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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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The Descendants

Of the director's previous that I've seen, I really liked Sideways and Election but I think this is similar to About Schmidt in that it's not too bad but not too great either. I agree with the consensus that Clooney's Oscar nomination is bit bemusing as he's been better in other films and there really isn't anything remarkable here. Still an enjoyable, if downbeat watch though and there isn't much wrong with it.

I can't be alone in thinking that Beau Bridges is almost doing a brother of Jeff Lebowski performance.


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I've been meaning to read it for years. What do you make of Omega man? I know it's also nothing like the book but curious as to what you think. I personally love it.

Watched it in the early 80s when I was a young pup and enjoyed it at the time. That was before I read the book so I had no idea it was based on that novel. On reflection it’s not a bad effort. At least the “infected” are real people and actually talk to Neville. It’s far closer to the premise than Will Smith’s mess.

You just think that film making has moved on in so many aspects that they’d be able to make a better stab nowadays

Will need to grab the Vincent Price effort. Is it on DVD?

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Watched it in the early 80s when I was a young pup and enjoyed it at the time. That was before I read the book so I had no idea it was based on that novel. On reflection it’s not a bad effort. At least the “infected” are real people and actually talk to Neville. It’s far closer to the premise than Will Smith’s mess.

You just think that film making has moved on in so many aspects that they’d be able to make a better stab nowadays

Will need to grab the Vincent Price effort. Is it on DVD?

Yes it is, and also on youtube.

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The Woman in Black

I didn't really enjoy it. The plot was a bit predictable and to be honest, stupid in parts. If I watched it on DVD it wouldn't have been scary at all. Only the usual - and predictable - jumpy bits.

5 out of 10

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Watched a tonne over the last week or so that I've yet to talk about.

Lord of the Rings, trilogy. - Really solid set of films, makes me really excited for the Hobbit to come out, even if it's not until December. I think the films only get stronger as they go on and Return of the King is an absolute classic, even if there's a lot of Frodo and Sam(which I think is a bit shit). The big epic battles at Helm's Deep at the end of the Two Towers and at Minas Tirith during The Return of the King are fantastic. Probably sitting at about an 8/10 ranging from 7-9 in order of the films.

X2 - Brian Cox is fantastic. It's a tough one to say whether this or the first one is better, both have excellent main villains but Cox is great as Stryker. It's just struck me that the female wolverine type that he battles in this is Yuriko/Lady Deathstrike and that's who Wolverine is supposed to fall in love with when he's in Japan(which is the setting for the second Origins film), I wonder if they're gonna ignore X2 or have someone similar play her in that film, when it comes out. Never the less, it's a good film and a solid 6/10

Four Rooms - A cracking wee comedy, Tim Roth is great in it. I wasn't so keen on the first two segments. The third one with Antonio Banderas and the fourth one with Quentin Tarantino and Bruce Willis are amazing though, no surprise to see that they were written and directed by Robert Rodriguez and Quentin Tarantino. I really enjoyed it, it's a bit over the top, but I didn't mind that. 8/10

Swingers - A bit meh tbh. John Favreau looks fucking weird, I think it's the fact that he's not as chubby as he is in Iron Man so I'm not used to seeing him like that but he also looked like a junkie or something. It's an ok film, Vince Vaughan is alright but I'm struggling to see what it was supposed to be, I wasn't laughing that much nor was it a gripping drama. 4/10

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Apparently the Vincent Price film 'The Last Man on Earth' is the most faithful to the book, but is really low budget.

Yeah, I haven't seen it but would give it a try if it was on.

Will need to grab the Vincent Price effort. Is it on DVD?

TLMoE is extremely low budget as you tend to expect from a Vincent Price film, but it's passable.

The Omega Man is by far the best film relating to that book, even if TLMoE is much closer to the tale itself. I Am Legend is definitely worse than the rest!

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I watched Copycat tonight. Another of those movies I haven't seen in years, but somehow I remembered it was brilliant and had to buy it. I love serial killer type movies. Should have a great viewing.

It's good, but not as good as I thought it was. The idea and plot is great, Ms Weaver and Ms Hunter are good as well, but the movie is ruined by the ending.

Still, for £2.50 from Amazon, it's a good buy.


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Pumpkinhead (1988)

I don't where to begin. All I can really say is, what a tremendous film this is! 1980's horror starring Lance Henrikson (Aliens), he's a yokel I would say who as a child saw something odd. A demon of sorts outside his house killing someone. Now that he's grown up he owns a grocery store and has a son who resembles the milky bar kid. One day at the grocery store some teenage city types show up on their scramblers and start dicking about. Ed (Henrikson) has to leave for a few minutes. This is when trouble goes down! His dog runs at the scramblers and his wee son follows. The boy unsurprisingly get cunted by one of the bikes and dies. Ed returns after the teenagers did a runner and finds his son in his cunted state.

The wee boy dies

and Ed is out for revenge. He gets directions to an old witch (named Haggis!) who can help him. She summons this "thing" he saw as a child called Pumpkinhead. Now, pumpkinhead turns out to be some sort of giant alien grey with a tail and sharp teeth and some of the death's he creates in it are extraordinary! Really, everyone should watch this film! The Misfits even wrote a song about it. Called "Pumpkinhead"


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The Grey

Liam Neeson is a hunter employed by an oil company in Alaska to kill wolves around the installations. Following a plane crash a few survivors find themselves tracked by wolves pissed off at their intrusion.

Snow, plod, wolf, plod, snow, plod, wolf......wolf. Think thats the plot covered.

