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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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I saw the uncut version, and it was just same shit, slightly more extreme. It was still fucking awful, and added nothing to the film.

The cuts included: Martin masturbating with sandpaper around his penis; graphic sight of a man's teeth being removed with a hammer; graphic sight of lips being stapled to naked buttocks; graphic sight of forced defecation into and around other victims' mouths; Martin with barbed wire wrapped around his penis violently raping a woman; a newborn baby being killed; and the graphic sight of injury as staples are torn away from individuals' mouths and buttocks.

Whats the basic storyline on this? The looney surgeon in the first one was shot through the skull, so is there someone else doing the looney surgery? I accidently saw the first one on some cable channel, horribleness in the extreme.:(

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Whats the basic storyline on this? The looney surgeon in the first one was shot through the skull, so is there someone else doing the looney surgery? I accidently saw the first one on some cable channel, horribleness in the extreme.:(

It's about a weird English guy obsessed with the first Human Centipede film so he decides he wants to do it as well all be it in a far crueder fashion.

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It's about a weird English guy obsessed with the first Human Centipede film so he decides he wants to do it as well all be it in a far crueder fashion.

Fucking hell, I would'nt have thought that was possible.:o:o

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The Scorpion King: Rise of a Warrior (Video 2008)

By God that was awful! A prequel to a prequel of a sequel to a remake. I mean really, why bother?

It's only not getting the lowest mark for the wee hilarious Chinese guy telling a guard that his mother services water buffaloes, and for the new black king giving the black power salute in ancient Greece! :lol:


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Well in the first the guy making the centipede was a surgeon, in the second it's a mentalist armed with some masking tape and a staple gun. Brutal.

Think I'll give it a body-swerve.

Edited by Bigmouth Strikes Again
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The Deer Hunter - 7/10

I was pretty disappointed with the deathly slow start to this so called classic. I didn't feel that the first half hour of the film really offered anything other than background story for the characters. Christopher Walken gives a great performance throughout as do most of the supporting cast but I found the story to be quite dull. The Russian roulette scenes are ruined by the terrible effects (I know it was a long time ago but they could have at least tried to make it look realistic) and some of the scenes in Vietnam are pretty dire IMO. The relationships between the characters are what really make this film and I feel its down to the three lead actors that this is established. A good watch, just not as good as its made out to be.

The Tree Of Life - 5/10

Another Cannes film festival Palme d'Or winner. Having been massively impressed with the other winners that I've seen I was expecting big things, especially considering Brad Pitt and Sean Penn are billed as the leading roles.

It starts out quite enthralling, the lead actress reading a religeous type monologue which makes you think 'this looks pretty great'. As soon as she and Pitt are off screen though you immediately lose interest. Between the great scenes of the family, there's a variety of weird scenes including swimming jellyfish, dinosaurs, planets, internal shots of cell division and all sorts of similar crap that really makes no sense. Oh I almost forgot to mention Sean Penn, probably because I have no idea what he does in it, I'm not even sure he has any lines, all he seems to do is wander around on rocks for a minute or so before the scene cuts to more planets and lava <_<

I think he was supposed to be BP's son that died and he became reunited with them in 'Heaven' at the end but I'm not really sure

Maybe it's just a bit too arty for me but I thought this was a supreme waste of talent and had they devoted more time to the relationship between the family it could have met my expectations.

ETA: If anyone else has seen this and can help me understand it a bit better I'd be quite grateful :ph34r:

Edited by Stewbo
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The Tree Of Life - 5/10

Another Cannes film festival Palme d'Or winner. Having been massively impressed with the other winners that I've seen I was expecting big things, especially considering Brad Pitt and Sean Penn are billed as the leading roles.

It starts out quite enthralling, the lead actress reading a religeous type monologue which makes you think 'this looks pretty great'. As soon as she and Pitt are off screen though you immediately lose interest. Between the great scenes of the family, there's a variety of weird scenes including swimming jellyfish, dinosaurs, planets, internal shots of cell division and all sorts of similar crap that really makes no sense. Oh I almost forgot to mention Sean Penn, probably because I have no idea what he does in it, I'm not even sure he has any lines, all he seems to do is wander around on rocks for a minute or so before the scene cuts to more planets and lava <_<

I think he was supposed to be BP's son that died and he became reunited with them in 'Heaven' at the end but I'm not really sure

Maybe it's just a bit too arty for me but I thought this was a supreme waste of talent and had they devoted more time to the relationship between the family it could have met my expectations.

ETA: If anyone else has seen this and can help me understand it a bit better I'd be quite grateful :ph34r:

Albino Rover is your man when it comes to Terrence Malik films.

