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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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The Campaign

I'm beginning to get bored with Will Ferrell now. I do like some of his films but recently most of them have been almost identical


I accually have to agree here, I think he hasn't had a truly good film in quite a while, it could be he changed his style of comedy or I am just bored of him now. As chuffed as I am about a Anchor man 2, i worry he is simply trying to cash in on his best role. I will gladly be proved wrong tho.

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Moonrise Kingdom

I'm a big Wes Anderson fan but can't help but feel let down by this. It starts off great and has some genuinely funny moments, but it didn't half drag for me in parts and by the end I couldn't wait for it to finish. Anderson clearly has an eye for the quirky but sometimes I wouldn't mind him just reigning it in a tad. 5.5/10

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Moonrise Kingdom

I'm a big Wes Anderson fan but can't help but feel let down by this. It starts off great and has some genuinely funny moments, but it didn't half drag for me in parts and by the end I couldn't wait for it to finish. Anderson clearly has an eye for the quirky but sometimes I wouldn't mind him just reigning it in a tad. 5.5/10

:o Couldn't disagree more - thought it was brilliant and is in contention for being my film of the year. Really looking forward to seeing it for the second time

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I saw it yesterday and I'd agree. It was decent enough and there was plenty of laughs. It did the same as Ted in that the trailers showed a PG version of the scene, there was probably more but the two scenes where;

Ferrell gets bitten by a snake and shot by Galifianakis

were slightly different in the film, using more mature language etc. I quite like that, it avoids the problem that some comedies can have where the trailer has all the good stuff and the rest of the film suffers from you being too familiar with the funny parts.

Ferrell and Galifianakis were great. The others were pretty good. Aykroyd, Lithgow and Cox having decent wee cameos. The two campaign managers were decent enough as well, did their jobs well and made the two main characters look good which is what they should be doing.

I also enjoyed a few of the running jokes in the film;

Cam Brady '0-12, Huggins not being able to open doors and the campaign manager(for Huggins first then Brady) appearing from out of nowhere. Oh, and Brady punching babies and dogs.

I'd go with a 7.5/10, it's good and funny and unless I'm forgetting any of his films then I'd say it's Ferrell's 4th funniest film behind Anchorman, Old School and The Other Guys. On a par with the likes of Semi Pro and Blades of Glory.

Good summation, and I largely agree. Laugh-out-loud funny to a mixture of comedic tastes, with a great screenplay (some nice outrageous lines and exclamations which are food to Will Ferrell) and some cracking comedy acting all round. Falls a bit short of the best big comedies of the 21st century and probably plays to its natural strengths a little too much, eventually and inevitably going slightly over the top for my liking.

But I liked the film. See it, just don't take it seriously.


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:o Couldn't disagree more - thought it was brilliant and is in contention for being my film of the year. Really looking forward to seeing it for the second time

Fair enough, I can see why some people would love it and it is great to look at. I just couldn't take to any of the characters and so it didn't matter to me what happened to them, plus this whole dysfunctional family thing is starting to wear a bit thin.

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Dredd (3D)

Good story (I've not seen The Raid: Redemption but they shouldn't be compared) and although I've not read the comics I do find Judge Dredd an interesting character. And Olivia Thirlby (rookie Judge Anderson) is hot :wub:

The special effects look good and some of the action is quite good. The Judge costumes look good. It's a decent action film - no outstanding performances but no poor performances - with some surprisingly funny deadpan moments. Karl Urban's voice is a mix of Clint Eastwood and Christian Bale's Batman (I'll just throw in that Urban and Thirlby had good chemistry between each other and they worked well). It's entertaining fun and it doesn't take itself too seriously: it knows what it is.

The only thing I didn't really enjoy was the 3D. It grated and didn't work as well as I expected. Sure the film looks great but I really didn't like the "Slo-Mo" scenes mainly because the 3D became really noticeable.

Edit: I fucking knew that was Avon Barksdale. I owe myself one coconut/cigar.

I'm torn between giving it a 6.5 or 7. I'll guess I'll opt for the latter.


Edited by yoda
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Just back from watching Looper and I'm still confused about what I just saw.

I will come back and rate it when I get my head round what just happened.

Saw it last night as well and the storyline was alot different from what I thought it would be. Did like what they tried to do with it

I would probably give it a 7.5/8, think most folks wont like it as there isnt alot of special effects with it

With regards to the bits your confused at i saw it like this

When he meets himself and the 2nd reply of it when he kills his older self thats to show what happened to the John character who lived his life to become old man living in China who then goes back to alter the past to try and stop the boy who would later become the rainmake (terminator esk). The first one you see is supposed to represent the change in the timeline when Bruce Willis escapes to try and pursuit the child. I liked the 2 sides of it with both characters fighting for their own futures and current lives

How freaky was that kid? Kinda reminded me of Firestarter (Drew Barrymore) a little with a kid having that kind of power

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The Usual Suspects - 7.5/10.