Far from as good as I expected but still a


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Pumpkinhead (1988)

I don't where to begin. All I can really say is, what a tremendous film this is! 1980's horror starring Lance Henrikson (Aliens), he's a yokel I would say who as a child saw something odd. A demon of sorts outside his house killing someone. Now that he's grown up he owns a grocery store and has a son who resembles the milky bar kid. One day at the grocery store some teenage city types show up on their scramblers and start dicking about. Ed (Henrikson) has to leave for a few minutes. This is when trouble goes down! His dog runs at the scramblers and his wee son follows. The boy unsurprisingly get cunted by one of the bikes and dies. Ed returns after the teenagers did a runner and finds his son in his cunted state.

The wee boy dies

and Ed is out for revenge. He gets directions to an old witch (named Haggis!) who can help him. She summons this "thing" he saw as a child called Pumpkinhead. Now, pumpkinhead turns out to be some sort of giant alien grey with a tail and sharp teeth and some of the death's he creates in it are extraordinary! Really, everyone should watch this film! The Misfits even wrote a song about it. Called "Pumpkinhead"


Have you been drinking? :lol: :lol:

The original Pumpkinhead is the worst of the four films in the series... and is about a 3/10 effort at best!

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Have you been drinking? :lol: :lol:

The original Pumpkinhead is the worst of the four films in the series... and is about a 3/10 effort at best!

Here!!! I'm as cunted as last night when I watched it! Are you saying the sequels are better??? f**k up ya c**t! No way can you top that shit. You're too much of a horror nerd! tongue.gif What can you recommend to a 25yr old that swung off the Evil Dead and Brain Dead 10years ago?! I can find f**k all that matches that shit! Even my Bruce Campbell tattoo "Silhouette" has no answers!!!

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Fantastic from start to finish. Paddy Considine's directorial debut and he doesn't dissapoint. Very gritty and pretty grim at times but overall a fantastic movie especially if you like British films in the Shane Meadows mold. I have to mention the fantastic performances from Peter Mullen and Olivia Colman who both were excellent.


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Here!!! I'm as cunted as last night when I watched it! Are you saying the sequels are better??? f**k up ya c**t! No way can you top that shit. You're too much of a horror nerd! tongue.gif What can you recommend to a 25yr old that swung off the Evil Dead and Brain Dead 10years ago?! I can find f**k all that matches that shit! Even my Bruce Campbell tattoo "Silhouette" has no answers!!!

Some comedy horrors you should check out include Dead Snow, Satan's Little Helper, anything by Jim Wynorski and of course the legendary Shark Attack 3 (don't bother with any of the other three).

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The Hunter (2011)

After the relative disappointment of ''The Grey'', I went for anther hunter of canines hired by big corporations, but what a difference! A smart, well crafted. well written, well acted (The Grey at times was shocking, 20 mile hike after a plane crash and some still delivered as if on stage at the Vic) and all round excellant film.

Rumours of there still being a Tazmanian Tiger (they died out in the 1930's in a zoo after being hunted to near extinction) get a military corp to hire a guy (William Defoe) to find and kill it (they would retain DNA copyright wise).

He gets involved with his landladys family. the local loggers hate outsiders etc etc. There are many layers to this unlike The Grey which make it absorbing.

Between the two, watch this. Far more rewarding.


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Aaah Zombies! Also called Wasting Away.

It was ok. The format and the colour change thing it had going was pretty cool. But the ridiculous aspect didn't make it funny IMO.


The Tree of Life

Um, this is really confusing. The actual parts with Brad Pitt and his family were really good but there's so much I don't understand.

What the f**k has Sean Penn got to do with it? What was all the stuff with the dinosaurs all about? What happened with the child that died?

There was also a lot of shots in it that just seemed to be in there just because they looked good, like they were trying to hard.

6/10 - purely because the family stuff was good but the confusion and random time jump let it down.


I like this. Someone was comparing it to The Fighter, not exactly fair considering it's two different sports, and there's a shit tonne of difference other than two brothers and a sports film.

I happen to enjoy MMA more than boxing so naturally I prefer this. It was just really well paced, dialogue was a little bit muffled and hard to hear, turning it up meant that when it jumped to the fighting stuff then it was blaring! Twas good though. Nice seeing Kurt Angle(the Russian MMA fighter in this, real life pro-wrestler and Olympic gold medalist) turn up.


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The Tree of Life

Um, this is really confusing. The actual parts with Brad Pitt and his family were really good but there's so much I don't understand.

What the f**k has Sean Penn got to do with it? What was all the stuff with the dinosaurs all about? What happened with the child that died?

There was also a lot of shots in it that just seemed to be in there just because they looked good, like they were trying to hard.

6/10 - purely because the family stuff was good but the confusion and random time jump let it down.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Almost the exact same as my review a month or 2 ago :P

I think this proves that the film is pretentious, overly artsy and totalyy undeserving of its Palme d'Or win and Oscar nomination

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The Muppets 9/10 - fantastic, had a smile on my face the whole way through.

Rampart 6/10 - Im not sure I understood this which is a shame as I have the feeling it is excellent. Woody Harrelson is Oscar worthy here and puts in a terrific performance. The camera work is also excellent. It only loses points because I dont feel I 'got it'. Keen for others views on this.

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A Time To Kill

Great movie. Couldn't believe I hadn't seen this before. All round great performances from McConaughey, Bullock and Jackson. The beginning was hard to watch and it broke my heart but also gripped me from the offset. Slightly far fetched at points but generally a great movie.


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