see Martin Scorsese's humorous side come into play a little more than usual, Robert De Niro's wacky, desperate extrovert Rupert Pupkin is one of his finest creations. Every character has their own comedic mannerisms, which make for hilarity every time they clash, most so in the well-devised set pieces.

Technically it's everything you'd expect from a Scorsese film and not a lot more, not taking away from the sparks of brilliance found throughout but it isn't as ambitious or rewarding as his highest work. Like De Niro's character, the film probably isn't to be taken 100% seriously. It's goofy and at points a little weak when compared to Raging Bull or Taxi Driver (what wouldn't be?), but it never stops being entertaining.


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Rats (2003)

Wanted to use up one of the crap films that I have lying about in horror boxsets, so thought I'll watch this even though it looked like a pretty tedious concept. Killer Rats... okay...

Set in an asylum where a newspaper reporter faked a court order to get sent into to investigate the goings on now that the place was privatised... kind of like ScotRail, but slightly more organised!

It was actually not the worst film ever, yeah the rats were just really bad CGI including a giant capybara sized rat which was their leader. Shockingly they were left over from scientific experiments gone wrong, and were "pets" of the former inmate who "worked" at the asylum.

Strangely the man who seems to have taken over from Danny Trejo in the "appear in as much shite as you possibly can in one year", Ron Perlman [NINE films in 2011] was in this not long after being in Blade II and Star Trek: Nemesis

4/10 - as shit horror goes, it really wasn't that bad, and the story was well enough played out for a Bulgarian tax dodge by a dodgy film company called Martien Holdings (can't believe by chance I've seen 7 of their films lol)

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World of the Dead: The Zombie Diaries (2011)

Sequel to The Zombie Diaries (2006), but a little darker and more apocalyptic than before. The shit has really hit the fan by this point, most of the population of the UK is gone and the end of the country is now in sight. Same writer and director as the first one, but with Dimension Films on board, which makes a HUGE difference when we are talking about a horror film!


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