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On the recommendation of someone in the other thread I taped Trees Lounge (1996)

Taken from IMDB "Things aren't going so well for Tommy Basilio. He lost his job because he "borrowed" money from the register, his girlfriend left him for his boss and is now pregnant, and he can't find work because of the incident. His life revolves around the Trees Lounge, a neighborhood bar over which he lives, full of the colorful eccentrics one finds in such places, like the estranged husband, or the old boozer drinking himself to death. He drunkenly wanders through his life, still in love with his ex, desperate for some sort of meaning beyond the bar, some sort of meaning to his life"

There's a lot more to the story than the above. Basically his boss was his best friend, his brother also still works at the garage he was fired from etc etc, so every direction the story takes is tied together by mutual friends, family or whatever. It also has the classic 90's feel to it, which I'm a sucker for. Excellent cast as well and even a cameo from Samuel L Jackson. It might just have been me but I'm sure there's a scene where Buscemi is driving and across the street there's a group of men in black suits walking down an alley. Possible reference to Res Dogs there. On a first viewing I thought it was pretty awesome and I'll definately watch it again.


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Animal Kingdom

This seemed to slip under the radar a bit in late 2010/early 2011. I only heard about it when I saw a trailer for the film before Black Swan (I think). All I can say is get it watched.

It's an Australian crime drama based on a crime "family" in Melbourne. Essentially it's a gangster film, but these are small time gangsters compared to your typical idea of massive crime families. Tension slowly builds through the film (I thought it was slow to start and it's usually a risk to pace a film like this) and in the last 40 minutes to half and hour you just get hit when this tension unloads. A brilliant film that keeps you captivated throughout, and there are a couple of moments that were heart in mouth from my perspective. There is one scene in particular which is very uncomfortable viewing, but a fantastic scene. The cast is good, and even the small parts are well played. The standouts are the mother played by Jacki Weaver (she received an Oscar nomination for her role but lost out to Melissa Leo of The Fighter, but I think Weaver just pips her after seeing both films) and one of the uncles, Ben Mendelsohn - a fine performance from him.

If you like your crime films then I couldn't recommend this enough. It's thrilling right up until the ending, and it's a great ending.


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I watched this again after watching it a few weeks ago but not sticking a review on here.

Very good, relatively short, low-budget, neo-noir film from Christopher Nolan. The plot almost seems to elaborate on the first watch but a second viewing and it's much easier to grasp (much like Memento, it improves on a second viewing probably because the non-linear style appears to get too tangled on one viewing). I think it's fairly obvious that I am a big fan of Nolan's work and it's good to see the first feature film he directed.

Where would I rank it after a second viewing? Probably his third best film IMO (although as I said earlier in the thread outside of Memento and The Dark Knight, the others move about at will) but I've still not had a second watch of The Prestige.


Roll on The Dark Knight Rises and, to an extent, Man Of Steel.

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Cracking shout on Animal Kingdom. An excellent movie. I've got Lovefilm now and getting some right good use from it.

Moon ( 2009 )

I get the feeling there's a cracking movie in here somewhere and it just doesn't come out. The first half is VERY promising with a real sense of not knowing what the hell is going on as the mental state of Sam gets worse. And then it just kind of gets normal, with the plot becoming much less interesting, and a lot more predictable. Sam Rockwell is an absolute hero as he manages to make the whole thing a great watch almost on his own.


Dr. Strangelove ( 1964 )

Didn't really engage me as much as I'd have hoped, but it's still some great fun. Most of it is just ridiculous which I suppose is the whole point. The characters are world class which means that although Peter Sellars steals the show, there was other brilliant ones like Buck, and the tremendously named Jack D. Ripper.


Swimming With Sharks ( 1994 )

One major problem I have with this movie is that I don't give a f**k about Guy. I find him to be a bitching moaning wee shite, and it certainly isn't helped by the fact that Kevin Spacey turns on the good form and makes Buddy a VERY engageable character before the big climax. It's still a funny as hell and very cynical movie which I'd imagine most people would enjoy.


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Animal Kingdom




Oddly enough I just ordered Animal Kingdom today and I think I will invest in Following aswell.

On another subject, for the first time in a long time, there are a fair few films I quite fancy seeing in the pictures just now. Coriolanus, J. Edgar and Haywire are the 3 I can think of off the bat but I think there were 2 or 3 others aswell, anybody seen them and can warn me off if they're a lot of p*sh?

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J. Edgar got a panning in The Guardian, but Coriolanus was well received by them.

It would appear that I'm the only one of my peer group that has a desire to go and see Shame :lol: I can't think of a more awkward film to go and see on your own.

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J. Edgar got a panning in The Guardian, but Coriolanus was well received by them.

It would appear that I'm the only one of my peer group that has a desire to go and see Shame :lol: I can't think of a more awkward film to go and see on your own.

It wasn't very well received on Film 2012 either, which is a shame.

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