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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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I saw Looper today. I need to see it again before I give a review on here because I'm still scratching my head over some bits but time travel does that to you :P

All I can say is that it's a fantastic idea for a film and I did like it - a number of people leaving the cinema said it was shit. It's refreshing to have a fairly original (although there's clearly nods to other films) sci-fi film in a time when we've been bombarded with reboots, sequels, prequels and remakes.

Good performances all round, nothing outstanding but JGL is very good (I'm not really a fan of him). Decent special effects but some annoying camera work.

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The Campaign (2012)

Funny enough movie, the whole thing seemed to be set up around gag jokes. Some parts I was in absolute stitches, other jokes I never foun funny at all. Wouldn't be a first choice with the likes of "looper" and "lawless" in the cinema and cineworld have already cut the number of showings for it, which I think was very harsh! Decent enough comedy to watch.


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The Liquidator (2011)

A film from Kazakhstan but Borat it is not.

A journo with info on Mafia/business stuff is murdered and his brother goes for revenge. More than watchable, only gripe was it was dubbed with yank accents that didn't fit.

7 1/2 / 10

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The Campaign (2012)

Funny enough movie, the whole thing seemed to be set up around gag jokes. Some parts I was in absolute stitches, other jokes I never foun funny at all. Wouldn't be a first choice with the likes of "looper" and "lawless" in the cinema and cineworld have already cut the number of showings for it, which I think was very harsh! Decent enough comedy to watch.


I saw it yesterday and I'd agree. It was decent enough and there was plenty of laughs. It did the same as Ted in that the trailers showed a PG version of the scene, there was probably more but the two scenes where;

Ferrell gets bitten by a snake and shot by Galifianakis

were slightly different in the film, using more mature language etc. I quite like that, it avoids the problem that some comedies can have where the trailer has all the good stuff and the rest of the film suffers from you being too familiar with the funny parts.

Ferrell and Galifianakis were great. The others were pretty good. Aykroyd, Lithgow and Cox having decent wee cameos. The two campaign managers were decent enough as well, did their jobs well and made the two main characters look good which is what they should be doing.

I also enjoyed a few of the running jokes in the film;

Cam Brady '0-12, Huggins not being able to open doors and the campaign manager(for Huggins first then Brady) appearing from out of nowhere. Oh, and Brady punching babies and dogs.

I'd go with a 7.5/10, it's good and funny and unless I'm forgetting any of his films then I'd say it's Ferrell's 4th funniest film behind Anchorman, Old School and The Other Guys. On a par with the likes of Semi Pro and Blades of Glory.

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I thought Dylan McDermott was terrific. Favourite scene had to be...

Him sitting in the kitchen eating cheerios while the argument between the Huggins' was going on.

It's a 7/10 for me, for the record.

Aye, couldn't remember his name, he was good but not as good (as you'd expect) as Ferrell or Galifianakis. He was better than Jason Sudeikis though.

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Inception- just watched this for the first time and never has the term "it insists upon itself" been so apt. The film thinks it is a lot smarter than it actually is. Very overrated, on first viewing anyway. It looks nice but apart from that I was bored and had to try hard not to switch it off.

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I'd go with a 7.5/10, it's good and funny and unless I'm forgetting any of his films then I'd say it's Ferrell's 4th funniest film behind Anchorman, Old School and The Other Guys. On a par with the likes of Semi Pro and Blades of Glory.

Better than Talladega?

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Four Assassins (2012)

Set in Hong Kong, it is a slow paced dialogue driven film about 4 hitmen in an hotel room where 1 has screwed up on a hit and the others are waiting to off him. Three of them have a history and that drives the film.

Miguel Ferrer hasn't aged in 30 years and is always watchable.

Could've been faster paced but I quite enjoyed it


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The Campaign

I thought this was really poor. A few moments that were chuckle worthy but it was painful for the most part, which is a shame because the film had a wealth of talent (Ferrell, Aykroyd and Cox, alongside people who are highly rated in US comedy: Sudeikis and Galifianakis).

I'm beginning to get bored with Will Ferrell now. I do like some of his films but recently most of them have been almost identical: Ferrell puts on a voice and occasionally shouts, doing an impression of Ron Burgundy. I liked it but now it's beginning to grate, particularly when he showed there's more to him than that in Stranger Than Fiction.

I'm not someone who thinks all humour should be high-brow, I like some crass toilet humour so it's not as if this isn't my cup of tea. I like Jay Roach he's directed some good comedies.

With an election coming up it was a brilliant opportunity for some really good satire - Ferrell's done it before - but it was well wide of the mark. The funny moments were when there was some really criticism of the US political culture, but when it moved away from that and resorted to some fairly unfunny stuff from that it wasn't very good.

Good points: Dylan McDermott was good. Zach Galifianakis was better than expected. The jokes about US politics (which is what the film is about) were good.

Bad points: Will Ferrell wasn't good. A waste of good talent. Most of the "other" jokes were pretty poor. A complete disappointment.


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It surely can't be any worse than the painfully unfunny "The other guys" though.

I've not seen it. I did see The Land Of The Lost and it's better than that, although that is damning with faint praise.

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The Campaign

With an election coming up it was a brilliant opportunity for some really good satire - Ferrell's done it before - but it was well wide of the mark. The funny moments were when there was some really criticism of the US political culture, but when it moved away from that and resorted to some fairly unfunny stuff from that it wasn't very good.

I didn't mind that they didn't take too many shots at actual politics, it could've made it a better film but also could descend into petty point scoring, depending on which side gets more of the hits. And probably claims that it's propaganda and shit like that.

It surely can't be any worse than the painfully unfunny "The other guys" though.

Yeah, don't go near it. It's basically Will ferrell and Wahlberg shouting every single word of the script at each other. I think I smiled once during the whole film and I can't even remember why.

Nonsense, The Other Guys is great.

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I hate Will Ferrell and that whole kind of comedy. Not my cup of tea at all. I won't be going to see the campaign as I know I won't like it. I appear to be in minority that thought Anchorman was a pile of crap and not funny. I think the only Ferrell film I like is Old School and that's mainly the other characters.

But there is clearly a market for this kind of humour so each to their own

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Schindlers List - 7/10.

Very good film but just a tad lengthy (3 hours 15 minutes :lol:). I really enjoyed it but I didn't think it was as good as everyone had made out before I watched it. Very hard hitting stuff but not a lot of it was gripping if that makes sense.

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I didn't mind that they didn't take too many shots at actual politics, it could've made it a better film but also could descend into petty point scoring, depending on which side gets more of the hits. And probably claims that it's propaganda and shit like that.

They could easily take stabs at both sides (and to their credit they did). Anyway, they pretty much nailed their colours to the mast early on regarding people calling them out for "propaganda".

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