First time seeing this, I had put off watching it as I had heard pretty much all the main points for it so didnt bother. Firstly it wasn't "unbelievable" as most folk put it but it was very good, I reckon me knowing all the best bits about it beforehand could've possibly hindered my enjoyment somewhat but no matter as I still quite enjoyed it.

Kevin Spacey was as you would expect, top notch in this (dunno about Oscar worthy but very, very good) Benicio Del Toro was brilliant also and actually hilarious in the role.

Oh and I know I already knew the twist beforehand but I twigged very early on. At the start we see the line of fire being stopped by something and I wondered what it was as it was really thick and then ye seen someone pissing on it and I thought 'that was his piss? thats either boggin or shit effects' and then Kevin Spacey mentioned that when he gets dehydrated his piss gets thick and gooey. Games a-bogey.

I do have loads of questions with regards to the film now though.

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The Usual Suspects - 7.5/10.

First time seeing this, I had put off watching it as I had heard pretty much all the main points for it so didnt bother. Firstly it wasn't "unbelievable" as most folk put it but it was very good, I reckon me knowing all the best bits about it beforehand could've possibly hindered my enjoyment somewhat but no matter as I still quite enjoyed it.

Kevin Spacey was as you would expect, top notch in this (dunno about Oscar worthy but very, very good) Benicio Del Toro was brilliant also and actually hilarious in the role.

Oh and I know I already knew the twist beforehand but I twigged very early on. At the start we see the line of fire being stopped by something and I wondered what it was as it was really thick and then ye seen someone pissing on it and I thought 'that was his piss? thats either boggin or shit effects' and then Kevin Spacey mentioned that when he gets dehydrated his piss gets thick and gooey. Games a-bogey.

I do have loads of questions with regards to the film now though.

Great film not watched it in ages tho. The Del Toro's banter with the other actors especially Baldwin is great

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Howl's Moving Castle.

I was staying with friends on Monday. I woke up earlier than they did and was rooting through their DVD box and came across this. I have been meaning to watch a Studio Ghibli film for a long time. I have been trying to get into anime for a while. I was actually a bit apprehensive and wasn't actually expecting much. Safe to say the film was excellent. Beautiful and moving. I'll give it a safe 8.5/10 I watched it Japanese (with subtitles) rather than the dub. Oh and the music was great too. ^^

I have now ordered Castle in the Sky, Grave of Fireflies and Only Yesterday. Has anybody here seen Only Yesterday per chance? I'm going to start watching Miyazaki's TV series Future Boy Conan tonight.

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Howl's Moving Castle.

I was staying with friends on Monday. I woke up earlier than they did and was rooting through their DVD box and came across this. I have been meaning to watch a Studio Ghibli film for a long time. I have been trying to get into anime for a while. I was actually a bit apprehensive and wasn't actually expecting much. Safe to say the film was excellent. Beautiful and moving. I'll give it a safe 8.5/10 I watched it Japanese (with subtitles) rather than the dub. Oh and the music was great too. ^^

I have now ordered Castle in the Sky, Grave of Fireflies and Only Yesterday. Has anybody here seen Only Yesterday per chance? I'm going to start watching Miyazaki's TV series Future Boy Conan tonight.

Been watching D Gray man on netflix and its a pretty good show

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The Perks of Being A Wallflower

Very good and loads better than I thought it would be. The sort of film everyone will take something different from it and its quite a thought provoking and moving film for some I would think and is quite funny as well. It took me ten minutes after the film had finished for it to finally click what had happened, and if you aren't paying attention near the end or miss a couple of sentences then you will think the film is about something totally different to what it is.


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The Perks of Being A Wallflower

Very good and loads better than I thought it would be. The sort of film everyone will take something different from it and its quite a thought provoking and moving film for some I would think and is quite funny as well. It took me ten minutes after the film had finished for it to finally click what had happened, and if you aren't paying attention near the end or miss a couple of sentences then you will think the film is about something totally different to what it is.


I seen it last night and I totally agree, it was fantastic, much better than I thought it would be. Logan Lerman is absolutely brilliant and it has Emma Watson in it. It is about 8 points better than I thought it would be


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I seen it last night and I totally agree, it was fantastic, much better than I thought it would be. Logan Lerman is absolutely brilliant and it has Emma Watson in it. It is about 8 points better than I thought it would be


At what point did you realise his auntie had abused him? It was only after the film that it clicked for me - there was a line which was "one of the hardest days was my parents finding out what my aunt had done to me" and I think if you miss this line, I can see alot of people leaving the film not knowing that was what it was all about and thinking he was still cut up about her being dead, if that makes sense

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At what point did you realise his auntie had abused him? It was only after the film that it clicked for me - there was a line which was "one of the hardest days was my parents finding out what my aunt had done to me" and I think if you miss this line, I can see alot of people leaving the film not knowing that was what it was all about and thinking he was still cut up about her being dead, if that makes sense

I thought it dead early on, then I thought, nah that'd be ridiculous. Then the end confirmed it, I liked how you weren't particularly sure the whole way through.

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